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Another Day without the Dryer
1st PlaceAnother Day without the Dryer

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Home Sweet Home (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-S70
Location: Home
Date: May 26, 2003
Galleries: Family, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: May 26, 2003

My thought for this photo was to take a peaceful picture that was calming and easy to look at. I wanted you to see the joy we have even as we do the worst of the chores.

Another self portrait. My house is in the background. I didn't want to take a picture of the house straight on so I thought of this. We
had fun with it. I thought about putting the boys in there but didn't think it would look natural.

Place: 1 out of 175
Avg (all users): 6.9509
Avg (commenters): 8.3556
Avg (participants): 6.7423
Avg (non-participants): 7.1102
Views since voting: 9309
Votes: 224
Comments: 81
Favorites: 43 (view)

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10/14/2006 07:47:24 PM
I added this as a fave because it is such a great group portrait. I wish you weren't wearing sunglasses though. The sunglasses detract from the "old-time" feel of this photo.
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08/19/2006 03:08:15 AM
I had not seen this one before. I remember well the days of playing in the yard around the clean sheets as they hung on the clothes line with either my mother or grandmother cautioning us not to pull them off the line as three mini-tornadoes made thier way in and out among the magnificent textures and smells. Thanks for the trip back.
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02/24/2005 11:17:41 AM
I am in awe at this photo. It skates so close to the edge. It could easily have been a facile knockoff of a bad photo-album shot from the early fifties - notwithstanding the impactful placement of the camera, the subjects and two sheets. But it is animated by the three people who enjoy each other's good company. Wow.
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07/17/2003 07:54:13 PM
This has to be one of the most if not the most Beautiful pictures I have ever seen... Really Beautiful
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06/10/2003 03:06:50 PM
I agree with all the others...very well composed and I like the sepia tone (not too pink 4 me - uh notice my nick) Cudos, it conveys what you wanted!
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06/09/2003 04:00:18 PM
I do believe that I have had a post go off into cyberspace! I'm sure I commented on this fantastic photo, Sonja! But maybe it was somewhere else in our conversation.

Anyway, I just love it and I have no idea how you kept that baby entertained while you took photo after photo! I can just imagine.

Congratulations on a job well done!
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06/09/2003 01:35:31 AM
I love this composition. Kudos for doing a self portrait. I think a shot of just the two girls would be awesome though. The expression you captured is great. I agree that it'd be better without the sungasses, but my biggest irk was the coloring. It's just a little too pink. Sepia is nice, and I like the noise... maybe just a little more brown than pink
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06/08/2003 12:47:50 PM
I didn't enter or vote on this challenge (pressures of time) but this is a great shot - very evocative of family lifr and a much better job than I would have made of it. Well done.
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06/06/2003 05:21:13 AM
Congrats! I knew this was going to do well. I've been so right lately. I am adding this to my favorites. Your kids look full of life. Good work with everything...
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06/05/2003 03:14:20 PM
Imaginative interpretation. Congrats on 1st place - and great kids.
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06/05/2003 01:06:48 PM
Yes I am wearing sunglasses. I can't see without them, really! :-)
06/05/2003 12:34:06 PM
Great picute, and great legs.

Are you wearing sunglasses?
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06/05/2003 10:33:56 AM
Congratulations, Sonja. I love this photo!
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06/04/2003 05:34:05 PM
Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and scoring it so high. I really didn't think it would get 1st place.

To those who stated I should have taken off the sunglasses. I tried it for a few shots, but it was awfully bright outside and I can't see without them. I did have my shoes off this time. :-)

And no it isn't a mobile home! And my lawn by the house is mowed.

Thanks Morgan!!! I will have to show you my outtakes. I did get some good pictures of her and the baby together by themselves.

06/04/2003 05:22:32 PM
Now, I am very happy to see that you are in first place, where I thought you should have been all along. Congratulations, Sonja.

I would love to see a tightly cropped image of the little girl's face peaking from behind the laundry, I bet that is a winner too.

The DQ'd image was excellent too, but it was unfortunately offside concerning the rules. Such is life.

So, you deserve the win, enjoy it. My vote of 10 had a double meaning when voting on this image. Way to go!

Message edited by author 2003-06-04 17:23:04.
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06/04/2003 12:59:48 PM
Was this 2nd place a while back now 1st place - Congrats!
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06/04/2003 11:38:26 AM
Way to go Sonja! You're getting quite a collection there. Nice upgrade on that ribbon as well. Awesome picture. One of the few that I liked this week. That family of yours just keeps on raking them in.
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06/04/2003 11:27:03 AM
Congratulations Sonja! Wonderful, Wonderful vision you have given us. Every choice you made when producing this photograph was right on, the sepia tone, the grain, the baby in the basket, the little girl pearing out from behind the sheet and your joy in watching her, your dress (really shows off those gorgeous dancer's legs :)) You never cease to amaze me. I didn't have a chance to vote this week but I would have give this a 10! Wow.
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06/04/2003 08:28:13 AM
Had to laugh when I saw this one because I immediately recognised the faces : )
Congrats Sonja, and LOL @ Jacko and Morgan (though they're not wrong!)
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06/04/2003 06:48:53 AM
Congrats! Beautifully done :)
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06/04/2003 06:15:46 AM
Sonja, I am even far more impressed now that I read image this image and learn that it was a shelf portrait. Congratulations on the success. The comments that you received say it all, a truly comforting and warm image.

