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Happy Howlidays
Happy Howlidays

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Triptych (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Pa
Date: Nov 12, 2005
Galleries: Animals, Diptych / Triptych
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2005

I took these pictures this weekend for a friend. When he asked me to take the pictures, and do a collage just like this.... I thought of this challenge right away! What a fun shoot!

The dogs are Mollie, Jakey, and Elektra!

*I know I got a lot of comments about placement of the dogs, but this is the order he had asked me to put them in.

Place: 90 out of 234
Avg (all users): 5.7778
Avg (commenters): 6.7222
Avg (participants): 5.3937
Avg (non-participants): 6.1189
Views since voting: 1606
Views during voting: 535
Votes: 270
Comments: 21
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/20/2005 06:34:34 AM
4 - The one in the middle's tail and tongue are causing problems. Good selective desaturation(s). Even though the 'restrictions', still think that if the dogs were 'closer'/larger and also the frame (white) slightly narrower, make this even better in my opinion, even with the crazy tongue and tail in the middle.
11/19/2005 08:10:34 PM
Hahaha!! I would try swapping the two shots on the right, since I tend to be drawn mostly to the right-most panel, and the middle feller is facing a bit to the left. Bet this was a fun one to shoot! :-)
11/19/2005 11:24:17 AM
Perfectly adorable!
11/18/2005 01:41:14 PM
Wonderful photos, the set up works well for a triptych.
11/17/2005 11:30:12 PM
What a great silly series. Somehow I don't mind the loud border. Those lights are quite the studio prop. compositionally speaking, I think this would be stronger with a more darkly colored dog on the right, something to balance out the darkness of the one on the left.
11/17/2005 10:21:59 AM
This is really cute! I wish the lights were a little smaller though as they draw too much attention away from the cute doggies. - 9
11/17/2005 10:00:48 AM
good selective desat
11/16/2005 09:14:48 PM
Ah hell. I hate to say it, but I think you've included everything a hate in photography in one go. However, seeing beyond the strangenesses - de-sat, props, studio portraits of pets, pets with HATS (!), swagged backgrounds, I do actually find an element of pregression in this entry, and a strong sense of technique (which is a huge saving grace). It holds my eye a little more than I'd like to admit. Good work - of it's type.
11/16/2005 11:23:15 AM
Pretty and nice picture, loved it ! Congratulations, great job . ;D
11/15/2005 11:12:15 PM
The dogs in these shots are hysterical! I think I'd prefer a bit tighter crop for more dog and less drapey background.
11/15/2005 11:42:07 AM
Very cute. Good Luck
11/15/2005 10:55:44 AM
Awwwww. . .they are so cute. What a cute Chrsitmas card.
11/14/2005 08:42:59 PM
i like, but the dog on the left sort of throws it off. maybe switch left and middle?
11/14/2005 08:27:35 PM
aww! you shud use this for your Christmas card!! So cute!
11/14/2005 07:03:40 PM
how cute!
11/14/2005 10:54:35 AM
PM me please - i need to know where you got those bulbs, or how you made this 'look' like they are in the pic with the animals - i am doing pet portraits and have beenlooking for something to fill the lower front of the frame and this looks great.

Photo wise, i mgiht have put the left panel in the center, dog-color wise, but then i suppsoe you chose based on bulb count? It's always easy to second guess, huh?
11/14/2005 05:37:34 AM
Very cute. I'd like to see a little more red in the hat on the first one though. Still wonderful shots.
11/14/2005 03:36:40 AM
Boy I'll bet this'd look great large! Well done! ...'cept the hat on dogs 2 and 3. Tough to do though - I tried the other day.
11/14/2005 03:14:23 AM
Is this going to be your Christmas card? Good pictures of the dogs. For purposes of the challenge, I would have made the border smaller, so the pictures of the dogs could be larger and we could see them better.
11/14/2005 12:47:12 AM
OK ! YOU WIN. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Those dogs rock.
11/14/2005 12:25:27 AM
That dog in the middle is cracking me up. Big boofy thing in a santa hat. Classic!!

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