Hello, and greetings from the Critique Club. I am your critiquer, Artyste, so let us get started.
Initial Thoughts
Interesting, but a little bland.
Composition / Content
I think what we have here is a little bit of a mis-match between your perspective, and your DOF. What I mean is that the DOF seems to fall off to quickly as related to the angle of view you have on the shot. In my opinion, you are too far above the shoes. Had you come down by about half a foot or so, and given the vanishing point of the background more distance, the DOF would probably have been more natural, and not so "forced". Not sure if I'm explaining it well enough, but that's my feeling on it. Also, the green shoes don't have a strong enough tie in to the runners, and that can really put voters off as well. Any percieved "superfluous" element can normally be a negative, and should be carefully considered. This ties in with the carpet as well, which is a little distracting.
As I already said, having the perspective and vanishing point be lower in the photo, and thus giving more view of the background, might have been a stronger element. As it is, it's good, the DOF fall-off *is* nice, it just seems a little too strong for your perspective, as, again, I've said.
Camera Work / Technical
Some great camera work here, you've metered the scene extremely well. Has a very nice soft light look, and focus is sharp where it needs to be.
Digital Processing
Whether it was in-camera or not, I really like how you've got detail in your shadows, and how you've lit the black shoes, yet kept the rest of the scene inviting without over-exposing horribly. Some fine technical work. Using auto (for curves, contrast, color, levels), is something I always tend to try first myself.. sometimes it just does the right job. This is one of those times.
Fits the Challenge
No arguement that it doesn't fit the challenge.
My Opinion of the Photo
I really like this, and would have scored it pretty high, but here's my take on why it scored low: The clutter of the carpet, mixed with the perspective/DOF issue I mentioned has combined to add a "snapshot" element to this photo that DPC voters tend to pick up on quite quickly. It also doesn't have that immediate *snap* that higher scoring photos do. Having that more dynamic perspective, against a clean floor, and a better choice of secondary shoe (perhaps ballet slippers, sticking with the "sports/performance" theme), would have really increased this photo's natural 'wow' factor. As it is, it's a really good technical achievement, but lacks a few key artistic factors. A great try, and I hope you aren't too discouraged by the score. Keep it up, and good luck in future challenges.
I really like this shot. I don't agree with some commentors about the slippers needing to be more in focus...Maybe I'd have tried to get the black shoes all the way in focus while leaving the rest blurred though. Anyhow great shot and fits the challenge.
i really wish the green shoes and the rest of the background were in focus. the bright color and blurriness of it is really distracting and kind of hard to look at.
I had no idea 9 was a lucky number :P. It's a nice picture, but I don't care for this photo very much, and I think I would'v like it if both black shoes were more in focus. The colors are nice though, and it has some depth.