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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Sound (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: My house
Date: May 31, 2003
Galleries: Humorous, Candid
Date Uploaded: May 31, 2003


Place: 79 out of 96
Avg (all users): 4.6953
Avg (commenters): 5.5556
Avg (participants): 4.7286
Avg (non-participants): 4.6552
Views since voting: 854
Votes: 128
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/08/2003 10:07:43 PM
a diffuser on your light would have helped with that distracting shadow. Also find the crop to be a bit tight. She looks like she's been jammed into a closet to play!
06/06/2003 06:44:40 AM
Sounds everywhere. 8 Morgan
06/04/2003 03:07:11 PM
Yes, loud. Great expression, but I think a softer light (maybe diffuse with tissue paper or something similar) and crop it a bit closer on the right, or wider on the left.
06/02/2003 08:26:47 PM
I love the look on her face!
06/02/2003 05:07:10 PM
A candid-looking shot. It does evoke the topic. Lighting seems a bit harsh and the right arm being cut off doesn't appeal to me.
06/02/2003 04:35:11 PM
Maby it would be better in black and white?
06/02/2003 09:47:13 AM
10 for concept, 7 for execution: 8 overall. :-> A little less harshness in the contrast/lighting might well have pumped it a bit higher, but still, very good. I hear the photo (which is my major grading criteria for this contest), and it's an appealing image overall.
06/02/2003 06:54:18 AM
Great idea, nice shot, pity about the background - always a challenge in a confined space. If you could have put the background further away....
06/02/2003 04:17:02 AM
i like the use of shadow in this pic if the trumpet was higher so you were almost looking down the end of it would have improved it , good pic

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