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A Long Road To Here.
A Long Road To Here.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Wide Angle (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: DeWinton, AB
Date: Oct 16, 2005
Aperture: F11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/40
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 16, 2005

K so this is one of my best friends in the world. his name is Randy. He's been in that damn chair for close to a decade now, and I can't even begin to tell you how long this road has really been for he and his family.

If only the rest of us could have his outlook on life after the s**t he's been though...we'd all be better people for it.

I appreciate all the comments, but particularly the ones that recognized the message that came with it.

thanks y'all.

Place: 7 out of 253
Avg (all users): 6.9515
Avg (commenters): 8.4643
Avg (participants): 6.6387
Avg (non-participants): 7.2963
Views since voting: 3821
Views during voting: 428
Votes: 227
Comments: 53
Favorites: 23 (view)

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10/14/2007 01:10:36 AM
powerful image, great job as always buddy
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07/09/2007 10:30:14 AM
Well done, Pedro. I love discovering photos like this, with strong messages and terrific execution.
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05/10/2006 08:09:18 AM
One of your best photos. It touches my soul. Besides that I feel that you succeeded well to express that story behind the photo. It's perfect, technically, but most important, emotionally. I don't know what it's like to be in a weelchair, but I do recognize myself in the title. It was a long road for me to get me where I am now and enjoying life again after I lost everything I loved in a short period.

I'm going to add this one to my favorites. Sometimes you see a photo that touches your soul everytime you see it and this is definetely one of those.
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10/28/2005 08:26:43 PM
I've come back to this shot a few times now: it has a relentlessness that I really like P. The fractional inclusion of the house is great - it took me a while to really sense that, but after some thought it really works - I think anything more prominent would be too easy and therefore less apt. Very communicative - there's a strong sense of ... well, maybe not pride exactly, but perhaps of challenge - like 'yeah, I know, you're thinking about my chair. ever thought about me?' kind of thing. Whatever; it's a proper portrait.
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10/27/2005 07:18:07 PM
Wow, P.
I didn't see this one in voting, but yeah. Wow. This is good, both photographically and...emotionally? Is that the word I want?
Ah, who knows.
But I like it, and it MEANS something, which is so awesome, AND it's well done on top of it all. :) Powerful. Maybe that's the word I was looking for...
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10/27/2005 06:04:23 AM
It's one of those shots that make you think... and one of those that renew the joy of taking pictures to tell a story. First place for me.

