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He Grew Nervous Hearing Their Taunts -- "Apple Pie... Apple Pie..."
He Grew Nervous Hearing Their Taunts -- "Apple Pie... Apple Pie..."

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Personification (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: San Jose, California
Date: Oct 8, 2005
Aperture: f/8.0
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Still Life, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Oct 8, 2005

I coated the apple with a thin layer of oil to make the water bead so that it would appear to sweat.

I'm quite happy with the results of this challenge--the first time I was above 5.5. This is also by far the most comments I've received, and they were all very helpful (and many were flattering).

I'm going to see if I can fix up the angle, and post the updated on flickr.

Place: 42 out of 204
Avg (all users): 5.5584
Avg (commenters): 8.2000
Avg (participants): 4.9882
Avg (non-participants): 5.8148
Views since voting: 1767
Views during voting: 394
Votes: 274
Comments: 28
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/24/2006 01:00:13 PM
I love this! great creativity behind this. very nice photo.
01/24/2006 12:39:47 PM
I've made some modifications based on the suggestions in the comments and posted the results on flickr.


Thanks again for all of the comments/feedback.
10/19/2005 06:51:25 PM
also agree w/ lynn, you were an 8 in my book
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10/19/2005 03:18:01 PM
I agree with lynnesite, you should have scored much higher than this.
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10/19/2005 12:15:57 AM
You wuz ROBBED! Biggest voting disappointment, I gave ya a 9.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/18/2005 11:52:04 PM
Ribbon contender IMO--absolutely sweet! Composition enhances the tension in your scenario, as does the depth of field.
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10/18/2005 10:34:53 PM
This is funny and well done. :)
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10/18/2005 10:18:45 PM
The "sweat" on the apple is what made this photo. Good DoF to keep the other objects identifiable but the apple the center of attention. I might have used the measuring tool to rotate the picture a smidge clockwise.
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10/18/2005 05:28:05 PM
Very cute!!!
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10/16/2005 10:00:24 PM
7 - Good and humorous, but the title is what makes it in my opinion, and while not normally a 'fan' of 'title heavyweight', given this Challenge, the 'text addition restrictions', your 'subject' and the 'emotion' you were conveying (and did so well too) - I make an exception. Criticism; perhaps a different crop and angle.
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10/15/2005 11:23:37 PM
This is a photo I would put up on my kitchen wall. A real cutey!
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10/15/2005 10:50:29 PM
Looks great...Good job..!!
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10/15/2005 10:33:09 AM
Great concept, excellent DOF, really "got" the challenge. The tilt is throwing me off, don't know if it's actual tilt or just a perception thing, but still scored high!
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10/14/2005 04:51:41 PM
Very creative! This is a good example of how a title makes the photo relevant to the challenge. Nice work. - 9
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10/14/2005 04:12:33 AM
About to get baked. Ha! I like the apple in focus and depth of field here.
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10/13/2005 10:42:28 PM
I really like this one. The story is very well told through the items you have here and the apple is clearly sweating. Right on theme for this challenge. Good job.
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10/13/2005 06:56:21 PM
I liked the title, and then really liked seeing the apple "sweat" (didn't notice that at first). The technicals aren't awesome. I don't like subjects with writing to be OOF, even if it is DOF. 7
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10/13/2005 04:54:42 PM
Very creative! Love it! <10> ...Apple Pie....Apple Pie....
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10/13/2005 12:02:44 AM
Love it! And love the beads of 'sweat'. Nice work!
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10/12/2005 11:09:34 PM
great idea and title - hope it does well :)
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10/12/2005 09:24:04 PM
i liked this one a lot, very creative. 10
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10/12/2005 01:53:48 PM
one of my favorites. The entire mood is set by the title which works perfectly. Amuses me to no end. No crits. 10 - good luck in the challenge!
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10/12/2005 01:28:39 PM
Goog title. Otherwise it wouldn't fit a challenge, but I would like warmth of colors anyway. Pleasure for my eyes.
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10/12/2005 12:27:57 PM
Pure gold! Well done on a great intepretation of the challenge - a very amusing idea and a well executed shot. Honestly? I think it's got what it takes - nice one.
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10/12/2005 12:00:07 PM
title made this
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10/12/2005 11:46:15 AM
I think this depends too much on the title. If I look at it without the title, I can't really say it personifies something.
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10/12/2005 09:18:38 AM
The table looks as if it's slightly tilted, but it's a good shot of the apple. Extra points for the Gary Larson humor.
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10/12/2005 07:49:47 AM
Ok, this is good. AT LAST an image that gives me a giggle and actually does that this challenge is meant to do - inspire feelings. Really well taken, great thought behind the image. You are a ray of sunshine in a pretty dull challenge. I love it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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