Hi Harrison and greetings from the "Critique Club"
Wow...only one comment...what's going on with commenting lately? Seems like commenting has really gone down through out these challenges...anyway, I'll get on with the "critique" now.
Overall this is a very effective documentary style shot. I like the strong contrast and the grain I feel does enhance the image and actually gives it a nice "filmy" quality. I like the tight crop, but I am curious about how this may have looked if you had pulled back just a bit? Who knows right?
Generally speaking I think the masses like their concert pictures to be bright and pretty, most of us have been to concerts and know what magic occurs when there's a good lighting tech around...people love being dazzled by pomp and pretty colors. I don't know if gig shooting is a road you are going to continue traveling down, but might I suggest taking a peek at a couple fellow DPCer's work? My all time favorite show photographer is terje...his work is slick, professional, and simply quite delicious...the guy is truly an artist. Also take a peek at Xion's work, particularly his "Buskers" series which can be found in [B[+]]: people: buskers...Xion is such the master of the street candid as far as I am concerned, his work sings.
If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to drop me a line, I hope I have given you atleast a couple of things to think about and look at...have fun! : } |