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Delivery & Labor
Delivery & Labor

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: D&L (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Pentax *ist DS
Lens: Pentax DA 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 AF
Location: Baltic American Clinic, Vilnius, Lithuania
Date: Aug 22, 2005
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/40sec
Galleries: Family, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Aug 27, 2005

Birth of my son by C-section August 22nd, 2005. Levels adjustment, slight contrast adjustment, and cloned out a bright blood spot on the white blanket he is laying on. In this picture the nurse is actually cutting the cord. He'd been out of Mommy less than 5 minutes.

Place: 73 out of 200
Avg (all users): 5.7842
Avg (commenters): 6.7368
Avg (participants): 5.6261
Avg (non-participants): 5.9286
Views since voting: 1029
Views during voting: 385
Votes: 241
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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09/11/2005 03:50:01 AM
*** C R I T I Q U E C L U B C O M M E N T ***

Sheesh, I managed to lose my critique when I PM'd you...


I remember this image well from the voting. I liekd it then and I liek it now. It operates, of course, under a different set of "rules" than the typical DPC entry, being more documentary than aesthetic in nature. As far as the task you assigned yourself ΓΆ€” to document your son's emergence into the world ΓΆ€” you have done very well here. The colors seem true (not easy in that lighting), the focus is crisp and clear, and the composition is workmanlike if not spectatcular. Particulalrly pleasing to me is the inclusion of your wife's head (I assume that's her) in the BG.

Had you had the opportunity to be a hair more selective in composing/orchestrating the scene, I'd have liekd to see the forearm/elbow jutting from the nurse's head eliminated, as a mildly distracting element. The bright area upper left might profitably be toned down. You can accomplish this easily in photoshop by roughly selecting the upper left corner as far as the white mask but not including it, then using selective color in the white channel to throw some yellow into that area, giving it a tonality in keeping with the wall. Finally, you might consider slightly dodging the nurse's left arm to bring a little more visual interplay into that area of the image; it could be a stronger compositional element.

Nice job. I'd expected it to score in the 6 range myself.
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09/05/2005 02:54:55 PM
Congratulations to the birth of your son :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/04/2005 09:24:26 PM
how nice to see a newborn without any electrodes or tubes hooked up to it, well done
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09/04/2005 01:02:09 AM
A big 10 to start this new life - good luck!
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09/03/2005 11:19:23 AM
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09/02/2005 03:41:37 PM
What timing for the challenge! (Congratulations? or do you work there?).

Nice shot. Natural light (no flash shadows), so you must've turned up the ISO. Don't see any grain issues though.
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08/31/2005 09:12:50 PM
Yes it is.....Congrats if its yours! Cool entry.
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08/31/2005 05:56:45 PM
but the title does not match the picture. The delivery and labor are over.
08/31/2005 09:41:51 AM
A very precious moment well captured. I might have cropped a bit more off the right hand side, but a good shot.
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08/30/2005 10:33:23 PM
Sometimes, showing less tells more. Zooming in on the baby and showing nothing more than him/her and the doctor's hands would have been a clean and simple yet very effective and story-telling composition, in my opinion.
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08/30/2005 09:14:37 PM
this is a great idea..what seems off to me is the guy on the gurney in the back ; )
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08/30/2005 08:25:43 PM
Great capture. Great focus. Good luck.
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08/30/2005 02:02:58 PM
good job~! i hope you didn't break into the delevery room to get it~!
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08/30/2005 01:36:04 PM
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08/29/2005 10:29:34 PM
What an opportinuty.....nice shot
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08/29/2005 06:55:27 PM
Possibly the best choice of subjects for the challenge. Great photojournalism as well. A top shot.
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08/29/2005 06:33:49 PM
PRO: Great Idea!
CON: A bit boring color treatment, would be better with more contrast
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08/29/2005 12:26:10 PM
Awesome timing, and a great shot!
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08/29/2005 09:30:46 AM
Great idea but you don't get to see delivery...probably wouldn't make a very good pic for DPC anyways...
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08/29/2005 04:50:06 AM
nice titel i really like it, to the point
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08/29/2005 01:21:41 AM
GREAT TITLE. The photo has a snapshot approach, but that is one adorable baby!!!!!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/29/2005 12:29:43 AM
Outstanding and wonderful!! 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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