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Two Carats!
Two Carats!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Pride (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: indoors
Date: Oct 11, 2005
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60
Date Uploaded: Oct 11, 2005

I was going for more of a snooty snobby "I'm so rich" kinda pride. Or maybe some of that "I'm a complete person now that I have a man" kind of pride. It doesn't really look like either of those though -- more of a just plain happy pride. My attempts at a snooty expression were pretty pathetic.

It's not my favorite photo ever, but I liked the concept, and spent a long time with the challenge of making it look how I wanted it so I may as well enter. I realize it's not perfect... and that I'm no hand model.

Later: The reason the face isn't in focus is because the pride is supposed to be in the shallow wealth. The "look how big my rock is" as she sticks it under your nose. I wanted the shallow DOF to emphasize this. Maybe I needed a bigger fake diamond. (Maybe real diamonds sparkle more? This is costume jewelry, as I'm not really married/engaged.)

I agree some kind of spot light making the ring sparkle would've been nice, I just didn't have a way to do that. Just some photoshop editing would've helped brighten and highlight but basic rules... I couldn't.

Like I said, not my best photo ever, but I still think it had more to do with pride and/or was a better photo than a lot of the images that placed ahead of it. I think it deserved a better placing. *shrug* ;) The longer I'm at the site, the less I seem to agree with the average voter.

Place: 102 out of 158
Avg (all users): 4.7931
Avg (commenters): 5.4167
Avg (participants): 4.4754
Avg (non-participants): 4.8900
Views since voting: 932
Views during voting: 418
Votes: 261
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/18/2005 05:03:45 PM
I like the premise but I would have prefered that the face be in focus so we can really see the pride.
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10/15/2005 08:04:19 PM
2nd look- Its pride, just wish it wasn't dull. I want my girl's ring to sparkle.
(she makes me clean every week) Got to drop it to a 6, sorry
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10/15/2005 06:39:22 PM
I gave this a six but would have preferred to see her hand on the intended's chest
or most anywhere at a different angle. Just my humble opinion.
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10/15/2005 02:03:54 PM
A genuine smile there in the background, should have been in the image as well..
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10/15/2005 10:19:57 AM
I don't like the composition and the face is way to much blured.
I would also go for that effect but not this much
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10/14/2005 09:14:37 AM
I'd like to just see the hand with a single light source, as if it's reaching out of the darkness. This is too centered and could use more negative space. IT's also not focused like it should be to get any sense of POW from the diamond.
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10/12/2005 04:47:37 PM
I like this...it has a bit of a creepy vibe ( form the vague/dark face in background, extreme DOF)...but I mean that in a good way, it almost looks like the hand is detached...I'm not sure this is what you were going for, doesn't matter to me really, I just know that I like it...I like it alot.
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10/12/2005 04:13:37 PM
The DOF is great but jewelry is so hard to photograph. Too bad the ring is washed out with her hands. If there was a slight shimmer, I would give this a good score. But for your efforts, I will "hand" you a 5.
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10/12/2005 01:59:20 PM
2 carrats is definitely something to be proud of. I can't help but wonder if the expression on the wearer's face would have been a stronger indicator of pride than a shot of the ring.
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10/12/2005 10:23:57 AM
This needs some kind of pinspot to make the diamond stand out and sparkle.
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10/12/2005 09:38:02 AM
Definitely something to be proud of in my book. Congratulations. I like the border and the extended hand in the foreground. I wish there was just a bit more light on the ring to highlight it further, but again, nicely done.
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10/12/2005 07:45:12 AM
errr, mmmm, no... If i had seen this pic without knowing the challenge was pride, I would never of guessed.

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