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Circle of friends
1st PlaceCircle of friends

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Triptych (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM
Location: Studio, Rvk
Date: Nov 11, 2005
Aperture: 4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Portraiture, Diptych / Triptych
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2005

Obviously made from 3 different photos. Shot with the exact same settings except for the one to the far right was at 1/200 of a second, don´t know why I did that as it made it slightly darker than the other ones. Oh well, mistakes are so that you can learn from them. I also regret having the girls on the photo to the left that were in the backround slightly bigger as they were closer, if I had time to reshoot this I would have corrected the problem but at this point I don´t really care (It´s 2 am here in Iceland and I am getting veeeeery sleepy as I submit this).

Came out pretty much as I had imagined it. Many thanx to Steinar Hugi for lending me his studio and helping me set up the lights and also ideas for post processing. Lit with 4 bowens esprit heads, 3 with softboxes and one honeycomb to give backligting to the front models hair.

The models names is Kolbrun, Kristin and Berglind. Some of you might recognize Kolbrun as she was also my model for "live music".

Also the idea is not my own even if I did change it a little bit, I got it after seeing a shot by Runolfur Gudbjornsson, I am going to contact him to see if I can link to his image.

Post processing was a whole lot, obviously stitching these shots together is one thing. Used a filter, "lens blur" to blur out the girls in the backround a bit more and levels to lighten them. Healing brush, clone tool, curves, decreased saturation and resharpened after resizing.

Edit after the challenge:

WOW! Can´t say that I imagined winning this challenge, not by a long shot, I wasn´t even sure it would break a 6 so MANY thanx for all the comments and favorites and of course ratings. I must admit that it also feels great to be the first one to ribbon with the 5D, I wasn´t sure about the purchase and I felt like I wasn´t really worthy of the camera upgrade as I wasn´t exactly making the most of my 20D as it was but this makes me feel a whole lot better about it...

Cheers :D

Place: 1 out of 234
Avg (all users): 7.3646
Avg (commenters): 8.9318
Avg (participants): 7.3282
Avg (non-participants): 7.3973
Views since voting: 32485
Views during voting: 852
Votes: 277
Comments: 113
Favorites: 97 (view)

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11/13/2007 02:08:08 PM
I loove the whole idea for this. GREAT SHOT!
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05/15/2007 09:13:46 AM
One of my all-time favorite Triptychs! :)
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11/06/2006 05:36:39 AM
Very perfect. I would like a grungy image done the same way, something emotional. But I can't flaw the image. This image doesn't make my favorites but you do. Ace.
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06/13/2006 11:25:04 PM
What can't you do with three lovely ladies like that!

Another amazing shot Larus, you'll be the guy hooking me up when I come to Iceland. ;-)

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04/30/2006 11:48:14 PM
Seemless, the way you put these together. Almost illusional in the way the finished product comes across. Very nice.
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12/29/2005 08:04:16 PM
I put this in a recent conversation and figured it really belongs as a comment on the photo directly. Great shot....

I find it hard to come up with a composition with a few people in it that is more than the usual blah blah stuff. This one keeps the connection between the 3 people in each frame while clearly highlighting the individual. While each shot is good as a seperate thing the set of 3 just work well together and I loved the idea. It really does convey the friends theme between the 3 girls.
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12/03/2005 09:26:11 PM
Congratulations. I didn't vote on this challenge, but this is a well deserved blue. Perfect example of what happens when you combine great models with great talent. Excellent job.
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11/27/2005 03:45:58 AM
Beautiful, this is a Triptych. Congratulations.
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11/24/2005 10:41:53 AM
Oh...It's a great shot. Congratulaton !!!
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11/24/2005 12:10:38 AM
Congrats with another ribbon in your collection.
Flott hugmynd og vel utfaerd....
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11/23/2005 02:07:39 PM
Super Mod. Has a very hip-happening feel.

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11/22/2005 07:15:31 PM
Massa flott... Ferlega vel lýst hjá þér, Duglegur.
Þú ert orðinn dullu góður í þessu, eru þetta nýju ljósin þín?
Og góð og vel útfærð hugmynd, betra heldur en allt þetta ameríska ramma drasl í þessari keppni...

