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 This image was disqualified from the Garbage II challenge.
Childhood's End
Childhood's End

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garbage II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Location: Near Sealdah Station, Kolkata
Date: Nov 4, 2005
Aperture: 4.5
Shutter: 1/60 sec
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Nov 4, 2005

Took this shot from a cab while halting at a traffic signal near Sealdah, Kolkata. It shows a child carrying a basket full of "valuables" that she could retrieve from the garbage bin. Just enough time to take out my cam, change the settings and take a shot.This is the only shot i could get of this child before the traffic moved on.
Disqualification Details
Your photograph must be taken after the challenge is announced. Your camera's date and time must be set to correspond with your local timezone. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 1977
Views during voting: 501
Comments: 38
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/17/2005 11:34:25 AM
thanks for all ur support...
hope to do better in future.
11/17/2005 03:28:13 AM
Thanks for the ribbon. To bad you got DQed for a wrong set date. I gave you an 8. (no 10s and only one 9) so go at it again.
11/16/2005 09:03:35 PM
Sorry about the DQ, but I still think this is a great pic!
11/16/2005 04:19:08 PM
Sorry that you lost your for a dates violation. Don't let it discourage. Please keep submitting and sharing with the community.
11/16/2005 12:40:13 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon! Terrific shot.
11/16/2005 10:43:20 AM
Congratulations on third place, this was a moving and thoughtful image..since you were on the spot for timing, it was very well executed...keep riding those cabs!
11/16/2005 08:28:45 AM
Congrats on your "once in a lifetime" shot. Really well executed. Great colors and composition.
11/16/2005 08:06:14 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon and a very nice fit for the challenge.
11/16/2005 01:53:34 AM
Touching. Congratulations on your Yellow!
11/16/2005 01:06:03 AM
Great capture and again, the color treatment is wonderful. Congrats.
11/16/2005 01:04:39 AM
Wow, incredible considering how you had to take the shot! Congratulations!
11/16/2005 12:46:49 AM
Congratulations on your first Ribbon and a timely capture!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/15/2005 11:44:26 PM
This looks like one of Manny's, Nepal series images. Very interesting color treatment. Well done. Textbook rule of Thirds.
11/15/2005 10:03:47 PM
little too overexposed, sorry
11/15/2005 11:56:09 AM
What a wonderful photo that really tells a story. Nice work! 10
11/15/2005 07:07:06 AM
the picture is beautiful, but i feel like it could have been processed better. i would have preferred a b&w, i think. the contrast is way too high for me, causing a lot of burning. maybe that's what you were looking for, though?
11/14/2005 11:54:33 PM
Quite the attention grabber. This tugs at the heart-strings and is well set. A little too bright, but perhaps that was intentional. Good job.
11/14/2005 10:50:52 AM
One of the best examples of the theme. Highlights seem a bit overblown
11/13/2005 12:12:57 AM
moving image......
11/12/2005 08:22:23 PM
Image seems a bit overexposed. Using a neutral density filter at the time of the shot would have equalized the highlights better. Subject is wonderful, and I love the concept.
11/11/2005 09:08:34 PM
The overall picture is good. Very dramatic. I am not crazy about the blown highlight here and there.
11/11/2005 05:51:29 PM
I figured to see a photo like this in the challenge,, nice job. The high lites as a little washed out but I like it all the same.
11/11/2005 04:01:50 PM
I like this, but the child seems to be the focus, and for this challenge I think the garbage should be the subject or at least as prominent as the child.
11/11/2005 03:35:07 AM
I love this. Parts of it seem overexposed, but I don't care.
11/10/2005 08:50:23 PM
Your image transcends the ordinary and makes a powerfull statement. 10
11/10/2005 06:48:46 PM
the image feels a bit overexposed, but what an awesome image! i love this capture.
11/10/2005 06:00:59 PM
i liked the idea of this, looks a bit blown out tho.
11/10/2005 09:19:11 AM
nice i like it, the color effect is cool good job!
11/09/2005 06:17:51 PM
seems a little over exposed, but a very poignant shot
11/09/2005 04:18:56 PM
Looks too over saturated or over sharpened to me. But I like the photo.
11/09/2005 02:06:43 PM
Very emotional. This should do well. Not a generic photo for this challenge.
I give you a 10.
11/09/2005 01:20:33 PM
This has met the challenge perfectly and in a moving way, well done. 10
11/09/2005 10:59:28 AM
Has the quality of Librodo--I pick this to ribbon. Definitely one of my top "pics" :)
11/09/2005 10:52:21 AM
A very powerful image, but I wish the highlights weren't blown out.
11/09/2005 09:47:50 AM
touching photo
11/09/2005 09:42:53 AM
Just a little overexposed to my taste. But lot to think about.
11/09/2005 08:12:02 AM
Great photo, a little over exposed though..
11/09/2005 05:13:16 AM
Great shot! NG look... but kind of sad. Unfortunately that's the truth in some parts of the world... 10

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