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FBI-are-evil.com Shot #12232 (Did Humpty Dumpty really fall?)
FBI-are-evil.com Shot #12232 (Did Humpty Dumpty really fall?)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Conspiracy (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A510
Location: House
Date: Sep 16, 2005
Aperture: f/5.5
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Humorous, Macro
Date Uploaded: Sep 17, 2005


Place: 54 out of 114
Avg (all users): 5.3043
Avg (commenters): 6.5500
Avg (participants): 5.2055
Avg (non-participants): 5.3444
Views since voting: 1567
Views during voting: 449
Votes: 253
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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09/29/2005 01:41:56 PM
G'day from the Critiques Club

Before we get to the picture just a little FYI - it is very difficult for a member of the CC to give a well rounded critique when no info is provided about the photo in the comments box. We have to make assumptions, and you know what they say about people that assume. Please try to fill in the comment box with youre post processing and any other information important to the image when you check the CC box. Thankyou.

The concept is very fun, and i love that one of the egg agents appears to be taller and the other one fatter. I am curious to how you made the eggs stand upright.
The angel of the photographer to subject weems a little off, i feel like we should circle a little to the right to give the agents a little more balance around humpty. The fat agent seems a little distant in comparison to the broken shell and the thin agent, but moving a smidge to the right may have balanced this out.
Also, be aware of where your frame cuts off in camera. Were missing just a little bit of white to the side of the frame that ould look better if the splatter was completed.

The lighting on the two agent egsis good, a little bit of a hot spot on the tall egg but nothing i would concern myself about. The lighting on humpty however is a little blown out on the shell. Was there a light directly above him? My ege is isntantly drawn to the white inside of the shell before any other point in the image. While it is good to get the atentionon the broken egg in this image, a blown highlight is probably not the best way to do so.

Okay, i'm going to do some guesswork on the PP, forgive me if i am completely wayward. You selected the humpty parts and kept them in colour while desaturating the rest of the area? For the agents and the countertop this worked well. The grunginess sets a good MIB mood. The selective desat fails you a tiny bit when it comes to the white of the egg. The true colour of the counter is showing through, making the white appear yellowed. Personally i would have done as you have done here then selective the areas of the eg with only eggwhite and desaturated that section 50-75% so there was still some colour to the white but the countertop matched more closly to the area that the agents are standing on.

Fun image and a great spin on a classic nursery rhyme.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/24/2005 11:47:01 PM
This is great! I love the eggs!! The glow from the yoke is really cool.
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09/24/2005 11:10:44 AM
Good work.
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09/23/2005 10:17:33 PM
very creative, very funny
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09/20/2005 10:24:07 AM
This really makes me laugh! It has a really strange endearing quality to it. I'm not sure if your processing will be to everyones taste, but to me it reminds me of the "national enquirer" etc, and fits perfectly. egg-cellent (bet you've got lots of egg-puns sorry...)
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09/20/2005 03:11:55 AM
now one final test, the eye exam. this is a very nice take on a known theme, very cute.
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09/19/2005 07:39:53 PM
Doesn't really look like a photo somehow. Perhaps a bit overprocessed.
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09/19/2005 12:06:52 PM
Tee Hee. . . .that's cute. Nice composition too :)
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09/18/2005 11:53:41 PM
Cute. Really all you can say. Creative. 7
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09/18/2005 08:48:34 PM
It took me a moment to recognize the "shades" on the eggs. I'm not good at critiquing, but there's something about the lighting, especially around "Humpty" that seems a bit much. Point for creativity and idea though.
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09/18/2005 08:05:41 PM
Extremely clever and a good photo too!
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09/18/2005 03:19:54 PM
To cute! Neat idea! I like the sunglasses on the eggs.
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09/18/2005 01:22:03 PM
hehe I just love these ones that make me laugh !!! good job. the grunge ain't bad either! (kind of an odd choice of image to do it on, but hey it's workin for ya!)

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09/18/2005 09:33:03 AM
V funny. I'm not sure why the eggs are so black-speckled, but I suppose it adds to a film-noire type of look.
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09/18/2005 09:10:15 AM
like the dual tones and gritty feel. one of my favorites this challenge :)
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09/18/2005 08:35:32 AM
LOL! Too funny!
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09/18/2005 08:13:53 AM
Very funny, I guess we have the same humour (see my "broken" entry") I like it. Lit a little bit harshly though for my taste but, well it´s kindof fitting for this image. 8 from me.
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09/18/2005 02:18:50 AM
The only thing you might think about fixing in this shot are the white halos around the two FBI Eggs. They make the two agents look a little bit like cutouts, and it seperates them from the scene.
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09/18/2005 02:07:25 AM
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09/18/2005 01:12:27 AM
Uh oh....and I was going to have eggs for brekkie....damn!! Now this image sure is an 'eggbuster'...hahahaha!
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09/18/2005 12:17:04 AM
lol 7
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