Your thought on keeping the boys out of the shot was likely wise, it may have become too busy and may have lost its charm. It is a laugh to read Jacko's comment on your great legs, similar to mine. It must be a Canadian thing, or perhaps a French thing, as we are both of French decent. Michael
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06/04/2003 04:19:31 AM
Great one Sonja! Surely worth a place of honor in the family album.
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06/04/2003 02:03:02 AM
Excellent ribbon shot!
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06/04/2003 12:57:21 AM

Congrats on another fine image. Nice job.

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06/04/2003 12:27:35 AM
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06/04/2003 12:21:13 AM
Sonja, great work! Congratulations on your ribbon!
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06/04/2003 12:19:29 AM
Congrats Sonja, I love it even more than I did when I first saw it.
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06/04/2003 12:18:39 AM
Great photo! I was right!
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06/04/2003 12:15:16 AM
Sonja, congratulations!! Your kids look so happy. They'll be even happier now that you got ANOTHER ribbon!
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06/04/2003 12:12:55 AM
Sexy..beautiful composition. Wonderful work.
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06/04/2003 12:09:48 AM
congratulations, Sonja! well done!
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06/04/2003 12:08:05 AM
Hooooooooray Sonja! Great job!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/03/2003 11:25:07 PM
This is a little too pink on the sepia tones - ok challenge.
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06/03/2003 10:47:36 PM
Very nice. Cute family.. nice color and composer 8
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06/03/2003 10:11:58 PM
Another awesome shot! How in the world did you get her to STAY in the basket. Mine would have been climbing out all over the place!
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06/03/2003 12:18:09 PM
To me it clashes, the mobile home? and mom's dress style being more modern, with the color cast trying to make it look like an old pic.
06/03/2003 10:57:41 AM
Great shot, catches the emotion of home, at least for me. Nice use of the effect too. I almost wish you covered the "home" with the laundry, but I can see for this challenge why didn't. Very nice job.
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06/03/2003 06:27:05 AM
Is this the perfect family?! Sentimental, but then why not? A very nice study.
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06/03/2003 04:04:13 AM
nice family photo. I like it: "Your home is where your heart & family are!" = 10
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06/02/2003 10:54:05 PM
Very homey. Well done.
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06/02/2003 08:09:30 PM
great family portrait shot. softness and duotone and grain are lovely. excellent work. i think this will do very well.
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06/02/2003 05:57:50 PM
bit of a stretch on the challenge, but I'll give it to ya. :) Nice shot, good use of duotones. I like the graininess as well. Only nit is the pixely sky, but its not a big problem.
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06/02/2003 05:08:38 PM
you catch a great moment!!!! i really like it!!!
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06/02/2003 05:00:39 PM
This photo creates such a timeless feel! I generally don't like portraits of people, but this really hits home with the "home sweet home" theme. Very well done! (Addendum -- the only feedback I'd give is to remove the sunglasses on the model on the left. They are a little distracting and do hint at the image being modern.)
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06/02/2003 02:30:02 AM
A perfect 10 for colour, composition, clarity and motive. Your photo portrays just that 'warm' olden day feel and how the good ole' days once were. I just love the scenery with the longish grass and the sheets blowin' in the breeze. Certainly meets the 'home sweet home challenge. Very well composed indeed. GL in this weeks challenge.
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06/01/2003 10:48:26 PM
This is an excellent shot and glad it isn't competing with my duotone...tops in my book 10
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06/01/2003 10:27:42 PM
Ahhhh, lovely tones although a bit dark for me, still this is sexy, sweet and interesting. Love the whole thing. Really NICE SHOOTING>!!
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06/01/2003 10:06:30 PM
Has a nice 'old' look to this photo. Loose the sunglasses and blocking (possibly with another sheet) the house and deck in background would have been an improvement.
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06/01/2003 08:39:05 PM
Great work Sonifo, per usual. The lighting and sepia give a light and nostalgic feeling. I also see that you employed the "triangle" quite effectivly. The only quibbles I ave though are the background, which is quite busy, it would be nice if it would be at least blurred if not eliminated but I realize it is needed to fit the challenge ( but then again with your theme the background may not really have been needed. The only other thing is the sunglasses, they don't seem to fit the mood set by the rest of the shot. Oh and if anybody says the grass needs to be mowed I disagree, I believe it would ruin the atmosphere. May you place high! --9
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05/31/2003 12:26:22 PM
My favorite.
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05/31/2003 10:14:30 AM
I like the yesteryear feel of this one...
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05/31/2003 07:50:23 AM
Great image. Nicely done. Superior colours, lighting, composition, and textures all related to the challenge's theme. 8 Morgan

