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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Speed (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-4000Z
Location: washington dc metro
Date: Jun 26, 2003
Galleries: Interior, Action
Date Uploaded: Jun 30, 2003

train coming into metro stop

Place: 58 out of 188
Avg (all users): 5.3458
Avg (commenters): 6.1333
Avg (participants): 5.2800
Avg (non-participants): 5.3929
Views since voting: 872
Votes: 240
Comments: 15
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/08/2003 05:14:16 PM
I think I've seen this before, that is a very cool train station.
07/07/2003 05:15:21 AM
slower shutter would have been a little bit nicer. but that's my preference. great shot!
07/06/2003 06:58:49 PM
Interesting concept. Interesting photo in itself (plenty to look at) Perhaps more cropping on the right to remove the bridge thing could bring more attention to the train.
07/06/2003 06:36:30 PM
Very sci-fi - I like the hard edges...
07/04/2003 07:37:35 PM
It looks a little pixelated [sp?], but I'm not sure what kind of camera you use. It's a great image. I like how there is no color but only the light & people in the train. Good luck.
07/04/2003 05:30:30 PM
To pull of a shot like this you need the static part of the image to be much clearer.
07/04/2003 01:56:28 AM
nice. love the compostion. even better if the train whooshed by faster. :o)
07/03/2003 08:12:43 PM
I like this image.. where is it (7)
07/03/2003 11:54:04 AM
love the dimension that is added by the overhead tunnel. wonderful shot- really hits the mark for this challenge. best of luck!
07/02/2003 09:58:32 PM
Composition is good, although I might like to see the train a little higher in the frame. I like the lines in the ceiling. Quality is lacking however - try to save at a higher file size to avoid the jpeg artifacts.
07/02/2003 06:40:32 PM
Reminds me a lot of magnetic9999's entry a while ago. You must live in the D.C. area! Nicely done.
07/02/2003 05:16:45 PM
very grainy. looks like computer game graphics (Quake) also, i think i've seen this same photo on this site execpt the colors were different.
07/02/2003 11:43:42 AM
Nice one. I like the lighting especially. A slightly longer exposure wouldn't have gone amiss, I think.
07/02/2003 05:36:39 AM
needs longer exposure--- rather than moving, it just looks out of focus
07/02/2003 03:14:06 AM
I know I've seen this before, you entered a photo of the same location in the "Secondary Colors", right? And, you won the blue ribbon. That's no fair! Now you might win a second ribbon with the same idea :) Possibly, cause this is a good shot. My only problem with this shot is that it appears a little oversharpened. Please reply so I know if my impression is accurate! Did you sharpen this photo more than a little?

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