Keep up the good work...
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11/22/2005 12:52:02 PM
Your efforts were well worth the missed sleep. Very creative and helped me very much.. Thank you.
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11/22/2005 10:49:26 AM
Just toooooo Hot! I thought Icelanders only took pictures of ice and snow...here we have it... ICE, SNOW and CHINOOK all rolled into one! I can see this image in a fashion magazine...great shot!!
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11/22/2005 10:35:42 AM
Wow! The more I look at it the best I like the pic!
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11/22/2005 08:40:29 AM
Great work Lárus, congratulations!
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11/22/2005 08:29:43 AM
Congrats! An original approach to the challenge! Very nice! :)
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11/22/2005 06:11:39 AM
Congratulations Larus! Undoubtedly you are a great photographer and a celebrated one in making. All the best...
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11/21/2005 07:56:03 PM
Awsome, I kind of like the feel that the people on the left are closer. It gives the photo a curved feel. Nice!


Message edited by author 2005-11-21 20:01:30.
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11/21/2005 07:35:36 PM
Just beautiful!! I smell more ribbons for you in the future!! :-)
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11/21/2005 07:10:03 PM
really nice work, it reminds me of an 'old navy' clothing ad though!
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11/21/2005 06:22:09 PM
great idea - nicely executed. congrats. though i am jealous of the opportuniy to use a full blown studio...

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11/21/2005 05:39:19 PM
Congratulations on your Blue! Great Work!
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11/21/2005 02:36:04 PM
Til hamingju með þetta!
Annars finnst mér að þín mynd og einhverjar örfáar aðrar séu eins og átti að gera þetta. Þ.e. búa til eina samstæða mynd með endurtekningum úr öðrum þremur!
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11/21/2005 12:12:06 PM
Excellent image! Congrats!
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11/21/2005 10:25:23 AM
Blue surprised me a bit, but I can't say it isn't well deserved. It was very well done...

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11/21/2005 10:09:43 AM
Wow...that is so professional and impressive....

I bet you can sell that photo...

*thumbs up*
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11/21/2005 09:22:39 AM
Congratulations Larus. This one really stood out. Great work!
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11/21/2005 08:50:12 AM
Brilliant Larus! Best of the bunch, the models are great! Til hamingju kallinn, vel af ser vikid, gaman ad eiga fyrsta bordann med nyju graejunni.
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11/21/2005 07:38:58 AM
Congrats Lárus. Brilliant work with beautiful girls.
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11/21/2005 07:10:34 AM
Til hamingju Lárus flott mynd.
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11/21/2005 07:07:20 AM
Congrats on the Win! Great shot! Good Composition(s). Beautiful models. This shot is headin' for my favorites!
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11/21/2005 06:52:02 AM
Congratilations, well deserved.
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11/21/2005 06:28:56 AM
This is so well done...
I realy realy realy realy realy like this...
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon.
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11/21/2005 06:12:22 AM
Til hamingju með árangurinn! Þetta lofar góðu hjá þér,ekki slæm byrjun með 5D-una.
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11/21/2005 05:33:28 AM
Fantastic photowork!congrats on your ribbon!
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11/21/2005 05:19:14 AM
Congrats Lárus, both on the ribbon and on the 5D
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11/21/2005 04:50:52 AM
Congrats on your well deserved win Larus!!
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11/21/2005 04:22:52 AM
Frábær mynd. Gaf henni 9, vildi bara óska að þú hefðir tekið betri mynd af mér hérna um daginn.
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11/21/2005 03:58:09 AM
I knew that! Congratulations!
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11/21/2005 03:29:10 AM
Congratulations Lárus! Great work!
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11/21/2005 03:14:41 AM
Great job! You da man!
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11/21/2005 03:07:57 AM
I gave this one a 10. I seen it coming. great photo. Beautiful ladies
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11/21/2005 02:31:04 AM
Well done Larus, well deserved blue with a lot of work.
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11/21/2005 01:37:31 AM
Til hamingju Lalli með þann bláa. Verðskuldaður. Glæsilegt.
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11/21/2005 01:26:25 AM
very nice indeed! well done
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11/21/2005 01:07:10 AM
Like I said, you nailed it! My absolute favorite from a very tough challenge. Congratulations on an AWESOME job another ribbon!
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11/21/2005 12:59:23 AM
I absolutely love this entry... good job and congrats on the Ribbon.
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11/21/2005 12:56:50 AM
Always remember about the spaces between legs, arms etc...looks cleaner if you have all the background peeking through! Great photos tho!!
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11/21/2005 12:39:39 AM
3 pretty girls, always a recipe for success. Congratulations.
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11/21/2005 12:21:33 AM
Congrats. Knew this would do well. I was thinking that this would make an awesome way of displaying fashion on a web site if it had motion added to it so that they actually rotated.
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11/21/2005 12:12:20 AM
Very nicely done! Congrats!
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11/21/2005 12:08:49 AM
Congrats Sir Larus
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11/21/2005 12:07:32 AM
congratulations on the blue...
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11/21/2005 12:07:20 AM
I am so happy that a frameless triptych took 1st place. Go Larus!!
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11/21/2005 12:07:15 AM
Expertly executed to win the top prize. Congratulations on this great presentation.
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11/21/2005 12:06:17 AM
congrats. i knew this was one of the top ones ;)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/20/2005 11:29:05 AM
very interesting portraits--i like it--9
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11/20/2005 02:16:41 AM
Thia is my favorite... I like how it was thought out, and love how it was shot.
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11/20/2005 12:08:31 AM
What a great shot ..
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11/19/2005 09:51:08 PM
This one is my favorite of the bunch. It manages to tell a story while at the same time repeating itself 3 times in 3 different ways. I also like the idea of a triptych without borders. I hadn't even considered such a thing until I ran across a couple of them here in the challenge. I think your implementation was the best. 10
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11/19/2005 05:23:18 PM
Clever and I like it.
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11/19/2005 04:49:16 PM
I really don't know what to say... except a "10" from me. Composition, lighting, models, style... 10 on all accounts... hope you win!

