Greetings from the Critique Club! :)
I will attempt to critique your image on four basic areas. Keep in mind I'm not a trained professional. ;)
1. Composition: Extremely well-composed image. Very strong subject and great leading lines. Well done.
2. Technical Details: The focus is good, your choice of aperture, ISO, and shutter speed work well together. The contrast (not just related to the challenge) is a bit subdued in the central portion of the image, partly because of the sheer depth of the shot I'm sure.
3. Aesthetics: Very lovely to view, and I'm sure that most DPCers will agree that challenge notwithstanding, it's a great shot.
4. Relationship to Challenge: Because of the muddied tonal range in the middle and upper parts of the shot, I'm afraid that the relationship to the challenge was weakened for some voters. That said, you still scored above average, which means that many were able to put that aside and vote on the other outstanding qualities of this image.
Overall, your image has some strong points and some points in which improvements can be made. Keep shooting and submitting and I look forward to your next entry!
Laurie :) |