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Men In Black Agent
1st PlaceMen In Black Agent
Joey Lawrence

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Conspiracy (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date: Sep 17, 2005
Aperture: F4.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 Second
Galleries: Portraiture, Political
Date Uploaded: Sep 17, 2005

These doodes have always interested me, covering stuff up and all that jazz.

I didn't like the Will Smith movie(s) though.

After challenge: The fog is from my fog machine, and the long exposure gives it that cool effect, thanks for the votes, comments and ribbon everyone. :-)

I'd like to now point out that im wearing no shoes- the pants are covering my socks, those are actually jeans, the breifcase is a screwdriver set, that's my neighbours suit jacket... And my hair is too long for a slick-back! Annnnd, this is the ONLY tie my family owns! Hah, you can see it repeat in all my brothers grade 8 graduation pictures.

Place: 1 out of 114
Avg (all users): 7.0858
Avg (commenters): 8.0286
Avg (participants): 6.5570
Avg (non-participants): 7.3069
Views since voting: 19749
Views during voting: 623
Votes: 268
Comments: 101
Favorites: 29 (view)

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10/08/2006 02:02:48 AM
It reminds me of agent smith in the matrix
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05/16/2006 04:22:26 PM
wow, and your only sixteen,
the future looks bright.very well done
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05/03/2006 09:04:34 AM
This is amazing, i love the idea
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01/12/2006 07:55:25 PM
this has been in my favorites for awhile. i just love it. wonderful lighting on your face. and the foggy effects are great. really well done. and nice work with using all that you had available to make this shot happen!
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09/29/2005 06:45:31 AM
Congrats Joey! :)
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09/28/2005 09:39:01 PM
You're going places Joey.
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09/28/2005 01:58:41 PM
**Critique Club**

Initial Impression: I'm not qualified to critique this shot.

Detailed analysis: Joey, you have to know this is a spectacular shot and a well deserved ribbon. Your talent stretches well above and beyond my own and I'm twice your age! Your comments just further prove your creativity and ability to make the most of a situation.

Since this is supposed to be a critique, I'll give it my best shot... here goes.

The composition is spot on and I love the dramatic lighting. Your light position helps draw attention to the fog and casts very strong shadows on your profile to give a very dark and mysterious feel. There were comments on the patch of green grass, but personally I like it. It adds to the MIB realism... On a surreal, mysterious case in a very real environment. The polka dots on the tie don't exactly fit, but it's a detail that becomes lost in the otherwise flawless execution.

Overall Impression: Excellent shot, well thought out and executed. Well deserved ribbon!

I normally end my critiques here, but I wanted to add a side note in your case. When I first became more active in DPC, there was much talk about this young prodigy with a very "grunge" look. After a while your "style" became very obvious and I also noticed that many were trying to mimic the style. It's nice to see that lately you seem to have evolved to shoot images that are "outside" of your proverbial box. This image, although dark, contains none of the trademark "Joey grunge" and your destinations ribbon winner is incredibly colorful. I'm not sure if this is the beginning of some type of transition in your life, but it is very refreshing to see you evolve and develop as a very talented artist. As you continue to develop and grow as a photographer and videographer, I wish you great success.

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09/28/2005 01:13:43 PM

Message edited by author 2006-09-22 22:47:13.
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09/28/2005 01:24:03 AM
Very cool Joey,
You are making art with what ever is at hand and doing a damned good job of it in the process.
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09/27/2005 06:51:07 PM
While I'm not a fan of the subject/theme, I love the fog vibe, comp and colours.
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09/27/2005 09:02:16 AM
Fantastic result. Congratulations on your ribbon.

