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Birds Flying
Birds Flying

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Busy (Basic Editing III)
Camera: HP PhotoSmart 635
Location: Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
Date: Oct 31, 2005
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/975 sec
Galleries: Sky, Animals
Date Uploaded: Oct 31, 2005


Place: 186 out of 190
Avg (all users): 2.7391
Avg (commenters): 2.5714
Avg (participants): 2.6479
Avg (non-participants): 2.7747
Views since voting: 1133
Views during voting: 337
Votes: 253
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/08/2005 06:22:22 PM
Not a whole lot to see here, I'm afraid. Just doesn't appear that a whole lot of effort or thought went into this one... sorry to be blunt...
11/08/2005 06:02:38 PM
the tree seems blurry. as the birds are the subject of the picture, they could have been bigger.
11/08/2005 05:44:38 PM
Blurry, distant, not a good application of theme.
11/07/2005 11:15:47 PM
Sorry, but in my opinion this is too out of focus, I can't really tell what that is by the tree, though I am assuming they are 2 birds.
11/07/2005 07:58:44 PM
11/07/2005 01:16:30 PM
Are you serious? This looks like what happens when my 2-year old gets ahold of the camera.
11/07/2005 08:51:45 AM
Litle farstreching considering the challenge description. Also small and unsharp.
11/05/2005 02:24:18 PM
NIce concept, but a bit too small an image and too distant to really make an impact on me.
11/05/2005 06:50:11 AM
I don't know where the focus is nor what the subject is with this photo. Despite the title, I only see 2 dots that look vaguely like birds. The tree does nothing except confuse the viewer on the subject. There's a fair amount of noise in the sky and the light is really nothing great. Overall, it just looks like an accidental test shot that got submitted by mistake. Challenge-wise, it's way off. If you really wanted to show "busy" birds flying, capturing a whole flock would be better. If not possible, another idea would probably be better but only you can think of that. Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's meant to help as this was the lowest score I've given so far in this challenge.
11/05/2005 01:51:54 AM
You've probably already heard this, but it is really hard to see the birds in such a small picture. Have you looked into Paint Shop Pro? The tree appears out of focus, but I like the clouds.
11/04/2005 04:18:23 PM
those birds certainly are busy flying so this meets the challenge, the image itself is a little small in my opinion and I feel the tree top and birds are a little too far away, the use of the thin black border was a very good decision and the overcast sky was a good choice for this composition :)
11/04/2005 02:33:39 PM
Could be planes for all I know. Needs better focus or somehow zoom in closer.
11/04/2005 12:48:22 PM
Need to zoom in a little more.
11/04/2005 11:03:40 AM
It would have helped if you zoomed in more.
11/04/2005 12:07:41 AM
Good idea, perhaps it just needs more birds.
11/03/2005 12:05:50 PM
This is a nice idea but I feel it needs a lot more birds to fit the challenge. Also it is too small.
11/03/2005 10:35:52 AM
IMO the birds are too small to be the subject of the photo.
11/02/2005 11:23:33 PM
It needs more birds, I think, to make the scene look busier.
11/02/2005 03:18:45 PM
Too small imho and not busy enough
11/02/2005 08:36:47 AM
Where? Oh, you mean those black dots?
11/02/2005 04:24:49 AM
Can hardly see the birds, maybe there are two of them? Hardly a 'busy' picture.
11/02/2005 12:40:46 AM
Too far away to see the subjects of this photo.

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