Message edited by author 2005-11-21 12:19:45.
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11/19/2005 06:28:41 AM
Excellent concept brilliantly executed
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11/18/2005 08:24:38 PM
Wow...you get a 9 from me! Original with very good lighting and models...Top 10 IMO.
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11/18/2005 07:51:09 PM
Great concept! Very original! 9
Bumping to a 10
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11/18/2005 01:12:53 PM
Works well, great portraits too.
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11/18/2005 01:10:23 PM
Góður Lárus gamli hundur glæsilega unnið hjá þér.... minnir á nylon
kveðja Höddi Tivolí
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11/18/2005 10:12:19 AM
Brilliant, quality work!! This is such a cool, original idea, and perfectly executed.
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11/18/2005 07:49:44 AM
Great. I love this one. Each subject replaceing another in each third is fun....
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11/18/2005 06:19:05 AM
This is very clever - I like it a lot...
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11/18/2005 01:43:42 AM
Excellent idea, very well executed, 9
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11/18/2005 12:19:44 AM
This is a great concept and photo. I am sure this will be a lot of people's favorites. Non-member so I can't vote on it but thought this is worthy of a comment. Best of luck!
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11/17/2005 11:40:41 PM
A unique concept and a clever execution. Very well done - I'm digging this
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11/17/2005 09:31:28 PM
Your circle of friends are very easy on the eyes...
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11/17/2005 05:34:33 PM
hmmm, is this a girl band I should know?
good photos BTW, superb lighting. /8, or actually /9 on second thoughts
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11/17/2005 04:00:29 PM
What a great shot.
The winner in my opinion.
Cannot failt it in any way.
Good luck
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11/17/2005 03:56:29 PM
very much like this.very clever shot,would make a great ad...Gap!?
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11/16/2005 08:53:20 PM
this is a great photo and good DOF
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11/16/2005 06:02:45 PM
This Is Excellent Work! Bravo!
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11/16/2005 03:17:10 AM
Cool Idea.....
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11/15/2005 10:11:21 PM
Wow this is wickedly cool. I love the coloring, the girls are awesome.
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11/15/2005 09:45:00 PM
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11/15/2005 07:54:43 PM
Awesome! Very unique and well done.
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11/15/2005 07:29:11 PM
Good idea, very original!
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11/15/2005 07:00:07 PM
Have I seen any of these women before?
This looks like something out of a magazine, great posing great lighting, great execution. Going in my fav's and for now, my pick for the ribbon (that's a bad sign because I never pick the winner ;)
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11/15/2005 03:02:49 PM
cool idea & execution! 9 & bumped to 10 :0)
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11/15/2005 12:52:22 PM
Very cool idea and beautifully executed!!!
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11/15/2005 10:09:39 AM
Leaving out a separation between images was a brilliant idea for this triptych. I love it.
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11/15/2005 08:50:11 AM
Very nice, but it just isn't obvious that this is divided into three panels. Yes, if you look really closely you can tell that the background girls are the same three you see in the foreground but in different pairings, but an obvious division (frame) would fit what people traditionally think of as a triptych. 7
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11/15/2005 03:32:04 AM
This is just totally outstanding! Brilliant idea, executed flawlessly. Superb use of dof. Awesome lighting. Great models, terrific poses. Very creative. Love it! Well done, indeed.
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11/15/2005 03:20:54 AM
Great compositon and subject matter, technically excellent photo, this is in my top 10.
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11/15/2005 02:28:55 AM
Unique! Love it, and although it may not win, this is the best of the challenge for me. Excellent posing, facial expressions, everything!
