Author | Thread |
07/09/2003 06:40:55 PM |
Originally posted by finnur: Hallar aðeins..., annars töff |
ég held að hallinn á myndinni sé eitt af þvà sem mér finnst gera hana flotta. hefði reyndar verið flott ef veðrið hefði verið betra. og svo reyndar lÃkar mér ekki við ljósin á BMW-inum ... segðu vini þÃnum að gera þau meira "cool" ... en hvað sem þvà lÃður er myndin flott eins og reyndar flestar myndir sem koma frá þér :)
.... hehehe smá auka pæling ... hvað er fólk að hugsa sem gaf þessari mynd einkunina 1, 2, 3 eða 4 .... 5 er svo sem skiljanlegt þar sem smekkur manna er mismunandi en yfirleitt gefur maður bara myndum undir 5 ef þær eru bara ekki að meika það undir skilyrðum keppninar, en þessi mynd á sko heima à þessari keppni ... ég held að það sé fólk þarna úti sem er að reyna að lækka einkunnina á öðrum myndum til að koma sinni mynd hærra ???
Message edited by author 2003-07-09 18:43:27. |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/07/2003 10:39:12 PM |
very nice. one of the better pics this week. |
07/07/2003 06:52:08 PM |
Great shot - if the weather had been a little finer I think BMW could have used the shot for advertising almost. It captures the speed of the car very well, is nicely composed and has a lovely background. |
07/07/2003 01:38:02 PM |
looks perfect for an advertisment! love the angle, composition, clarity, panning job... |
07/07/2003 10:52:42 AM |
07/06/2003 09:00:12 PM |
I wasn't sure about this one at first, but if I look at it long enough it almost feels like the car is still moving. |
07/03/2003 01:11:38 PM |
07/03/2003 11:24:49 AM |
Beautiful. You must be a profesional because this is probably one of the best shots in this challenge. Great focus, perfect expousure, dosent get any better then this. 8 from me. |
07/03/2003 07:44:06 AM |
Hallar aðeins..., annars töff |
07/02/2003 09:56:19 PM |
Nice - really give me the feeling that I'm driving with you. The unlevel horizon works because of the composition. |
07/02/2003 01:12:00 PM |
Clean, crisp, but not exactly an inspirational idea. [5] |
07/02/2003 11:56:28 AM |
Pretty good shot, I do feel speed, but it's just generally a boring shot. Sorry. |
07/02/2003 10:46:24 AM |
07/02/2003 09:54:54 AM |
nice shot, good composition and great focus and the motion blur i feel is just right.... |
07/02/2003 05:50:38 AM |
07/02/2003 05:39:34 AM |
ég sé Ãslenskt númer þarna :) frábær mynd, gangi þér vel |
07/02/2003 04:25:28 AM |
07/02/2003 03:43:41 AM |
Excellent photo. The quality is outstanding. It reminds me of a shot for some sort of car commercial. Great capture. (9) |
07/02/2003 01:56:21 AM |
I think that less of a tilt would be better. Great exposure however. I really like all of the "blueish" colors in this one. Did you tilt this on purpose? |
07/02/2003 12:11:09 AM |
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