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Life's a ball
Life's a ball

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Perspective II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G6
Location: Home
Date: Sep 12, 2005
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Animals, Macro
Date Uploaded: Sep 13, 2005

no editing

Place: 126 out of 544
Avg (all users): 5.7088
Avg (commenters): 7.6154
Avg (participants): 5.5175
Avg (non-participants): 5.9407
Views since voting: 972
Views during voting: 403
Votes: 261
Comments: 16
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/20/2005 10:25:18 PM
Looks tired!
09/19/2005 08:06:07 PM
Wow!! Jumps upon me when I look!!
09/18/2005 12:23:09 PM
Too bad the quality of this one isn't very good (compression) but behind that there's a great pic!
09/17/2005 11:43:12 AM
Love the subject matter and perspective
09/17/2005 11:27:06 AM
Cute! Perhaps a bit oversaturated, but a doggone delightful perspective.
09/16/2005 10:43:54 PM
This is such an adorable silly picture. Looks my doggie. You made me smile, thanks.
09/16/2005 06:56:01 PM
Though it could have more DOF, I love this shot!
09/15/2005 07:36:14 PM
Great colors on this. nice focus. 9
09/15/2005 06:25:45 PM
Love it. Great focus and DOF.....love the dog and ball.
09/15/2005 03:30:35 PM
watch out your background... harsh lights on the ball :(
09/15/2005 06:40:32 AM
this is one to frame....i like the low angle and the expression on the doggys face...good job
09/14/2005 08:51:34 PM
Cute idea. I like the perspective in this picture, but it looks a bit blurry to me (maybe it's my computer) A nice job though
09/14/2005 06:54:43 PM
This is so great!!! I love it; What a creative thought; maybe the background could be a little bit more blurred; but that is a small detail - i give you a 10
09/14/2005 10:42:53 AM
Finally a pet pic with a little originallity, and not just trying to get by on cuteness. Good photo!
09/14/2005 09:55:28 AM
Gone through all of the shots (finally) and this is one of my first to come back and see again. I love the angle, composition and colors. Nice Job.
09/14/2005 09:34:20 AM
HEE HEE Love the nose. As a dog lover, I gotta up the score just a bit. Nice focus on the nose. I like the falling lip on the left. Thanks for the smile. Good title too. :~)

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