Author | Thread |
10/11/2007 09:55:33 PM |
amazingly emotional and awesome image
god bless her & you
thank you so much for sharing this moment!
~Anni |
10/11/2007 09:42:31 PM |
easily one of the top five most potent pics on the site as far as emotion is concerned. |
11/11/2006 12:22:26 AM |
Deeply touching. With many best wishes. ~jnconradie |
11/10/2006 01:29:49 PM |
This moves me to tears. I almost want to weep. My family has been in a similar situation and this picture evokes such deep emotions. WOW!
Well done! |
12/27/2005 02:04:04 PM |
Wow David. Just browsing and ran across this photo. So much emotion is coming out of me as I look at this shot. I know exactly what is going on here as I have been there myself. She looks so much like my mother lying there in her last days that I can barely keep my composure. I am so sorry for you David and you will be in my prayers. |
12/13/2005 09:32:17 AM |
You asked for response to your photo and a little help in getting through the holiday season. I printed out your photo and have looked at it every day waiting for the right words to come to me. I had a title for my poem from the first time I saw your image and request. The poem is written. I hope you find something in it that will be of comfort to you.
This Is Not How I Remember You
I remember how you made me toast and jam,
How you held my hand steady in yours
And taught me to spread it to the edges.
How together we poured a drink of milk
From the glass bottle with the paper cap,
Your hand, stronger than mine.
I remember how you dressed me in red,
Pulling the wool mittens over my fingers,
Snugging the knit cap over my ears
And kissed my forehead by the door.
I swore I'd remove them before I got to school.
I remember I forgot to take them off.
I remember the expectation in your eyes
As I pulled the ribbon off the gift,
Your hope, even though you'd wrapped it yourself.
Your hands warmly grasping my shoulders from behind,
A Gentle power willing me to be sucessful,
Never purshing, only holding me against retreat.
I remember everything, the tucking ins,
the shouting outs, and chores.
Your choices and mine in disagreement,
Leaving you for friends and school,
the summer swimming pool and jobs.
How we diverged and came together.
I remember when you called and told me
You could not hold me back from what I did not want
To hear, from what you did not want to say.
Staying distant from the news of old names
Settling into that comfortable chair you gave me,
My first apartment, a retreat from growing older.
I remember holidays and visits, coming home
Hoping you'd like my friends and accept
The gifts we brought, the way we dressed,
The things we had to say, the leaving and
The promises we made to stay
In touch over years and miles.
You will not remember all the prayers you taught me,
How often I have said them in your name,
The cups of coffee sipped in waiting,
The quiet solitude of a chair in a busy room
As nurses come and go and murmur wishes,
The light outside the window on an otherwise fine day.
This is not how I remember you.
Our dance, a struggle to hold on
Through the pain, expectation in my eyes,
My hands firm upon your shoulders,
Not pushing, not holding on, trying
To be steady, spreading our lives to the edges.
Blessings to you and yours,
--Kadi |
12/07/2005 01:00:53 PM |
5.8? this the essence of photography. it screams emotion, has a message, and is technically sound. wheres the 10s?
lack of vision from the voters, of which I was not one.
12/07/2005 11:26:25 AM |
David, this year I took care of my grandmother at home who died of liver cancer. It was a 6 month struggle for sanity. I feel this image very strongly. Would have definitely gotten a 10 for me. it's photojournalism at it's best. Great image. |
12/05/2005 10:16:17 AM |
God rest her. Very touching work. |
09/05/2005 01:13:45 PM |
I define art as something that inspires or moves people emotionaly. I don't think this photo does anything but inspires and moves me. great job, thank you so much for sharing this time in your life, a great story is told in this image. great job |
09/05/2005 03:16:40 AM |
Simply amazing stuff, there's such raw emotion of love and sadness all in the same picture. |
09/05/2005 02:06:29 AM |
Very fine work, and a touching story. Thanks for sharing. |
09/05/2005 02:03:59 AM |
How wonderful for you all that your mum was able to spend her last days surrounded by the love of her family. I'm sorry to hear about her loss, she is painfree and at peace now.
sue |
09/05/2005 01:51:11 AM |
bless you and your wife for bringing comfort to your mother. I just saw this for the first time and it breaks my heart that she is ill but at the same time I'm happy that some people return that which was given to them.
Message edited by author 2005-09-05 01:51:43. |
09/05/2005 01:45:18 AM |
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is a great image that will remain with you forever...but with it you will have wonderful memories of time with your mum.
Judi |
09/05/2005 01:20:49 AM |
My prayers are with you and your family. Again I will say this is a powerful and moving immage. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/04/2005 11:22:09 PM |
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09/04/2005 09:02:44 PM |
Wow, this looks real, but I sure hope it isn't..very emotional and effective image. |
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09/04/2005 07:34:33 PM |
This made an impression on me when I first saw it and I must say that I'm not quite sure what to make of it. It sort of looks staged and part of me is really hoping that it is and, if so, you know some great actors. I am trying to process the idea that it is not staged and cannot imagine the where with all that you had to summon up to be able to take this at that moment and still get a very good image out it. Questions abound so no matter the circumstances, it really does work for me. |
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09/04/2005 12:41:44 AM |
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09/03/2005 11:23:27 AM |
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09/02/2005 07:57:43 PM |
incredibly touching image. |
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09/02/2005 07:49:50 PM |
Wow! Wonderful emotion. The crop gives it a very realistic look as well - although perhaps not the best looking crop.