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09/26/2005 07:24:14 PM
reminds me more of Neo from the matrix than men in black... yup.
but anyways... that's truly incredible.
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09/26/2005 04:25:15 PM
Your pic is awesome. Your after thought comments are hilarious and they totally make it so I see your pic in a different light (not a bad thing, just shows what a great photographer you are to work with what you have).
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09/26/2005 08:03:52 AM
WOW! a very wel deserved BLUE - Congrats!!! you are soo creative and talented!
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09/26/2005 03:55:53 AM
Awesome shot, totally love it! Congrats on the blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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09/26/2005 03:38:48 AM
I like your kinds of photos joey where they are all misty and dark they are cool

teach me how to do it lol

and yeh cool that you got the blue ribbon.....s
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09/25/2005 11:30:35 PM
Congratulations on your blue ribbon, Joey!!! Excellent image!
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09/25/2005 10:16:33 PM
looking spiffy, kiddo! congrats on a great shot and a well deserved blue ribbon. you rawk! *hug*
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09/25/2005 09:50:59 PM
you sir.. are the man
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09/25/2005 09:41:35 PM
Once again Joey Lawrence you go beyond your years and means to show that you truly have a gift and talent...


Just remember "The Saj" when you become a famous movie producer. I have a few ideas and it's near impossible to every get a foot in the door. So when you become famous I hope to be able to email you and run those ideas by ya...

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09/25/2005 08:59:23 PM
son of a gun! you did it again, Batman! Congrats!
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09/25/2005 08:34:26 PM
Congratulations Joey on your Blue! Very cool image!
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09/25/2005 06:06:22 PM
congrats on the blue joey!
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09/25/2005 04:27:49 PM
Fantastic shot, well done.
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09/25/2005 02:45:24 PM
Congrats on another fog machine (I mean blue :)

Seriously though, I found reading your photographers notes on the image almost more enjoyable than the actual photo; not that the photo isn't great, your comments are just hilarious. Rock on!
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09/25/2005 02:15:15 PM
... and out of the fog came another blue for the young, talented creative and inspired DPC star *winx*

Awesome job Joey.. love the theme and results of your creativity!!!
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09/25/2005 12:09:50 PM
Another superb job by the young master. Excellent throughout. Congratulations on your Blue with this killer image. Indeed a great accomplishment.
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09/25/2005 11:42:09 AM
Congrats on a WELL deserved ribbon :)
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09/25/2005 11:23:49 AM
Great job Joey! Congrats on another ribbon! WTG! (I thought this might be you...) This shot really stood out in the crowd.
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09/25/2005 10:10:38 AM
Hahah, I love the tie story! congrts on the Blue, you rule!
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09/25/2005 10:03:43 AM
im impressed on such creativity,goodwork!!^^congats!!
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09/25/2005 09:53:49 AM
CONGRATS Joey awesome job on this! Master of illusions hmmmm.
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09/25/2005 09:32:39 AM
Well done, Joey. Congratulations.
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09/25/2005 09:24:02 AM
Nice job Joey... this image probably just erased everyone's memory of having voted on it so it just kept on getting more and more 10s... sneaky bastid
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09/25/2005 09:06:01 AM
Well deserved on this one! You have really mastered the art of light and shadows. Congrats Joey.
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09/25/2005 08:27:51 AM
heh. Congratz again mr Joey.

I wonder after reading all of the comments if anyone else noticed the face in the fog. Kind of amazing. Fog is really hard to control. I should know. I've never done it.
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09/25/2005 08:16:32 AM
Congrats Joey. I gave this a ten because I thought it was brilliant! I had a good laugh as I read how you did it. Very imaginative!
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09/25/2005 06:57:21 AM
Congrats Joey! Awesome shot man, I really liked this one. Now if you'll excuse me while I run off to buy a fog machine :-P
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09/25/2005 04:17:38 AM
I haev to coe back to this shot again, and again. Good shituff! You had better work with your talent! Congrats man! and many omre!
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09/25/2005 03:15:35 AM
wtg dude!
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09/25/2005 02:58:17 AM
Ooh congratulations! I voted 10 on this ;)
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09/25/2005 02:30:49 AM
I wrote my comments on this entry in Notepad and forgot to paste them in when I voted on this, so I'll paste them in now:

Originally posted by (Kens Notepad comments from, uh... a few days ago):

Lighting and composition are good, but it looks like the guy is barefoot and are those jeans he's wearing? Also, the briefcase actually looks like some sort of toolset, the jacket looks borrowed and I'm not making any value judgements, but that is probably the only tie his family owns - looks like I've seen it on some 8th grade graduation pictures or something.

