Knew what I wanted to shoot, then discovered the necessity of wide angle lenses. I really need to upgrade to a DSLR. Grrrr and Aargh!
And yes, I know it's blown out in spots...again. I keep doing this! Aargh! I spent a lot of time trying to burn it down, but it didn't seem to help all that much. And, this is my first time playing with selective saturations and I've never been fond of the look personally. Needless to say, this is not my favorite picture.
The idea and concept are great. Let us repeat your own observation in this way: over exposure will hurt your score. One of the ways to help this is to bracket. Of course, the best cure is avoid the harsh lighting. The best way is to learn how to use an exposure meter. You seem to have a lot of talent and you have the artistic eye so maybe a future investment in a meter may be considered. Your camera is pretty good and your ideas are solid.
Great photo, very creative and eye catching. I kind of like the blown out areas, sort of adds to the whole effect. Too bad it didn't place higher, it was one of my top picks. Sorry that I didn't comment on this during the challenge, I meant too!
All is well, but "online thanking"?!?! Is this worth a parking ticket!?
OK, the lady coming out of the car seems out of focus, which could be because of the blown highlights. Selective desat is OK for the sign, but the lines are unnaturally blue, almost purple.
I see the reason for the selective desat, but it took me a minute and until then I went, WHAT? The highlights are unfortunately quite blown on the woman herself... may have been done for effect?