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Preparing for espresso
Preparing for espresso

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Coffee Shop (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D
Location: Rome
Date: Oct 4, 2005
Aperture: F16
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/3 sec
Galleries: Still Life, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Oct 4, 2005


Place: 17 out of 154
Avg (all users): 5.9492
Avg (commenters): 6.9412
Avg (participants): 5.6364
Avg (non-participants): 6.0321
Views since voting: 1375
Views during voting: 464
Votes: 315
Comments: 21
Favorites: 2 (view)

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10/12/2005 07:16:52 AM
Iii like it! The jar kind of disappears in spots with blurriness and there is unwelcome glare on it but it is all very well placed. It's like a still-life action shot! Oh, what the beans do when no one is looking.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/11/2005 04:52:58 AM
loved the textured wallpaper
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10/10/2005 03:02:10 PM
Your horizon is a little askew.
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10/09/2005 10:33:53 PM
Very nice idea,and some nice sepia tones. I'm a bit bothered, though, by the blown out area on the left.
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10/09/2005 12:10:44 PM
Beautifully done with a dynamic composition, clarity and good tones.
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10/09/2005 10:42:41 AM
Light is just a bit harsh but I like the shot.
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10/07/2005 10:10:44 PM
This is excellent... the lighting creates some good shadows that add depth to the image without overshelming it. 10.
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10/07/2005 05:25:40 PM
Cool! Just a bit over exposure though.
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10/07/2005 02:34:00 PM
Like the "action"
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10/07/2005 11:40:22 AM
Nice work, lighting a little too harsh on the left side
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10/06/2005 10:19:05 PM
Nice, amusing and clever. A bit too bright on the left but overall a very pleasing effect.
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10/06/2005 08:45:40 PM
I like the movement in this shot!
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10/06/2005 03:59:28 PM
I like the subject, the framing and the depth of field, but think its a little bit over exposured.
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10/06/2005 01:24:37 AM
nice 10
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10/06/2005 12:17:12 AM
the cascading beans are a nice touch to the composition. the photo appears to be a bit overexposed with the white on the left side, and that causes your jar to disappear on that side. the light reflections are quite pretty.
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10/05/2005 11:07:34 PM
really like this one. The blow-out area is a tad distracting, but okay. Overall, the sense of motion rocks. Well done.
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10/05/2005 05:32:28 PM
coffee definatly deserves a sepia tone and this is pulled off quite well. the only thing i would suggest to improve this perhaps would be to change the cropping to incorperate the smidgeon of cut off beans on the left side
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10/05/2005 05:09:17 PM
I love the falling!
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10/05/2005 04:09:34 PM
Nice - Like the shadows and crisp focus. Your composition was just right (imo) not too tight and not too far back. Great job.
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10/05/2005 11:55:19 AM
I like this a lot, but the light on the left seems a tiny bit harsh.
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10/05/2005 01:14:13 AM
Great simple image. There is a slight rotation as the horizon isn't fully flat. The duotone works and has a great tonality throughout.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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