My son thinks it looks like that Joey guy. "Joey Who??!" I asked him.

In spite of all that I gave it a 7 out of pity.

Muwahahaa. Just yankin yer chain Joey. Congrats on a job well done. That ribbon winner will help me justify to my wife the cost of purchasing a fog machine- especially when I tell her it is much cheaper than moving to Iceland. :P

Message edited by author 2005-09-25 02:31:26.
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09/25/2005 02:23:11 AM
WTG Joey!! Congrats on the well deserved blue...this shot rocks!!
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09/25/2005 02:04:31 AM
Congratulations dude!
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09/25/2005 01:30:32 AM
Ahh, that darned fog machine again! Nice photo though, very deserving of the blue.
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09/25/2005 01:28:50 AM
oh the irony ;)

and the gel in your hair AGAIN!
great shot Joey.
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09/25/2005 01:19:18 AM
This is a very creative shot. You continue to amaze me!
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09/25/2005 01:14:57 AM
chip off the young block! :D anuffer blue yay!
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09/25/2005 12:55:28 AM
I thought this might have been your entry. Congrats on a creative and well done shot (in such a short period of time no less). Excellent job as always.

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09/25/2005 12:51:30 AM
well done Joey well deserved Blue ribbon in this image.
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09/25/2005 12:44:52 AM
Congrats man, this was in my top three. (I think it was second actually)
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09/25/2005 12:38:15 AM
Well, my little man, you did it again! Hurray for you. Whatcha gonna do for an encore???
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09/25/2005 12:35:01 AM
Congrats on a well done shot and another blue! YOU ROCK!
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09/25/2005 12:18:30 AM
Great shot Joey.... congrats on your Blue... Well Done...
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09/25/2005 12:10:17 AM
You know what that means little Joey...
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09/25/2005 12:08:07 AM
how can anyone vote below 6 on this good a shot which clearly meets the challenge? what do you call it when a bunch of people get together and plot something nefarious?... great shot Joey.
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09/25/2005 12:06:58 AM

great photo, congrats on your blue!
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09/25/2005 12:05:26 AM
Very cool. Well done. Congrats!
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09/25/2005 12:02:43 AM
Hah, I knew it! Good job Joey. Now go kill my alien POD will ya?
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09/25/2005 12:01:08 AM
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09/25/2005 12:01:08 AM
Congrats Joey. Another one in the virtual pocket. :0)
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09/25/2005 12:00:46 AM
Congrats, this is an awesome shot! The fog was great!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/24/2005 11:26:43 AM
Mystery rising out of the fog. I love it. 8
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09/24/2005 10:51:33 AM
Excellent photo
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09/24/2005 03:54:29 AM
What a great shot.

I really hope this wins.
Just fits the challenge to a tee.

Good luck


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09/23/2005 02:14:40 PM
Nicely done on the photo but, go see a tailor. Just kidding. This is a very nice shot.
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09/23/2005 02:50:11 AM
Cool shot
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09/22/2005 11:55:39 PM
Very nice photo, good lighting and very nice smoke. Especially interesting how the model scans the darkness, recieving message at the same time. I find it a bit distracting to see the grass in the left corner and only half of his face. On the other hand, the lighting on the lit part of the face could have suffered if another lightsource added. Very nice job.
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09/22/2005 12:34:58 PM
Pretty cool, I love the lighting and the "feel" of the picture. Only qualms I have with the shot is that I would have preferred it the green grass had been something else, like pavement or... I dunno... Anyway, I wouldn´t be surprised to see this close to the top, 8 from me.
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09/22/2005 07:45:11 AM
i really like it
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09/21/2005 02:53:19 PM
Grass in the bottom left ruins it for me..
but it's great, and set up really well.
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09/21/2005 12:35:12 PM
The long exposure has had a neat effect on the smoke. Nice greenish light, good composition. 8.
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09/19/2005 10:59:50 PM
hawt dood.