PS - Lucky that your wife was able to maintain such a wonderful figure after the children. I really like the look (expression) on the older girl's face too. Maybe it will get a ten just for the woman's great legs and the above average composition. What can I saw, I am a guy. Revised to 10 Morgan
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05/30/2003 05:21:32 PM
You know.. I was really really liking this photo until I thought I saw a pair of sunglasses on the lady. Is that right? Or is that a trick of my eye? Either way.. it looks like sunglasses, and, for some reason, that just really doesn't work for me. But I really like everything else.
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05/30/2003 05:10:26 PM
I love this, makes me feel all warm inside, and i know how you feel, i've been without a washer for a while, it stinks.
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05/30/2003 04:53:07 PM
Very nice photo. I like the sepia tone to it. Very homey looking. It looks a little grainy though, was this intentional? It has a nice country feel to it. I would have the mom remove the sunglasses though. Just a thought.
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05/30/2003 11:20:07 AM
Oh WOW - the winner! A perfect 10 - I love a photo that makes me FEEL the air.
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05/30/2003 10:48:41 AM
A very natural,homey setting. Quite snap shoty, but works well here. 7
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05/30/2003 12:01:01 AM
This photo has a fantastic feel to it of a day long since forgotten. Wonderful composition and simply beatifully done. 10
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05/29/2003 10:37:11 PM
Nice job!
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05/29/2003 04:55:00 PM
This is a really nice shot. Its sorta pastoral, days of yore with some shades. Looks like some days without the lawnmower either :) Mine's like that too right now. This has been by far my favorite of the challenge. It's cute, pretty candid, with a great tone and mood. Very well done
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05/29/2003 01:20:26 PM
Kind of reminds me of the fifties. Great idea.
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05/29/2003 12:55:27 PM
The tone and post processing of this shot really make it work! I love the girl peeking out from behind the sheet. Well done! 10 -danny
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05/29/2003 11:45:19 AM
i love the toner look..... reminds me of an old photograph left too long in the toner
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05/29/2003 08:13:35 AM
wow very different. I love the tones. You make work look fun. Nice legs by the way ;). Jacko. 10
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05/29/2003 12:04:50 AM
I love this picture great shot
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05/28/2003 09:24:40 PM
That's a terrific picture!! I love the sepia tone which gives it the old fashioned look. I personally love sheets dried on the line. I give this a 9
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05/28/2003 09:20:37 PM
... or the lawn mower. The sky seems a bit more textured than the rest of the shot, making it slightly distracting.
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05/28/2003 09:16:38 PM
Nice candid shot. It seems a bit pixelated though and needs a bit more contrast. But it definitely gives you a sense of home.
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05/28/2003 07:30:31 PM
Nice nostalgic, doo-wop feel. I wonder, if a shallower dof (blurring out the house altogether) would not have been more powerful to communicate a sense of 'home'.
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05/28/2003 04:09:38 PM
I love the grain, the subject, the tones... all up a very good pic!!!
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05/28/2003 01:36:11 PM
The graininess works well here, brings out an old fashioned effect. I really like this photo - 9.
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05/28/2003 11:05:01 AM
Wow! What a neat old fashioned looking shot. 10
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05/28/2003 10:26:31 AM
Hi Sonifo :) Excellent shot... great mood and great idea as well... I don't like the toning choice as much as I may have liked somethign different, but the shot still says 'home sweet home' to me :) = 8
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05/28/2003 09:19:18 AM
What a feeling this photo has to it. 10
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05/28/2003 09:02:24 AM
Nicely done has a feeling of the past to it.
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05/28/2003 08:09:22 AM
Wow! Speechless! 10
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05/28/2003 08:07:22 AM
This could be a Hallmark card. Excellent work.
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05/28/2003 02:06:29 AM
This really is a charming picture. The sepia tones are just perfect for this snap too. The only problem is the graininess, which I'm sure was intentional, doesn't work for me. I want to see those cute kids better! :) 7
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05/28/2003 01:43:41 AM
You have caught such a beautiful moment....congrats!
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05/28/2003 01:36:25 AM
This pic caught my eye as a thumbnail. How absolutely darling. I do wish that the picture was not quite so grainy and that mommy had her shades off because this picture would be timeless without them. Nice choice on sepia. Well done -8
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05/28/2003 01:21:53 AM
Beautiful and charming. Nice interpretation of home.
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