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The Stare Down
The Stare Down

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Light On White II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A60
Location: home
Date: Oct 22, 2005
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Emotive, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 24, 2005

My daughters sassy cat, Snowball(s). She wasn't wanting to stay on the white matte board, and was getting a little irritated that I kept putting her back. . . thus the look.

desat to get rid of the blue tinting
upped exposure, all whites/lighter increased
curves, to bring out the green & yellow eyes
resized for web

Place: 12 out of 277
Avg (all users): 6.3367
Avg (commenters): 7.1739
Avg (participants): 5.9130
Avg (non-participants): 6.6044
Views since voting: 2203
Views during voting: 486
Votes: 297
Comments: 32
Favorites: 10 (view)

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11/02/2005 11:33:42 PM
I love this! I think that it is wonderful. I would like to see this with the eye having full color.
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11/02/2005 10:34:26 PM
Looking at this picture of Snowball makes me sad now. She went missing on Saturday. We looked everywhere, checked the animal control shelter, started to make posters, and all that stuff. She showed up this evening looking like something or someone attacked her. Her poor face is all swollen and it looks like whatever it was tried to scratch her eyes out. She's hurting and it makes me very sad. I don't know what the vet can really do, other than maybe give her something for pain and an antibiotic. I've never had to deal with a hurt animal like this before....But we are very happy to know she is alive and back home, and that she will recover fine, thank goodness.
Anyways, just thought I would share Snowball's story.

I'm not really very sure what to make of that comment? *shrug*
Again tho, Thank You all for the comments and the praise!! It is really appreciated!

Message edited by author 2005-11-02 22:43:11.
11/02/2005 08:40:56 PM
Originally posted by Unicorn_Fighter03:

This is the time...I see this photo before in this site..

What in the world is this kid trying to say?

OH by the way GREAT SHOT!

Message edited by author 2005-11-02 20:42:48.
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11/02/2005 03:36:57 PM
This is a magical picture, I love it. Should of placed higher.
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11/02/2005 01:45:47 PM
This is a wonderful picture.I picked this has a ribbon finish. You were robbed ! Congratulation on top 20 finish
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11/02/2005 08:40:33 AM
Wow! My hightest finish yet. Thank you all for the comments! :)
11/02/2005 02:16:47 AM
Oh man, you should have been in the top 5! Bandit said to pass on his regards to Snowball.
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11/02/2005 12:48:45 AM
This is just amazing. I really picked it as a top 5 finish! Awesome work!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/01/2005 11:14:32 AM
This is the time...I see this photo before in this site..
11/01/2005 10:47:59 AM
WOW - amazing composition and such a powerfull inviting shot. Should Ribbon :)
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10/31/2005 10:06:52 PM
I know some people will vote this low because of the blown out highlights, but I think it works well in this picture. Nicely done.
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10/31/2005 02:32:42 PM
wow, very intensely cool. i love the colors of the nose and the eye. "stupendous job!!" 10
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10/29/2005 12:15:39 AM
I love the way you have done this, so pure! excellent job.
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10/28/2005 07:46:21 PM
Great idea and followthrough. Certainly has light on white. Some people may not care for the washed out eye, a bit more green would have really improved this image. However overall I really like the results you achieved. Good work
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10/28/2005 02:12:57 PM
Love this!
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10/28/2005 05:32:18 AM
Lacks sharpness. Idea is good.
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10/28/2005 05:07:32 AM
OOHHH now this is cool. A pitty about the little bit of ick in the corner of it's eye. Beautiful photo, very well done.9
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10/28/2005 02:59:28 AM
This is in the winner's circle for sure--great capture
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10/27/2005 08:29:38 PM
I can see some people saying that its overexposed... but not a chance... it works so well and a perfect image for this challenge... :)
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10/27/2005 08:18:43 PM
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10/27/2005 08:09:57 PM
nice photo except for rhe gunk in the corner of his eye
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10/27/2005 06:04:48 PM
Beautifully done! Love the composition!
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10/27/2005 03:09:42 PM
Great image, but.....the topic was a mostly light subject against a whit background, and your picture appears to be all cat, but.....your true subject is the cat's face against the white background of the cat's body. I'm so confused......
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10/27/2005 12:29:17 PM
Tighter crop would of been better for this picture
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10/27/2005 08:16:56 AM
my tiffany used to collect crud in the corner of her eye like that without ever bein aware of it. she was white too. don't you wish you'd cleaned it now? love the shot otherwise!
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10/26/2005 02:26:50 PM
my taste is not having part of the cat blown out, but love the close up of the face!! did you try to crop showing JUST the face, cropping off all the extra white? my opinion, I know LOL, but to me looks GREAT that way!
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10/26/2005 12:35:40 PM
looks a bit too blown out may be, but still i liked it, nice detail on the nose and mouth.. meets this challenge well. 7.
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10/26/2005 10:52:57 AM
I like this very much without the eye booger. Maybe a tad too "uncontrasted," but the idea is nicely executed.
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10/26/2005 09:59:39 AM
Well done, I would probably have cleaned the muck out of the cats eye .. or maybe you tried that ... so hard to tell ...
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10/26/2005 06:49:05 AM
Fits challenge purrrrrrfectly! Well done.
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10/26/2005 12:55:02 AM
beautiful!.. the expression in the cat's eyes are just perfect!
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10/26/2005 12:47:31 AM
Cat wins - I must move on. Nice entry - well executed.
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