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Typhoon Talim
Typhoon Talim

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Branch (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Date: Sep 1, 2005
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/25
Date Uploaded: Sep 4, 2005

I'm a little sad this is my frist submission. It is just a snapshot taken while walking down the road. I was encouraged to take the plunge regardless, so here it is in all its crummy glory :). It was really hard to get interesting pictures of anything. And yes, I know about the blown highlights. It will be interesting to see what I get. I would have rated this around a 4...

I cropped slightly, autocontrast, autolevels and too much USM...

This was also an exercise in learning how to format a picture for submission. If anyone has any comments on what I did wrong there and how it affected the picture, I'm interested.

Place: 353 out of 432
Avg (all users): 4.3776
Avg (commenters): 3.6667
Avg (participants): 4.3333
Avg (non-participants): 4.4207
Views since voting: 964
Views during voting: 362
Votes: 286
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0

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09/21/2005 11:56:04 PM
Typhoon Talim was a real typhoon that happened in Taiwan just a few hours after Katrina hit New Orleans. Taiwan is not below sea level, so it was not in a position to be so radically affected. Taiwan has had a number of heavy typhoons this year which has wiped out close to 90% of local produce for the year's productive season. Talim blew only 15 km/h slower than Katrina. The eye came straight across residential areas and just before hitting Taipei, the eye COLLAPSED and within minutes REFORMED 200km away in TaiZhong, another major residential district. This kicked things up a major notch for them. My friend who lives there said his next-door neighbor's roof was torn off and thrown down in the street, destroying 3 cars.

This picture is not trying to compare anything to the devastation in Katrina. The situations are totally different. Nonetheless, Talim was a real typhoon and caused real damage.

Taiwan typically gets around 15 typhoons a year. Each year is different as to how many of these are serious. A month or so ago, we got one with winds steady up to 235 km/h. Serious typhoons cause major areas of the country to shut down. Typhoon Talim shut down the whole country for two days with winds steady at 185km/h.

It is odd that as I am writing this, there is yet another typhoon which is striking a glancing blow from the south and causing heavy rain and mild winds.

A couple of people mentioned that they didn't know if this was a real typhoon or not.
09/20/2005 01:44:10 PM
Since you are actively seeking comments on your entry, I'll oblige.

This feels like a snapshot to me because the composition does not seem planned. The image includes a second car and what appears to be part of the hood of another while a portion of the driver-side rear wheel is cut off. Since I have the benefit of your after-challenge photographer notes, I'll point out that even you mention it was a snapshot--something grabbed because the subject was compelling. It seems that different angle could have helped isolate the subject of your image and given the fallen limbs more prominence.

You chose to present this with bright highlights loosing some of the finer detail in the leaves and along portions of the white car. It makes it feel a little stark and perhaps a bit flat. I think there may have been more detail in the shadows as well that if a fuller range of tones were present could have made the image richer, more painterly.

It appears there could have been some serious damage to the car, but the point of view doesn't express that. The car itself is without hubcaps and has lost trim painting on the bumper--there seems to have been potential for emphasizing the lack of luck this car and its owner have had. I want the image to take me closer to the car so I can witness its character and history beter.

The title is enigmatic to me. I'm not sure if it refers to the type of car or a weather event. Overall it seems to be the kind of image one would send to their insurance company to make a claim--a document of the moment rather than an interpretation.

Again going soley on your own comments, I would suggest that you take more control of your post-processing. There are technical choices that could have been made differently. But I feel those choices are secondary to the ones you could have made on site in composing the image.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/10/2005 11:09:16 PM
poor little festa
09/10/2005 09:31:00 AM
09/10/2005 08:10:08 AM
Looks too much like a snapshot, poorly cropped, and uncontrolled composition.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/08/2005 10:53:02 PM
i think you could have brought out more emotion in this picture by working with the colors.
09/08/2005 10:49:52 PM
  Photographer found comment helpful.
09/08/2005 08:39:35 PM
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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