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I see
I see

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transparency II (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: At home
Date: Oct 25, 2005
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Studio, Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Oct 25, 2005

My wife, orange soda in a glass, one 500 watt softbox, croping, gave the eye some more blue, sharpen, some blur in the hair.

Place: 59 out of 155
Avg (all users): 5.6232
Avg (commenters): 6.8000
Avg (participants): 5.3793
Avg (non-participants): 5.8000
Views since voting: 1061
Views during voting: 300
Votes: 207
Comments: 16
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/09/2005 08:25:55 PM
*Critique Club Comment*

Magnað, ég hef ekki fengið random mynd í þessum CC klúbb í marga mánuði og þegar ég geri það dett ég niður á þína mynd.

Fín bygging í myndinni, flott að fylla rammann. Eina sem fer í taugarnar á mér er að það rétt sést í nebbaling hægra megin, hefði e.t.v. mátt croppa nær glasinu eða vel inn í það.

Fín lýsing hjá þér, Bowens gaurinn að skila sínu. Fer ekki í taugarnar á mér að myndist "yfirlýst" svæði á glasinu. Húðin kemur vel út og aðalatriðið, augað, er mjög flott.

Tækni (e. camera work)
Mjög fín, kann vel við DOF í myndinni, hárið hæfilega blurrað eins og glasið og augað súper skarpt.

Góð PS vinna. Skerping upp á tíu og blurrið í hárinu kemur eðlilega út. Flottir litir, mjög eðlilegt allt saman.

Titill og upplýsingar
Titillinn er einfaldur og lýsandi, rænir ekki athygli frá myndinni. Upplýsingarnar sem þú gefur upp innihalda allt þetta helsta, nema hvaða linsu þú notar.

Niðurstaða (mitt álit)
Tæknilega er myndin mjög vel gerð. Kannski ekki mest frumleg í þessu þema en dettur þó ekki í neina klisju. Ef ég á að setja út á eitthvað myndi það vera skurðurinn við nefið. Hefði kannski líka prufað eitthvað annað í glasið, appelsínugulur er kannski full líkur húðlitnum.

Kveðja, Halli
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/06/2005 11:15:23 PM
Returning for comments:
A highly engrossing image with clarity galore to entrain the viewer.
11/05/2005 09:54:24 AM
great colour, reflection in her eye. focus is perfect -- very well done!
11/03/2005 05:08:28 PM
Very sharp pic. I don't know what I think about the orange beverage. If the glass was filled with ice, I think it would be a really, rally cool pic. Oh and you could make a word game with "I see" and "Icy"...
11/03/2005 10:37:43 AM
I would have liked everything cropped out here but the glass with the eye, but it is very nice!
11/02/2005 07:35:56 PM
Nice transparency. I like how you can see the glass in the iris of her eye. 8
11/02/2005 11:46:53 AM
Nicely sharp around the eye, although there are a couple of reflections in the glass and one in the eye that are a bit too strong for my liking. Possibly the lighting from the left was a little too harsh. I think that the hair to the left of the frame looks a little unruly and could be cropped off and I also feel that the unused earring hole coould be cloned out (I keep finding my eye drawn to it). Still a good shot though.
11/01/2005 04:18:28 PM
the orange beverage ( mimosa?) takes away from a good shot. It would have worked on more levels if the fluid was transparent, water wine, champagne, any thing that wasn't opaque.
10/31/2005 10:06:59 PM
Whew, beautiful eye, isn't it? The mimosa could leave a little to be desired colorwise, but it's a nice concept.
10/31/2005 09:57:19 PM
nice idea. I don't like the big white glare in her eye, though.
10/31/2005 07:50:37 PM
fun shot! like the contrast of orange against your model's blue eye!
10/31/2005 02:49:33 PM
Nice! Could have been a complementary colors entry as well! Focus and sharpness is dead-on!
10/31/2005 12:01:56 PM
Nice ... the highlight (softbox?) in her eye is a bit distracting. Cool idea, good luck.
10/31/2005 04:05:50 AM
The eye looks great but doesn't seem to go with the glass IMO. It is nice and sharp though and definitely catches the attention
10/31/2005 01:53:37 AM
Very pretty eye. :) I like how sharp and clear it is.
10/31/2005 12:18:36 AM
very good...

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