good luck!
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11/14/2005 11:40:44 PM
This is a fantastic concept for a triptych. Very smooth.
I do have a little qualm with the pair in the background of the blonde girls panel being closer than the other 2 pairs. I can imagine it wasnt easy - i used 1 person and had a hard enough time!
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11/14/2005 10:50:17 PM
a good idea. i like this shots and shift in focus. 8
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11/14/2005 09:41:02 PM
Amazing!!!!! great well executed idea 10
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11/14/2005 07:01:26 PM
Great shot. I love the borderless set up. Should be in a fashion magazine. I will pick at one tiny thing however, the girls in the back of your left frame aren't on the same plane as in the other two frames. Hey, still gave it a 10!
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11/14/2005 04:33:33 PM
Very nice! The choice of the white background and the sharp focus only on the front figures is excellent. (would give a 10 if I could vote, how about a favorite instead)
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11/14/2005 04:26:04 PM
5 - Good idea. Criticism; for this type of shot, all 'frames' need to be uniform, at least compositionally, or else at least 1 & 3, in my opinion. Perhaps the blonde in the middle would have been more 'balanced', not sure. The 'missing' separating frames works, and even with visible frames, I think would work too - just be, obviously, a different 'shot/series' again. It has a studio/clean feel to it, which I do not think adds to the characters. It is also a 'personal' type shot (eg; good for these three girls), but for a 'stranger', me, has no 'personal appeal', if that makes sense.
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11/14/2005 04:22:32 PM
Love the concept and how you did it, it really works well.
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11/14/2005 03:59:34 PM
At first glance I thought this was one picture. As I looked closer I realized those were the same girls in the background. Well done.
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11/14/2005 03:15:42 PM
Great concept! Nicely executed! This will be near the top! <8>
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11/14/2005 03:02:49 PM
Very creative idea and beautifully shot.
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11/14/2005 02:26:31 PM
Nicely done. I like the fancy that this image portrays. I'm still inclined in providing a frame around each shot so as to "separate" them and make each one an individual image combined to form the triptych. The DOF is excellent and I am sure this would rank high in this challenge. 8
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11/14/2005 01:36:22 PM
Very nice captures
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11/14/2005 01:10:26 PM
i liked this one because it's very different from the rest. nice composition. 8.
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11/14/2005 01:02:17 PM
This is one of two 10's I gave after rating all the pictures. Funny thing is, I was so close to submitting this one for DQ. LOL Then I figured, someone with that much talent knew better than to submit 4-6 pictures and I took a closer look. Very creative and well done. 1st or 2nd place is my guess ;)
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11/14/2005 08:56:28 AM
I really like the fact that you have left out the border...very cool and slick image...well done.
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11/14/2005 06:23:48 AM
This looks great. It's very original. I would never have thought of this idea and it is so well executed with the white background and the great poses. Three good shots within their own right. Congrats you should be very proud of this one.
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11/14/2005 03:52:47 AM
Fantastic! You nailed it.
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11/14/2005 02:35:38 AM
That's very nice. Good use of repetition, and I like the seamless appearance.
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11/14/2005 01:20:58 AM
This is just so clever! I am very impressed by your interpretation of the challenge, as well as by the final product. 9.
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11/14/2005 12:40:24 AM
I would just say "wow" but that doesn't even come close. Can't suggest anything useful either, as I can't think how to improve on this. What absolutely stunning models, all of them, al lovely as any I have seen. Wow!
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