<-- Critique Club Critique (Say that fast 5 times) -->
I got lucky and was assigned your image for critique, so here goes.
I really like the colors in this photo; while streak shots are easy to find, this is, in my opinion, one of the better ones. I find my eyes are drawn to the center of the photo where the on-coming traffic starts. This is better then your average streak shot because you include the cityscape which adds to the overall image, especially the tiny moon in the corner.
How would I make this photo better?
The horizon is a bit tilted to the left. Unless I am going for a tilted look I normally try to make the horizon as perfectly horizontal as possible so I would rotate this image a bit more to the right.
I assume you had a tripod and since this is an overpass, the tiny bit of camera shake that is visible is probably due to that. If not, you should consider getting one - they may be a pain, but can make the difference in sharpness.
And last but not least is image size. Your image on its longest side is only 546 pixels. You can go up to 640 on the longest side and there is a lot of detail that is too small to see that may have been visible, had you used all of your available space.
Thats about all I can come up with. Hope this is helpful to you.
Good luck in future challenges.