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1st PlaceTender

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Delicate (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Location: A little shack at the edge of the woods.
Date: Oct 22, 2005
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/60 sec.
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 25, 2005

This is my Daughter sitting on the front porch of a pre civil war cabin. I have to admit I set out with the intention of getting a picture for the Grain challenge. This picture told so much about her delicate soul I knew I had to change my entry. Her hair color really is that beautiful, I'm so jealous!

This was the first time I set parameters in my camera, if you haven’t tried it you should! It saved so much time during post processing.

Photo shop;
Unsharp mask
Neat image

I am honored to win a blue ribbon!! Thank you for seeing the beauty in this. I appreciate all of the nice comments and votes. I’ll be grinning for days :)

Place: 1 out of 279
Avg (all users): 7.4570
Avg (commenters): 8.7568
Avg (participants): 7.2473
Avg (non-participants): 7.5767
Views since voting: 18266
Views during voting: 555
Votes: 256
Comments: 100
Favorites: 86 (view)

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12/17/2007 07:21:55 PM
pritty much beautiful and expressive :) exelantly composed, I like the softness the most
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01/03/2007 11:47:02 PM
Dang, tried to add it to my favorites only to discover it was ALREADY in my favorites list! Love the image ... twice over! :-)
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08/30/2006 08:00:37 PM
This is great! She's gorgeous.
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07/31/2006 12:29:25 PM
What could mere words add to Greatness! Photography & subject here are both of exceptional quality! You do have great reason for gratitude! :)
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06/03/2006 09:44:59 PM
Lovely portrait! I liked it very much! But, as Bluelemur said, the white clothes are overexposed. Not really a big problem for this fantastic shot!
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04/25/2006 03:04:38 AM
very nice
this is very nice.butiful.wonderfull and............
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02/27/2006 05:14:00 PM
This is so sweet...well done mate
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11/17/2005 07:29:37 AM
This is a great shot! Compliments! :)
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11/11/2005 03:39:26 PM
Reminds me of an old Violent Femmes album cover. Congrats its a great shot.
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11/08/2005 09:33:33 PM
This one is just, PERFECT!
I don't know if u used a program to make some changes, but if u didn't, my god...
just, Perfect!

Message edited by author 2005-11-08 21:34:27.
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11/08/2005 10:28:28 AM
hi Jaxed,
I love this photograph. To me, the softening *works* -- when I first looked at the photo, I was amazed at how smooth and soft and flowing her hair, face skin were! I love the effect here -- it's fantastic. My eyes kept coming back to her hair, her face, her skin; to me, that's one sign that a photograph is good -- you want to keep looking and looking. She's a lovely girl, and you captured natural light on her face in a very attractive way.

My only suggestion would be to be careful when shooting white clothing on kids/people, b/c they often tend to "flouresce" and look blue-ish or over-whited in a finished digital shot. For me, anyway, it's really hard to get white clothes to look best in a digital picture. Sometimes I deliberately ask people to change, just b/c it's so hard to get the white clothes to look their best when the face/skin look THEIR best.

But that aside, I still love this picture. I'm new to this forum, hopefully will register soon, and I really look forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks for sharing this photo! :)
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11/08/2005 09:24:43 AM
Well deserved. Congrats!!
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11/06/2005 09:13:54 PM
looks like a painting.. well done
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11/05/2005 06:50:29 PM
Very lovely photo.
Congrats on the ribbon!
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11/05/2005 12:05:30 PM
hmm..some people need help..LOL

This is a beautiful photo! You did a wonderful job! Congrats on the well deserved blue!

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11/04/2005 11:19:35 PM
Many congratulations on your ribbon and on a beautiful, beautiful picture of your little daughter!
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11/04/2005 07:48:15 PM
I just took the garbage out...I do apologize for my rant on a day that should be filled with joy for you. I did take a look at your profile and I think all the comments concerning your abilities are true. Don\'t let an old godger like me throw you off track.
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11/04/2005 12:20:33 PM
Originally posted by shaunjchang:

Jaxed, you just keep taking great photographs like this. Don't let any of the self touting critics discourage you. I see more top ten finishes and blue ribbons in your future.

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm flattered that Tinmason thinks I know so much about editing. I still have my training wheels on as far as computers are concerned. My original picture was sent in during voting and validated by the site council, surely it would have been disqualified if I had photo chopped.


