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B&W Bastard
B&W Bastard

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study IX (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: Home
Date: Nov 30, 2005
Aperture: 8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 125
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 30, 2005

I lit this photo with my two canon 580ex's with some defusing material in front of them. I was just trying out a new way (to me at least) in light matters and prossessing as well.
I used channel mixer to convert this photo to B&W and the A LOT af curves adjustment leyers with differand masks and curves.
Just taking part for fun, and I´m looking forward to voting other photos in this challenge!

Place: 36 out of 519
Avg (all users): 6.5857
Avg (commenters): 8.3929
Avg (participants): 6.5388
Avg (non-participants): 6.7162
Views since voting: 2661
Views during voting: 491
Votes: 280
Comments: 38
Favorites: 11 (view)

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01/15/2007 11:50:32 PM
Fantastic portrait. Lighting is so good. Underrated.
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02/09/2006 09:34:47 PM
Ok, I can't say anything to the technical of this shot but good gosh! What an intense portrait and to be a self-portrait at that! You are very, very good-looking!
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12/08/2005 11:21:36 AM
Thank you people, this was a really tough challenge as allways! Really helpfull commets as allways here on DPC, in the end I am happy with the resaults. Some times there is nothing wrong with a photograph, but yet some times there is something missing...
12/08/2005 11:19:58 AM
Way underrated... But very tough challenge. Still a favorite - absolutely stunning shot. Congrats.
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12/08/2005 10:15:19 AM
Wow, I thought this was a winner for sure.
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12/08/2005 09:28:23 AM
everything about this photograph is just fantastic! i LOVE the intense pose and the eyes. the lighting and composition are great, and you have done a wonderful post-processing job on this. it should have placed higher. well done.
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12/08/2005 09:17:40 AM
I thought this deserved a higher placement. Really well done.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/07/2005 11:04:29 PM
If your views have gone up dramatically in the last hour, I must confess...it was me. :) Lighting and composition is good, shot has lots and lots of visual appeal. Good capture of facial expression. Stubble on chin is nice touch. In the end, the eyes have it.. (10) from me.
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12/07/2005 09:45:20 PM
Great portrait and his eyes are just amazingly clear and crisp :) 9
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12/07/2005 08:51:47 PM
Nice eyes!! Nice portrait.
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12/07/2005 05:09:32 PM
Awesome tonality and dramatic ligting. My pick for the best portrait of free study 9. Great work.
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12/06/2005 08:04:27 PM
Excellent detail and crispness within the image... 10!
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12/06/2005 09:21:42 AM
very very cool! love this one! Great sharpness and textures coming through here! The lighting is fantastic!! good luck! (10)
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12/05/2005 11:23:32 PM
greatshot love the tones
.................a self portrait or an exboyfriend?
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12/05/2005 09:44:34 PM
This is a powerful shot. Good lighting.
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12/05/2005 11:33:51 AM
Not too sure about the title. :-) Very handsome fella. Those eyes are excellent. Like the black and white and the way you highlight the texture of his skin.
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12/04/2005 10:41:41 PM
Hypnotizing eyes.
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12/04/2005 02:08:10 AM
The eyes have it!
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12/03/2005 05:34:18 PM
my goodness...his eyes are piercing! I can almost color...it is quite mesmerizing. great job.
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12/03/2005 06:28:02 AM
In your face! Confident and bold work that smacks of photographers like Beaton or Karsh
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12/03/2005 05:05:55 AM
Great symmetry, great lighting, great contrast and use of B&W...but there's something missing - maybe the expressionless mouth, maybe the crop of the top of the head...something...still a shot 10x better than I could take. 8.
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12/02/2005 07:18:56 PM
A great b&w picture. very intense expression.
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12/02/2005 06:33:31 PM
great shot, lighting makes it really intense!
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12/02/2005 07:42:43 AM
ROFL I just spat food all over my keyboard, title is too funny! cool shot as well, like a aftershave ad!
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12/02/2005 12:03:10 AM
Wow. Piercing (almost painfully so!) eyes. Lovely lighting and BW tones.
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12/01/2005 09:41:32 PM
wonderful portait! There is such detail. The lighting is perfect and it helps that he is incredibly handsome. Whew!!
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12/01/2005 06:16:58 PM
I love the effect that you have given this image.
I don't think he looks like a bastard. Intense stare but not intimidating.
Love the B/W treatment
Good luck

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12/01/2005 04:58:57 PM
brilliant lighting, very sharp persentation. I love this one. excellent photo!

ok. this must be one of the ribbon takers!
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12/01/2005 04:49:34 PM
great portrait.intriguing title.
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12/01/2005 04:24:28 PM
Eyes as cold as icicles...er þetta..?
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12/01/2005 11:49:43 AM
Fantastic portrait! Beautiful... (Wonder what he did to deserve that moniker?!? LOL) 10
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12/01/2005 05:56:34 AM
NEAT very neat image, could be an aftershave ad. Well Done = 10
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12/01/2005 02:19:39 AM
Striking lighting, almost a bit much on the forehead? Heightens the contrast and interest though. Can count his pores, is that a good thing? ;-)
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12/01/2005 01:08:29 AM
Everything is great but the eyes.....I tend to like over processed eyes, but these are just too textured. Would like to have seen less dodging of highlights and more of midtones.
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12/01/2005 01:00:31 AM
Amazing B&W! Wonderful sharpness and clarity and great tones. The eyes are amazing and the composition is very "In your face" as is the title. :-) 10
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12/01/2005 12:40:44 AM
Piercing. Very artsy. The eyes make it!!! Good job. 9
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12/01/2005 12:25:09 AM
Very nice.
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12/01/2005 12:20:54 AM
I love this, great portrait and the centered composition works. 10
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