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10/26/2005 10:35:30 AM
I'm tearing up :( What a powerful image. He looks like he has gained great inner strength from his travel down the long road. It's a beautiful thing when someone can transcend there circumstance.
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10/25/2005 03:30:40 AM
I love this picture. I think that you aligned the subject perfectly. And I just love the leading lines leading to the subject. I can definently tell where the focus is in this photograph. This is a perfect wide angle picture, and the black and white just adds to the image. Oh, and the message is so powerful, it makes me weep inside. BEAUTIFUL JOB!
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10/24/2005 10:33:56 PM
This is an incredibly powerful photo. I so wish I would've had time to vote on this challenge. Simply amazing.
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10/24/2005 05:55:53 PM
Didn't vote on this challenge..
Man this is one great shot...love your eye here..
great work!
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10/24/2005 05:22:58 PM
Congrats on a top ten with this GREAT shot! Outstanding!
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10/24/2005 12:06:37 PM
I just KNEW this was you.
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10/24/2005 07:24:42 AM
Congratulations on a top 10 finish.
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10/24/2005 03:15:06 AM
Dramatic, emotive, strong! Excellent shot. Congrats on your top ten finish!
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10/24/2005 12:59:06 AM
is this randy? outstanding shot, wasnt here to vote :(
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10/24/2005 12:51:49 AM
nice shot! congrats on top 10 :)
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10/24/2005 12:46:58 AM
There ya go!! Wonderful image.
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10/24/2005 12:21:53 AM
hey! nice finish! this is really a great shot...lots of emotion. you done good. :)
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10/24/2005 12:12:44 AM
Congrats on your top 10 finish! Great work!
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10/24/2005 12:09:17 AM
Pedro - I should have known. Great shot man. Congrats.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/23/2005 06:52:20 PM
One of those times when centered composition really works. Well done. - 10
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10/23/2005 03:17:37 PM
Your picture well represents the title. I wonder if he didn’t stop to pose and was wheeling the chair or even if he has going the other way wouldn’t add to this picture. Anyway, well done! :o)
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10/23/2005 02:10:45 AM
Strong & Compelling image, marred noticeably by two things: the house on the right is screaming out for some breathing room so it can take its rightful place as a counter-element, and there's a noticeable sharpening (or contrast) halo around the figure that really hurts. On a more contemplative note, I'm not 100% sure the pure, central symmetry of this shot was the correct choice. I'm not against symmetry per se, I use it a lot msyelf, but in this case the image seems to speak a little more strongly to me if about an eighth or a fifth of the image is cropped off, all that the bottom, to give it a much more hoeizontal orientation; this seems to emphasize the emptiness better. It's a gut-call though. Nice shot! Bumping you up.
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10/23/2005 01:02:19 AM
Thr rules are broken well at times. Good shot.
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10/22/2005 08:56:41 PM
this is my fav so far!!! added it to my favs right away!! -10
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10/22/2005 08:35:16 PM
Beautifully done, and powerful message. Only nit-picky details are the the house on the far right, and the excessive sharpening around the model. 8
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10/22/2005 06:48:12 PM
Great sense of scale in this picture. Your choice of colour adds a lot to the mood of the picture. Nice Work.
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10/22/2005 06:14:57 PM
Awesome....Great job..!!! bump 10
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10/22/2005 05:18:34 PM
This looks like one of those shots that should have some sort of motivational message printed on it. Very nice job. I like the way it tells a story. I wouldn't be surprised to see this with a ribbon, or at the very least in the top 10. It's a 10 from me!
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10/22/2005 03:38:55 PM
A little too much halo on the man but a very nice wide angle, lots of space, like it lots..
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10/22/2005 02:57:55 PM
A great photo. Leaves much to the imagination. Also could have
been entered in Pride! Thank you for sharing. 9
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10/21/2005 07:10:14 PM
Very pretty...live the sky and the B&W.
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10/21/2005 04:18:51 PM
A beatiful image with something to say...it doesn't get any better than this...absolutely one of my favs...well done.
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10/21/2005 10:00:19 AM
This is a very powerful image. I think that I would c;lone out the house though.
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10/20/2005 08:49:28 PM
great shot and portrait here.
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10/20/2005 05:29:59 PM
Nice pic. What is in the upper background? It is a bit distracting. I like how the house acts as an anchor.
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10/19/2005 06:19:26 PM
has an appealing photojournalistic quality - 7
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10/19/2005 04:17:11 PM
good choice on not using color in this picture, it enhances the overal photograph. i like how you put the subject right in the center, it brings focus to him only, especially with the lines that lead up to him. I really like this picture!
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10/18/2005 06:56:15 PM
Great shot - very provocative. The house on the right could go IMHO and there is quite a distinct halo around the man - is that from sharpening? Great vision.
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10/18/2005 06:37:45 PM
Perfect tone, lighting and leading lines, subject placement etc... Possibly over use of USM, but I can tell fro sure, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. After voting on all photos, this is 1 of 2 I gave a 10 to. Congratulations.
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10/18/2005 12:55:59 PM
Very powerful image...my pick for first place. Excellent work!
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10/18/2005 12:39:42 PM
Very moving photo. Think the black and white was a good choice.
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10/18/2005 12:06:22 PM
There is a slight glow around the man, maybe too harsh on the USM threshold, or possibly resizing to a low res image? I tend to be leniant on possible resizing errors and sharpening and such for small files. Regardless, I like this the best in the challenge, and I have voted on a lot so far. Excellent entry, and I hope you get a ribbon. Nice work.
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10/18/2005 11:59:43 AM
Great photo!
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10/18/2005 09:54:57 AM
Awesome perspective and concept
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10/18/2005 09:19:53 AM
I really like the composition, perspective and artistic presentation! Strong image with great impact!
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10/18/2005 03:02:34 AM
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10/17/2005 11:45:47 PM
Outstanding! I'm speechless...
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10/17/2005 04:03:59 PM
You make me wet inside Pedro.

It's pictures like this that make we want to go take photos. I love the centered composition and you better be getting a high score or else.

This is like jjbeguin meets your mom.

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10/17/2005 11:53:17 AM
Powerfully emotional piece. Very cool shot. Well done.
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10/17/2005 11:14:01 AM
Very good. 10
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10/17/2005 08:29:52 AM
Normally, I don't like the subject to be dead center, but this certainly works. Great use of filter too. The house over to the right is a nice added touch. Wonderful subject and title. The sky surrounds him like a beautiful blanket! Bravo 9
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10/17/2005 06:19:38 AM
Strong message... maybe the person could have been closer to the camera for a less centered composition. Don't know about the house on the right, it draws my eyes away from the center.
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