Thank you for your opinion and the 7, I consider it a compliment:)

11/04/2005 11:21:39 AM
Jaxed, you just keep taking great photographs like this. Don't let any of the self touting critics discourage you. I see more top ten finishes and blue ribbons in your future.
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11/04/2005 12:40:51 AM
I didn't see this until today. It is just beautiful, capturing her in a thoughful moment. The background just enhances the skin and hair tones. I enjoyed your comments about the parameters in the camera as I have that camera and lens. We can always learn something, with photography it can be like an epiphany.
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11/03/2005 09:58:32 PM
And it's obvious to me that (shaunjchang) you also do not know what you're talking about. Let's see...doesn't own a camera...never done a lick of photo editing in their life. You want to judge my skills...here it is: in addition to the twelve years of photo editing, I also spent eight years repairing cameras as well as working behind them...you go take some art classes...you go take some photography classes and after you have removed your head from where it's not supposed to be...then you can come tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about...Jaxed I do apologize I fotgot to congratulate you on nice image...However, I still stand by my opinion and my rating of a seven...which is what you averaged in the voting.
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11/03/2005 09:37:10 PM
Never said I was a photographer...good bad or otherwise...but I am a damn good photo editor and IMO if you want this type of thing then throw out the basic editing rules and the advanced editing rules and let the photographer decide what an image needs in the way of photo editing and then judge that.I thought I lived in America where an Artist is not restricted by other peoples ideas of what should be allowed because it gives them a safe, warm, and fuzzy feeling when they go to bed at night...buy a camera, take some photos and then try some photo editing. You might learn something and then be able to give an honest opion of someone else's skills.
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11/03/2005 09:24:52 PM
This picture is remarkable. I have no idea what tinmason means by well beyond basic photo editing. I wonder if tinmason has ever actually just taken a good photograph. After 12 years of "photo chopping" I guess there would be no need for talent, just computer skills. I don't see anything more than a small amount of softening. Other than that Kudos Jaxed!! Great talent in just the basic photo. It actually shows that you know how to compose a good photo shoot, without having to fall back on Photoshop just to make the photo pleasing. "IMO" there is art and then there is color by numbers. This is Art, this is talent.
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11/03/2005 09:05:58 PM
and finally, the black edging around the head definately lost points with me. I give a seven.
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11/03/2005 08:52:48 PM
In addition, I deducted points for lack of originality...I have seen an almost duplicate of this image in a previous challenge...it was also a first place winner which IMO also did not deserve a blue ribbon.

Message edited by author 2005-11-03 21:02:48.
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11/03/2005 08:49:40 PM
I've been photo chopping for twelve years and you did a good job with the hair but not blue ribbon...IMO this went far beyond basic photo editing.
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11/03/2005 11:15:31 AM
I knew this was a winner. Awesome job!!
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11/02/2005 11:59:32 PM
Congrats Eden on your blue, what an incredible and beautiful candid shot.
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11/02/2005 05:49:44 PM
Congrats on a very strong start here at DPC.
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11/02/2005 05:37:47 PM
Congrats on your first blue ribbon!
Given your excellent start at DPC and the overall care that you put into your work it is likely there are more ribbons to come.
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11/02/2005 01:49:53 PM
This is a gift that just keeps on giving! The colours are gorgeous, the composition stunning - there's so much to look at and yet none of it competes with or distracts from the rest. The girl looks perfect for this sort of shot, and the focus is great with just the right amount of softness. I didn't vote on this challenge but I hope I would have had the sense to give this a 10 like 41 other voters did. The other voters clearly don't know one end of the camera from the other! (just kidding about the last bit) Seriously though, this is a great photo by any measure, tells a great story.
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11/02/2005 09:09:56 AM
Amazing! Congratulations....you must be so proud! She is beautiful!
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11/02/2005 08:23:22 AM
Absolutely gorgeous!
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11/02/2005 07:30:38 AM
i could not be happier that this won the blue -- this image is just wonderful. congratulations again!!!
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11/02/2005 06:19:00 AM
It is a little too over-NeatImaged for my taste, but that kind of photo is going down well on DPC at the moment for some reason. A lot of detail has been lost and the hair comes over somewhat smudgy. Congratulations on your ribbon anyway.
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11/02/2005 05:28:55 AM
Congrats Eden on a well deserved ribbon!!!
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11/02/2005 03:05:57 AM
Super image and a well deserved Blue. Glad you won because it sent me to your portfolio...nice work, all around. Congrats!
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11/02/2005 02:04:49 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon! If I had've voted in this challenge I would have given this a 10! It is even better than the other photo of her I commented on in your profile. I love the muted dry brush look.
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11/02/2005 02:03:29 AM
I knew it the minute I saw this beautiful capture! And so sorry I thought you were Sonifo :D
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11/02/2005 01:15:49 AM
Originally posted by kpriest:

ps: I'll die if it gets DQ'd for any reason. ;-)

