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Profile of a Man
Profile of a Man
Joey Lawrence

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Triptych (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
Location: Ontario, Canada
Date: Nov 13, 2005
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2005


Place: 6 out of 234
Avg (all users): 6.8598
Avg (commenters): 8.3200
Avg (participants): 6.6378
Avg (non-participants): 7.0556
Views since voting: 5210
Views during voting: 485
Votes: 271
Comments: 37
Favorites: 14 (view)

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11/26/2005 09:26:15 AM
Hello from the Critique Club!

I have studied your image and have the following to offer:

Composition/perspective – Wow! This immediately strikes the emotive forces with a strong punch! As a whole, the three panels, the choices of the individual images, really captures the essence and character of the man perfectly – age, surroundings (the countryside), hard work, a person who worked with his hands all his life. All three panels could stand on their own. Very expressive and makes a very bold statement. The mind instantly starts to create a story and life for this individual. The first panel – on its own this is a strong portrait. What works is the perspective of having the man up front with the horizon at a distance. Gives the impression you are in his world, the country. Perhaps his field or farm where he has worked all his life. The difference in detail between his face and the horizon line this perspective gives is also a strong force and really allows the split face to work. The middle panel – again a very strong image on its own. I get a lot from this panel – the hand shows not only evidence of age, but also of many years of hard work. Again the perspective of the horizon in the distance adds to this. Perhaps intentional, perhaps not, but the stains on the jeans I find also add strength to this idea. Here you have the hand that has worked the land and home for many years. The third panel – of the three this really brings the emotive forces to the front. The strength of the look in his eye is undeniable; determination, hard work, strong love for family, the understanding of his time in lifeâ€Â¦all of this I get from this single panel. On its own I may like the placement a little different, but in the triptych it is perfect. The focus in all three panels is spot on. As I said, this triptych triggers the imagination to instantly fill in the story. Very well done!

Color – b/w, all three panels have a very nice balance between the light and dark areas. The panels themselves are composed very nicely to create a nice balance between them as well. The separation with the darker center panel sets this up quite nicely. I don’t think this would be as strong a composition in color.

Lighting - No overbearing shadows hiding details. Very nice control of and use of natural light. The first is a little bright in the sky right near his ear and edge of hat, but no detail is lost and it doesn̢۪t become a distraction. All panels are very evenly covered as well. Well done!

Challenge requirements – there is no question this meets the challenge requirements in every respect. There certainly is a story portrayed here, especially if you let your imagination take over while viewing.

Overall/my opinion – this appears to be a well thought out concept that has been translated to images extremely well. The strength of this image just pours out through the screen and captures you instantly. I honestly cannot find anything displeasing here. Excellent triptych!
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11/21/2005 10:23:36 AM
Congratulations... I'll not be speaking to graphicfunk for a few weeks for bumping you up over me at the last min *grumble grumble grumble* ... but congratulations anyway!

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11/21/2005 09:33:43 AM
Nice photos and finish Joey! The tones work so well with this.
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11/21/2005 07:47:18 AM
Nice work joey.
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11/21/2005 06:32:29 AM
Damn, close to another ribbon! Nice triptych d00d!
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11/21/2005 02:29:36 AM
Nice work joey. Congrats on top 10.
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11/21/2005 01:25:57 AM
good one joe!
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11/21/2005 12:17:13 AM
Should have ribboned. Great to see this timeless classic work from you.
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11/21/2005 12:13:01 AM
Hey Joey: this is one of those timeless like studies. Very good study Congratulations on your top 10 finish.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/20/2005 11:46:18 PM
Very nice study. Bumping up.
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11/20/2005 10:40:11 PM
Very nice, Each panel is excellent, nice theme!
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11/20/2005 09:22:15 AM
Powerful, really lets you see the soul. Great job

Message edited by author 2005-11-21 07:52:59.
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11/20/2005 03:59:14 AM
You've shown size doesn't matter and you don't need alot of screen real estate to put forth an extremely powerful image. The lines in this image are facinating. The contrasts are astounding. After studying it, I'm particularly drawn to the commonality of his collar, between his fingers and under his eyebrow shadowing. Maybe i'm just very odd, maybe this is a masterpiece in everyone's mind.
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11/20/2005 02:14:26 AM
Very good job of telling a story and the depiction of a man's character.
Simple & effective layout and framing, and excellent choice for B&W. (7)
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11/19/2005 05:16:24 PM
Well captured, great layout and very strong photos!
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11/17/2005 11:31:38 PM
perfect. 10
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11/17/2005 06:50:54 PM
you can feel the emotion of this man.. great job!
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11/17/2005 10:01:57 AM
excellent capture
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11/17/2005 02:43:41 AM
This is very well done. One of my favourites.
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11/16/2005 03:44:42 PM
Each panel is good, but I think a little more space between each one would have been better.
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11/15/2005 11:07:29 PM
Nicely done. The detail is good. For some reason, I'd like to see another body part on the right, since the center shot isn't part of the left one. Just my personal taste. Still, well done and a nice choice for the challenge. 7
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11/15/2005 10:48:38 PM
Very intense. Great job, and good use of black and white.
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11/15/2005 07:29:39 PM
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11/15/2005 05:09:40 PM
your subject has a lot of character, wonderful job!!! 10
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11/15/2005 11:25:51 AM
Very Engaging & Powerful Set of photos. Nice Work.
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11/15/2005 09:25:01 AM
Very nice. Like the layout and color. Good Luck. 9
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11/14/2005 08:26:40 PM
Very well done B&W, nice contrast and wonderful detail. Tells alot about the man. Nice job. Very simple, yet detailed.
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11/14/2005 06:39:48 PM
This dudes been workin a long time. the shots of the eyes are great.
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11/14/2005 06:18:55 PM
very well done and affecting
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11/14/2005 02:38:58 PM
Excellent storyboard of a hard life. There is a smoothness on his nose and cheek that looks a little out of place amongst all the fabulous wrinkles. Did you neat image him?
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11/14/2005 01:07:17 PM
this looks very powerful, real nice one.
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11/14/2005 06:34:28 AM
7 - Good selection and good character. Criticism; tones work well on 1 & 3, 2 undecided on, like the shot, but doesn't 'flow' with the other two in my opinion, not because of the 'character', but the contrast/effect/'feel' - might be the denim/clothing, darker colors, not sure. Hard to explain but I tried.
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11/14/2005 06:12:22 AM
This is really good. Love the profile of the man. 9.
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11/14/2005 02:18:18 AM
Wow. Excellent. Really tells so much in so few pixels, especially the eye which was very, very well-shot. My only quibble is that maybe it would have been balanced a little better if the eye or the face (which seem to me to be the most important shots) was in the middle? Still... going in my favorites list for sure. 9.
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11/14/2005 01:28:42 AM
Great compilation of pictures - really tells a story. Nice focus, detail and sharpness. Nicely done!
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11/14/2005 01:11:21 AM
Favorite of the challenge. The hand shot did it. Super crisp detail all around, and very creative. Bumping up to 10.
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11/14/2005 01:07:38 AM
One of my ribbon picks. 10 and favorite.
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