John - This is what I would have enjoyed seeing more of on the challenge. With the diverse demographics, we could have shared so very many different realities. I recall driving through Israel, and Italy and the small coffee stops were priceless and REAL.
As for MRPRO's original comment, I think if he looks carefully he will find one of each of the things he wishes, but not enough of them. It appears that the majority of DP submitters are BOUTIQUE coffee shop goers.
Starbucks, espresso, carmel, six inches of whipped cream, two thousand dollar machines, all glass, modern architecture in obvious yuppy spots......somehow they do not define coffee shop for me. I wanted the photo that made me smell coffee, another country, think of sand on the floor, the job the person drinking the job may have done, the work involved in keeping it open, the storage rooms, the sticky floor, the heaped garbage cans, the patrons of years, the discussion over coffee, more things that gave me the spirit of the 'place.'
The topic did generate discussion and DP movers and shakers can consider many topics from this point forward...color and coffee, country and coffee,people and coffee, spirit and coffee, work and coffee....the concepts are endless and we may continue to interpret "coffee shop."
I found photos that met my own criteria of sight, sound, smell, taste, feeling......just not enough of them.
Thank you for generating the discussion MPRO and all! |