Don't worry Ken, that ain't gonna happen. I was lucky enough to be there to witness this work of art in progress. Simple, elegant and organic. Eden is a Photoshop novice, lord help us when she learns all the fun stuff. :-)

Oh and you can kick me for introducing her to this place ... I know I am. **Mumble mumble...Blue ribbon on 3rd entry... mumble, must throw my camera away now.. mumble**

Congrats again Girl!! :-)
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11/02/2005 01:11:40 AM
Great shot. Tender, loving and delicate. The neatimage is very appropriate.


Message edited by author 2005-11-02 01:12:39.
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11/02/2005 01:08:35 AM
stunning!!!! Congrats!
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11/02/2005 01:04:15 AM
Doh! I tried to add it to my favorites but it is already there! :) Congratulations! I didn't enter this challenge and didn't vote, but scanned through at one point and found this and immediately added to my fav's. FANTASTIC image! Very, very much deserved!

ps: I'll die if it gets DQ'd for any reason. ;-)
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11/02/2005 12:43:24 AM
Jax, Congrats on your first ribbon, just a beautiful image.
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11/02/2005 12:30:35 AM
Very pretty picture :) Congratulations on the Blue!! :)
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11/02/2005 12:28:00 AM
Congrats. Most well deserved!!!
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11/02/2005 12:26:47 AM
Congratulations on your BLUE with this tender beauty lost in innocent serenity.
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11/02/2005 12:22:37 AM
Excellent! Could you please share your post-processing?
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11/02/2005 12:18:09 AM
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11/02/2005 12:08:04 AM
Holy Moly woman!! I bow to you!! Congratulations and a big "I told you so!!!!" :-)
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11/02/2005 12:07:41 AM
Wow, what a beautiful photo! Congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/01/2005 02:52:54 PM
Beautiful! I realy like the color contrasts, as well as the color matching! It's very intersting. With the harshness of the background, you have a delicate little girl with tiny little toes. But even further, you have a little girl holding a delicate little yellow flower.
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11/01/2005 01:48:03 PM
Outstanding - 10
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11/01/2005 08:30:47 AM
Great colours, textures, pose, composition. This really works, and I HATE pictures of children ;) So that's a 9. I'm going to hate myself for this. 10 ;)
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10/31/2005 08:13:53 PM
Wow...a lot of mood. Nice job.
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10/31/2005 03:26:47 PM
Great shot! This photo just screams 'delicate'. I can't help thinking the dress is overexposed, though. Added to favorites.
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10/31/2005 01:26:31 AM
this will ribbon...i think :-)...most likely blue..10
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10/30/2005 06:27:29 PM
The colours seem magical! Well done!
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10/30/2005 05:53:49 PM
WOW. the colors blow me away. The textures are just amazing. I absolutely love how the red hair is brought up against the gray background.
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10/30/2005 05:11:47 PM
I wish I could give this photo more than a 10... beautifully done!
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10/29/2005 09:03:40 PM
Wow... nice color! I love that hair!
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10/29/2005 03:42:01 PM
I don't know how you did it. This looks like something that normally comes out of a 'Advanced Editing' Challenge. The only issue is that the front of her dress seems a bit over-exposed. But maybe that is the price to pay for the other wondeful deep colours.
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10/29/2005 02:00:40 PM
amazing effect... 9
i love how the rusted wood is the same color as the girls hair... very well composed shot with penty of contrast
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10/29/2005 12:11:17 AM
She is beautiful and delicate and you have captured it so well, she must be someone special to you. Amazing 10
Had to come back and look again and have to say I wish that I could give you more than a 10.
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10/28/2005 11:55:44 PM
Beautiful! 8.
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10/28/2005 11:07:27 PM
it looks like major neat image here. or just blurred. i like the image a lot. the soft effect adds to the delicate feel of the portrait. good job keeping the subject away from the center of the frame.
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10/28/2005 07:02:11 PM
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10/28/2005 03:44:40 PM
Great photo, very sharp and clear with good lighting. Her hair is fantastic and I love the contrast between the soft skin and colors and the dark, harsh background.
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10/28/2005 02:37:15 PM
wonderful image!
