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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: High Contrast (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Location: Svarvadardal, Iceland
Date: Sep 4, 2005
Aperture: 5,6
ISO: 250
Shutter: 200
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Sep 4, 2005


Place: 248 out of 343
Avg (all users): 5.0714
Avg (commenters): 6.4000
Avg (participants): 4.9315
Avg (non-participants): 5.2935
Views since voting: 729
Views during voting: 378
Votes: 238
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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10/22/2005 04:52:42 PM
There is always at least one in the family. :)
09/17/2005 10:29:14 PM
Hi from the Critique Club!

This is a creative take on the challenge! Speaking as the black sheep of my own family I can really empathise with this poor little guy.

The image has many layers of interest moving from front to back:
First the black sheep itself - you can almost feel that wool! His legs up in the air could be interpreted as an act of surrender or hopelessness.
Then we have the farmer, expertly handling the poor sheep. The physical exertion of lifting is shown to us by the redness of his face when compared to the paleness of his hands, adding another area of high contrast.
Next we have the white sheep who seem to blend into one, which protects the individual sheep from being picked on - unlike the poor black one.
Then there is the layer of people in the background that gives us a sense of the place and culture.
Finally, we have the mountain as the back-drop to the whole scene.

The viewer's eye is led into the picture by the black sheep's body on the bottom left. It then follows a nice diagonal up through the sheep's eye, the farmer's face and then to the two people on the right, giving a sense of depth and movement to the image.

There is a lovely balance of colour in the image, with tones of blue and white dominating. This also convey's a feeling of coldness to the viewer which matches the scene perfectly.

The white sheep on the right seem a little overexposed, but that seems to make sense in terms of them blending together, in total contrast to the black sheep. As that is the whole point of the image, the overexposure doesn't really matter;)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/17/2005 10:22:16 PM
sorry, double post;)

Message edited by author 2005-09-17 22:30:20.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/11/2005 12:45:01 PM
I like your approach to the challenge. A one-in-a-lifetime shot. The sheep looks like it wanted to say "Hug me." 8.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/11/2005 08:41:08 AM
Ahh...sakna gamla góda filinginn i réttunum:)
Hvítu rollurnar til haegri eru allt of upplýstar( ég veit ad teman er high contrast en tad er samt einhvernvegin ekki ad virka a heildina fyrir mig), Annars mjög skemmtileg mynd og vel útfaerd! 6
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/11/2005 01:08:33 AM
Not... baaaaaddd (sorry, couldn't resist) :)
09/09/2005 02:02:47 AM
Yes, the odd one out, nice contrast, wonder if other people understand that..
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/07/2005 10:33:48 PM
Sheep, one of the greatest contrasts!

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