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09/19/2005 07:13:38 AM
Agent Lawrence I presume! Cool shot, I gotta get me a smoke machine, good luck dood, its gotta be top 10 at least!
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09/18/2005 11:50:06 PM
Well done. I'm curious about whether the effects are mainly PS manipulation or natural. Whichever, I like it. 8
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09/18/2005 10:48:02 PM
Man, you're sure getting a lot of mileage out of that fog machine! He, he, the shirt looks a bit big, and you need a new tie :)
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09/18/2005 10:04:12 PM
Joey.....your taking all the ribbons...LOL
Man, you are just unbelievable, I'm speechless. 10.
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09/18/2005 09:49:01 PM
Cool lighting effects. The agency is recruiting them young these days.
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09/18/2005 07:56:08 PM
This is wonderful. My only 10 in this challenge. Love the mysterous feel
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09/18/2005 06:48:24 PM
Nice picture. Love the smokey effect.
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09/18/2005 06:42:07 PM
Nice picture... the fog really adds to this shot. One of my higher rated photos of the bunch
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09/18/2005 04:34:57 PM
Hmmm fog machine. Is this you Joey? This is great. the briefcase adds a lot to this image in addition to the dark suit and the glasses.
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09/18/2005 03:30:05 PM
great atmosphere in this photo!
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09/18/2005 03:07:10 PM
wow, great shot.
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09/18/2005 10:25:14 AM
very nicely done. I like the excecution, and the background is awesome
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09/18/2005 10:22:15 AM
The tie is wrong but hey, the difference is...."You make this look GOOD!"! LOL

Nice work and great interpretation of the challenge!
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09/18/2005 09:54:57 AM
I'm not sure about the polkadot tie or the left hand positioning, but the lighting and mood is well done
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09/18/2005 09:04:49 AM
dramatic effect with the greens and whites... one of my ribbon picks
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09/18/2005 07:48:19 AM
Top work, love the smoke and the style. Very X files and Men in Black
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09/18/2005 07:23:40 AM
One of my favorites - really well done! I love the lighting, and it made me laugh.
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09/18/2005 07:15:10 AM
Ribbon for you!
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09/18/2005 06:25:16 AM
Very theatric. Well done.
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09/18/2005 05:49:55 AM
Wow...this has to be a winner or at least top 3 for sure. Outstanding.
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09/18/2005 02:05:24 AM
ooh you look nice all spruced up! mama is proud :D
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09/18/2005 01:58:07 AM
very X-files... well done, the only thing that bugs me is the patch of grass in the lower left corner of the picture. Makes the whole thing a little too real IMHO.

8 from me
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09/18/2005 01:09:16 AM
My pick for a ribbon - great lighting! 9 (It would have got a 10 apart from the grass in the bottom left which distracts from the effect slightly).
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09/18/2005 01:07:31 AM
who's the cutie in the picture? ;)
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09/18/2005 12:25:08 AM
God, this is excellent. The green and the lighting. WOW Ten from me!!!! BRAVO
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09/18/2005 12:20:19 AM
Oo la la! Who's the model?!
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09/18/2005 12:18:55 AM
Gawd, Joey (I'm assuming this is Joey, forgive me if it ain't), MIB don't wear patterned tires, dude. jejeje

great shot regardless. Hi score from me.
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09/18/2005 12:11:38 AM
looks like something JL would do. Nice suit.
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