*A Critique Club Comment*
Hello Eugene
Please keep in mind that I am not a trained professional...
Very interesting composition. I enjoy the upper left to lower right flow of ceiling, and the placement of the person in the crop is nice. Having the person's head at a symmetry point for the the ceiling works nicely. Maybe using that symmetry might have made this image pop a little more (ie- head placed evenly in the rectangle, body symmetric with other elements of the ceiling, etc), doing so would have been exceeding time consuming and people probably would not even notice, but it might be an interesting thing to keep in mind.
Technical Details
Nice silhouette of the person. I find the watch adds dimension to him and gives the silhouette a third dimension. The bright light from the ceiling, next to the model's head, is distracting, at least for me. I'm trying to decide if having the ceiling in sharp focus would have made the photo pop a little more, I would suggest if trying this again to compare an in-focus ceiling shot with a non-in-focus ceiling, just to see the difference.
I find this photo aesthetically "interesting", for me it is definitely not displeasing. I like the idea. I like the angle, I feel like a bug and the person is looking down at me wondering what to do about me, is this my last moment before he steps on me or will he leave me alone. I like the sense of height the person has. The more I look at the photo the more it looks like the person is too tall for the room and *that's* why he's looking down, sort of the jolly green giant inside a too-small castle. The color-scheme works well with the silhouette. I like it.
Relationship to Challenge
This photo meets the challenge perfectly, you have used an interesting perspective (low) to create a dramatic effect (height).
Overall this is nice photo, it captures "Vastness" on two levels for me, the person seems vast and room seems vast. Unfortunately there wasn't a wow-factor element to send it over the top.
If you have questions or comments about my comments please feel free to PM me.
I look forward to seeing your next entry!!