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hygrophobic's sink
hygrophobic's sink

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Phobia (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Olympus D-230
Location: pittsburgh
Date: Dec 16, 2005
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/2
Date Uploaded: Dec 18, 2005

my camera does split-screens like woah.

lotes of curves/levels, desat, resat, sharpen, etc. ew.

Place: 91 out of 144
Avg (all users): 4.9212
Avg (commenters): 6.2857
Avg (participants): 4.2167
Avg (non-participants): 5.1034
Views since voting: 1673
Views during voting: 503
Votes: 292
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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01/02/2006 12:35:24 PM
Hi! First of all, I'd like to thank you so much for the CC comment you left on my picture...it's probably one of the most in-depth analyzations of one of my photographs ever withount being it one of my friends stroking my ego or some elitest flaunting their technical skill. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it, especially seeing some of the other half-hearted CC comments around.

I hadn't even considered the mysophobe aspect until a few people started commenting about it...when I first saw this sink in the basement of my dorm building I just thought that it probably hasn't been touched in so long that if this were in someone's house, surely they must have an aversion to using it, thus a fear of getting wet. I guess it doesn't really come across that way, though.

I had returned later with a couple of floor lamps to try to get a cleaner shot and a few different angles, but in the end none of them seemed to come out as effective as this one. I also didn't really like how the right side is so unclear and considered cropping it out altogether, but it seemed to lose impact and feel somewhat unbalanced without it...I really wanted to give two views, one from a distance and another one 'looking in'.

Not sure if I'll try submitting more split-screen work for challenges in the future...it seemed to confuse the hell out of the voters :)

Cheers, and thanks again.
01/02/2006 05:20:51 AM
Greetings from the Critique club...

Where to start with this interesting image.....

Well, starting at the challenge end I think you missed the challenge a bit, as this would be more a clean-freaks worst nightmare, rather than someone who fears water, which is I assume what you meant by hygrophobic? Never to worry though, the image is quite strong without being linked to the challenge directly, but may have suffered in the voting for this.

This is almost a tale of two images. The left side follows the 1/3rds rule quite well, and the strong black line (Pipe?) leads the eye into and out of the dark of the sink. The line of the walls is more interesting than if you had taken the photo straight onto the wall as well. The grungy feeling and post processing works really well for the left half, it's simply very dirty..

I don't really 'get' the right hand side though. I feel too much of that image is in darkens, so it looses impact. The right side does have some good foundations with the angles of the sink side and the tap, along with the strong vertical again in the dark pipe. I suspect this is this dark due to the limitations of basic editing, having to process the two halves the same way?

Now looking at the whole. I feel it suffers from the distraction of the right hand side darkness, (due to basic editing I suspect). I would have been looking to re-compose the left side slightly to remove the dark stripe on the right hand side, as that creates quite a barrier to 'reading' the image left to right. I get to that, and my eyes fall down into the right hand sink, then I find myself searching for the point of interest, going back to the left and repeating the process...

An interesting and creative use of the feature in your camera, and a very solid 'grunge' post processing job. Don't let the voting and results on this site put you off pursuing this type of image, it shows structured process and talent.

Cheers, Chris Hellyar.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/28/2005 04:58:48 AM
I really don't see how this could be one photograph. Sure would be interested in how you did this.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/26/2005 07:20:39 PM
Have you ever been to a public toilet in Johannesburg - Looks like this. Doesn't say fear to me - only disgust - Sorry - Good photo though.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/25/2005 07:40:09 AM
How exactly does this picture depict hygrophobia? It's probably more appropriately titled "From A Hygiene Freak's Eyes".
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/24/2005 07:00:13 PM
Looks more like Mysophobia to me. The sepia and grain add to the dirtyness. I'm not a mysophobe, but wouldn't want to use that sink.

Alas I expect this will be DQed because it appears to go beyond Basic Editing. ADDED -- great, it's been validated! Good luck. Hope you explain how you did it.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/24/2005 11:45:24 AM
Merry Christmas
12/23/2005 02:03:32 AM
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12/22/2005 10:18:15 PM
Wow goos shot, it looks like the bathroom in SAW.
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12/21/2005 09:52:03 PM
Wasnt this challenge.. Basic editing?
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/21/2005 08:03:11 PM
Quiet a dark, menacing shot (or is that two shots?). The dividing line makes it difficult to distinguish. My guess is that this will be disqualified.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
12/21/2005 02:42:15 PM
I don't think you're allowed to use two different images, but I'll vote as if this was legal, anyway.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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