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10/28/2005 10:15:28 AM
We have a ribbon! :) The way the color on the wood ties your eyes to her hair, the beautiful tonal range and the composition all work so well together, here. And easy 10. Great photograph.
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10/27/2005 10:24:13 PM
A wonderfully done portrait filled with love.
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10/27/2005 06:16:42 PM
very nice colors and pose. Great framing. If I were to nit pick, the flower, bottom right is a little distracting but I really like the pic. 8
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10/27/2005 05:15:13 PM
Just superb, in every way. Her mood, expression, contrast with the darker background, exposure, desaturation....all do it for me. I love the flowers at the bottom right....they make it what it is.
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10/27/2005 04:14:40 PM
Love how her skin looks like porcelain. Lovely all round.
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10/27/2005 03:41:27 PM
simply stunning -- a simple, wonderful stylized child shot. absolutely a 10. very well done!
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10/27/2005 12:07:05 PM
very lovely shot...
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10/27/2005 07:22:05 AM
Great use of colors! Like this photo!
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10/27/2005 06:46:31 AM
Gorgeous! Perfect mood, colors, overall technically excelent... 10
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10/27/2005 02:29:43 AM
Beautiful photo
Nice contrast of soft against a rough background
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10/27/2005 01:53:34 AM
at last an image i can enjoy, super work a bit too smooth for my liking but none the less very well captured an edited. I just started voting and this is the first -8- ive given out.. super well done
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10/27/2005 12:38:08 AM
wonderfully expressive photo
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10/26/2005 11:32:02 PM
I love this picture...it is so beautiful. Your compositon is excellent!
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10/26/2005 11:03:30 PM
nice composition!
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10/26/2005 11:02:09 PM
Beautiful. Interesting use of color. Hmmmmm How'd you do that with basic? HEE HEE Can't wait to find out. This is nicely composed too.
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10/26/2005 07:42:40 PM
which colour ribbon would you like? Placing the subject to the side is overtly fashionable but in this case the hot orange balanced the picture as I'm sure you know. Did you consider a 1 degree rotation to level the horizon?
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10/26/2005 04:55:04 PM
wonderful image - great editing - nice lighting, coloring, softness, I predict ribbon or at least top 20 for this one - good job!
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10/26/2005 04:52:26 PM
Great shot. While it may be stating the obvious, the situation of the image and those little flowers did a great deal to emphasise the 'delicate' message for me. I like it.
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10/26/2005 03:56:34 PM
Love the tone and setting of this shot. With her white dress and auburn hair she really stands out against the stark background.
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10/26/2005 03:04:05 PM
Ok - Somebody put something VERY nice together here! I like the way her hair color is accented by the color on the door/wall. Nice filtering (Gothic Glow perhaps?) - has a warm soft feel to it that is quite appropriate for this subject.
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10/26/2005 12:17:41 PM
I really like this picture. It's beautiful yet still true to the challenge--she is delicate! 9 of 10 only because I don't think I'm qualified to give out 10s!
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10/26/2005 11:11:11 AM
very nice colours and composition.
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10/26/2005 10:43:18 AM
Nice neat-image processing, looks like You dodged a little the skin :)
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10/26/2005 07:26:53 AM
Wonderful picture but little too much of neatimage(?).8.
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10/26/2005 05:00:06 AM
love this photo, it is absolutely amazing
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10/26/2005 02:54:56 AM
a very nice shot indeed. 9
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10/26/2005 02:50:17 AM
Great shot!! Wonderful composition, colours and a gorgeous model. I love it!!
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10/26/2005 02:36:18 AM
Beautiful image. I'm guessing this is Soni :) if not, this is definitely a compliment for this heart warming image. Beautiful. 10
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10/26/2005 01:51:21 AM
The colouring is just beautiful - it draws you in to the picture. I love the flowers peeping into the right-hand corner. Lovely.
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10/26/2005 01:11:21 AM
Love the crop and the pp'ing
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10/26/2005 12:26:16 AM
Great photo, should get a ribbon, 10 ..
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