Photographer found comment helpful. |
09/02/2005 05:53:11 PM |
i'm not sure this is entirely appropriate for this site. striking image, though. |
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09/02/2005 12:31:55 PM |
Very dramatic photo. Good use of color. Great clarity. Good lighting. |
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09/02/2005 12:03:17 AM |
Beautiful expressions, but the shot does not do justice. Should have been taken with a long lens from further away and cropped more. |
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09/01/2005 10:38:09 PM |
wow. one of the more dramatic photos we will see. It would be improved if the man's face was more in focus. |
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09/01/2005 06:27:13 PM |
I was looking through the photos to vote. I told myself I would vote for the one that made me say "Wow!" This one made me want to cry. Congrats. Great photograph.
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09/01/2005 05:47:07 PM |
The power of the image overwhelms any technical difficulties. 7 |
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09/01/2005 09:50:42 AM |
I couldnt stop looking at this photo. Not for the technical qualities but it is so very moving. 8 |
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08/31/2005 11:36:36 PM |
This is another tough image for me. The quality of the shot is excellent. It looks very personal, and scary to me, Having a tough time tieing the image to the title and challenge.............bump 5 |
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08/31/2005 09:52:37 PM |
A very emotional photo which conveys a story without needing a title. Very moving. |
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08/31/2005 07:33:27 PM |
sad and frankly not necessary. a disturbing image doesn't and usually almost never makes a good one. for what is it trying to achieve? to bring awareness to death? love? I can think of better and more tasteful ways of depicting it. |
08/31/2005 11:02:30 AM |
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08/30/2005 11:49:43 PM |
A true poignant photograph causes you to take pause. This certainly does that. |
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08/30/2005 06:46:01 PM |
This image is extremely moving and very powerful. |
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08/30/2005 06:21:32 PM |
OMG. I this was a setup picture and they didn't take it too seriously. I think some added contrast or black and white would add some impact. The color seems a bit flat for such a moving image. |
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08/30/2005 04:22:12 PM |
Very intense... great shot. |
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08/30/2005 12:45:41 PM |
A touching image beyond words...this has hit me right in the heart...I am overwhelmed with emotion...a perfect candid, but so much more have captured something painful yet endearing at the same time. You have captured that "bond".
This is one of those images that will haunt me for quite some time...thank you for sharing this with us.
This is my top pick...hands down. |
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08/30/2005 12:38:36 PM |
Whoa! Is this staged or real? Beautiful shot! |
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08/30/2005 12:21:49 PM |
nice i dea, i really like it, amazing |
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08/30/2005 08:59:21 AM |
This is truly a sad photo. The detail and clarity overall is well done. From an artistic stand point, the checked sheets and crocheted pillow is distracting. This would be a perfect study in black and white and might even have more impact that way. |
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08/30/2005 08:57:31 AM |
wow, not sure what's happening here, but lots of emotion felt on my end |
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08/30/2005 04:28:11 AM |
Very raw and emotive subject. Ignoring that aspect and just concentrating on the image can I make three suggestions? Firstly, have you thought about cropping just left of his elbow? I think it would make the embrace much more of the structure of the composition. Secondly, the blue gown is very dominant in the picture: how about a B/W conversion? Thirdly, I think a judicious use of sharpening would add a further punch. Good work..... |
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08/30/2005 02:19:51 AM |
This strikes me as a little morbid, and the photo itself more photojournalistic than I generally like for challenge entries. The misplaced focal point wouldn't have worked against you so much if the pillow weren't so detailed. Since this was an advanced editing challenge you might have been better off testing the "major elements" clause in the rules by cloning out the pillow to match the wall. |
08/30/2005 12:01:33 AM |
Very Dramatic, moving shot, wonderful emotion captured. |
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08/29/2005 09:57:18 PM |
What a capture of emotion....truly a winner. |
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08/29/2005 09:53:59 PM |
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08/29/2005 09:00:30 PM |
Very emotional... Wish I could give 11.. |
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08/29/2005 07:03:45 PM |
i feel uncomfortable looking at this. good work. |
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08/29/2005 06:40:40 PM |
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08/29/2005 06:35:25 PM |
I hope she was just acting for you. nice emotional shot. |
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08/29/2005 06:11:43 PM |
unexpected and hard to look at. |
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08/29/2005 03:47:51 PM |
That's soo dramatic! Wonderful shot. |
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08/29/2005 02:34:13 PM |
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08/29/2005 01:08:41 PM |
Beautifully done! Full of emotion, and technically solid. Only change I'd make is to crop a little of the left. 9 |
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08/29/2005 12:47:55 PM |
I certainly hope this was a set-up. It sure looks real though. Black&White would have made this even more intense. |
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08/29/2005 11:45:30 AM |
Very moving photo - so sad. |
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08/29/2005 10:32:19 AM |
Moving - Talk about envoking feeling. Thank you for the image |
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08/29/2005 01:12:48 AM |
powerful immage - like I was there - 8 |
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08/29/2005 12:34:55 AM |
So emotional. You captured a precious moment in time and in their lives.
Priceless. |
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