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Doing Lines
Doing Lines

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: D&L (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S7000
Location: Apartment.
Date: Aug 28, 2005
Aperture: F8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Black and White, Photojournalism
Date Uploaded: Aug 28, 2005

For the record, that's crushed up TUMS in the photo.

Don't want the DEA busting down my door for heartburn medicine.

Place: 161 out of 200
Avg (all users): 4.9723
Avg (commenters): 6.3333
Avg (participants): 4.6803
Avg (non-participants): 5.2443
Views since voting: 996
Views during voting: 392
Votes: 253
Comments: 20
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/11/2005 01:16:41 AM
by karmat

The tonal range on this is awesome. It is a good deep black, and a stark white without being too contrasty or overblown. The exposure is good in that the details are still visible, and the shallow depth of field makes it possible to understand the subject without being too cluttered or confused. The leading lines are effective at taking the eyes "through" the picture. Also, the skewed perspective is effective in helping to show the "speed" of the shot.

Technically, not a lot to improve, so why didn't it break 5?

I imagine you could blame prudes and stuff, but that won't get us anywhere. I find that effective photography arouses some emotion in us -- whether good or bad, and this shot is one that would do it. As a non-drug user, it doesn't appeal to me, subject-wise, even though it is a well-done shot. I suspect there are others like me. (BTW, I didn't vote in this challenge). On the other extreme would be people who really like the "shock" value of it, and the fact htat it goes against conventional "wisdom." For this picture, in this challenge, people have two ways to express their opinion of the picture -- a score and a comment. I think the score is telling you that the subject matter is more effective at sparking an emotion than the obviously well done technical side of it.

Hope this helps a little.

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09/05/2005 05:00:53 AM
perfect angle!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/03/2005 08:34:07 AM
Well composed. A dark subject. I sure hope that is baby powder.
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09/01/2005 09:17:35 PM
Just say NO!

Good job!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/31/2005 11:12:32 PM
First the photo; great composition, good use of DOF, . Now the subject manner; I seen to many people waste away over drugs, I'm realist, I know we can't close our eyes to things we don't like, but........I gave you a 1 first time out, can't remember the last time a gave less than a 4. bump to a 4.........sorry, personal reasons are clouding my judgement on this shot.......ace
08/31/2005 07:26:54 PM
i don't get it.
08/31/2005 11:32:02 AM
08/31/2005 08:20:59 AM
This works so well as a black and white and gives a good graphic / magazine feel to it. Well done.
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08/30/2005 10:59:18 PM
gee .. i hope there are no coke addicts.. who have taken up photography as part of rehab.....I still give it an 8 for total shock value-- I am no prude -- i just wasn't expecting it.
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08/30/2005 08:34:54 PM
Nice focus, bad subject.8
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08/30/2005 05:08:33 PM
impressive shot, for a very strong theme. I loved the lack of shadows; here almost everything is just white or black.
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08/30/2005 12:09:55 AM
Excellently executed photo. Wonderful perspective and contrast. Wait... Is that the Feds I hear knocking at your door? 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/29/2005 07:08:45 PM
Rock on buddy Where is the gun in this composition? ;-)
08/29/2005 06:56:51 PM
great shot. love the angle, tilt, contrast, b+w
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08/29/2005 06:41:20 PM
I do not think it is proper to glorify or promote drug use, even in art. You can but I can not give it a high vote. Sorry.
08/29/2005 03:08:30 PM
I commented last night that a better title to this photo would be "Duh Loser" and I say that to the subject in the photo and not the photographer since this is a place to coment on the photograph. It even says above where I am commenting "Comment on this photograph" and not "Coment on this Photographer" I have gott'n some feedback on my coment and now I am explaining myself. I used to be the subject of this photo (big time) and I was a Duh Loser please do not get offended to my coment unless you are a Duh Loser. Oh by the great exposure and B&W conversion.
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08/29/2005 01:03:03 PM
Good use of perspective to emphasize the lines.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/29/2005 03:58:05 AM
The challenge states D&L so 'Drug Lines' is technically wrong.. Drugs and Lines would be better. That aside, this is a great shot, and should do very well. Good work and good interpretation of the challenge (IMO)
08/29/2005 12:35:24 AM
I love the titles people are coming up with. Good shot. Very graphic and detailed. I like the perspective you used. Almost has a photojournalistic sense to it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/29/2005 12:15:23 AM

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