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New York Times
3rd PlaceNew York Times

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: City Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE A2
Location: NYC
Date: Dec 28, 2005
Date Uploaded: Dec 28, 2005


Place: 3 out of 173
Avg (all users): 6.9896
Avg (commenters): 8.0889
Avg (participants): 6.5696
Avg (non-participants): 7.0984
Views since voting: 8506
Views during voting: 612
Votes: 384
Comments: 97
Favorites: 17 (view)

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09/12/2007 06:41:42 AM
love the dutone, or tritone, however many there are. great addition to an already great portfolio
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01/22/2006 08:08:20 AM
Well done. I like the shot.

Is it just me or does that guy remind you of Robert Deniro?
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01/19/2006 11:14:15 AM
I meant to congratulate you on your double hit on the front page - but most especially on this shot, and more especially on ribboning with a meaningful and complex piece of street-work - but I've been away, and out of on-line-ness recently. You'll just have to settle for the biggest compliment the site allows.
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01/17/2006 04:30:10 PM
This was my favorite as well. It evoked a lot of chatter amongst the realms, both positive and negative, a sure sign that is is a powerful image! Just what one always hopes for. Congrats.
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01/17/2006 11:56:46 AM
Originally posted by Bullie:

I'm not sure what everyone saw in this picture. No thought put into it for sure.
I personally find it rather boring. I'm starting to wonder if this site is fixed. It
sure seems that way sometimes. I know what your thinking, this guy just
doesn't have an eye for photographer. If this is the kind of stuff that is winning
maybe I should put less thought into it.. Sorry if this seems harsh..

It's not just harsh but mean. Must be nice being up so high on your peddestly that you cant see reality down below.

It's not just an eye for photography but an eye for interpetation. People are creative in different ways and yes, they see things differently then you do.

This shot rocks.. the rule of thirds is right on, it tells a story, excellent lighting and you gotta love his expression. He even got a guy reading the papers in it with all the papers and magazines on the side showing. It is a great shot!
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01/17/2006 11:48:54 AM
Woo..I didn't realize this was yours. Aren't I observant. hehe..

Excellent image! Congrats !
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01/17/2006 03:59:16 AM
Bullie, this is what we see: Someone who loooks to be a manager at a news stand, an old guy, been around the block, knows a lot. He's looking at us -- not the camera man, but us -- inviting us to look around, pick up a newspaper, see what's going on in this city. But if we read it, he says with a sly smirk, we gotta pay. No freeloading.

Or maybe he is looking at the camera man. You think you're taking a picture of ME? the man asks with a smirk. Nah, this ain't me. This is the mask I wear when I run this booth. You don't know the real me.

And I absolutely love the Advil box next to the man's hand. Subtly conveys the noise and busyness that is city life.

It doesn't matter if my interpretation is off -- if we're really in a Barnes and Noble, for instance, or if that man is just a customer. What matters is that the picture, the expression, the surroundings instantly told me a compelling story. It takes a lot of skill and a little luck to catch a picture like that.

That's what everyone saw in this picture.

Message edited by author 2006-01-17 04:00:09.
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01/16/2006 11:31:04 AM
Originally posted by gtroia:

"maybe he needs to get laid or something...huh"

If that is an offer, Graziana, I'll pass.

I was just being honest. Everyone has an opinion. Some are good opinions and some are not so good.
That is what makes the world go around. You go ahead and follow like a sheep on it's way to slaughter.

Message edited by author 2006-01-16 11:50:12.
01/16/2006 12:56:46 AM
Hey, Great shot! Two ribbons right after another. Congrats!!

I'm back to comment..after reading bullies comment I just wanted to say that his photography isn't so exciting...Those harsh words were not necessary...maybe he needs to get laid or something...huh

Message edited by author 2006-01-16 01:07:35.
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01/13/2006 05:55:07 PM
Originally posted by Bullie:

I'm not sure what everyone saw in this picture. No thought put into it for sure.
I personally find it rather boring. I'm starting to wonder if this site is fixed. It
sure seems that way sometimes. I know what your thinking, this guy just
doesn't have an eye for photographer. If this is the kind of stuff that is winning
maybe I should put less thought into it.. Sorry if this seems harsh..


Message edited by author 2006-01-14 05:34:13.
01/13/2006 05:10:07 PM
I'm not sure what everyone saw in this picture. No thought put into it for sure.
I personally find it rather boring. I'm starting to wonder if this site is fixed. It
sure seems that way sometimes. I know what your thinking, this guy just
doesn't have an eye for photographer. If this is the kind of stuff that is winning
maybe I should put less thought into it.. Sorry if this seems harsh..
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01/13/2006 08:19:56 AM
Wonderful shot, my favourite!
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01/12/2006 09:13:49 PM
Nice one Jason! Congratulations!
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01/12/2006 07:13:13 PM
Why dont you show your shot info?
01/12/2006 11:04:02 AM
Hey JP: Congratulations on your Yellow with this warm portrayal of the old news stand. Happy for you!
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01/11/2006 09:43:52 PM
Congratulations...like the saying - A picture tells a thousand words (pardon the pun) but he looks like he has lived there forever amongst his papers !
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01/11/2006 09:41:28 PM
Originally posted by riotspyne:

looks like robert deniro.

I really does. Love the tones and expression. Congratulations!
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01/11/2006 07:51:12 PM
looks like robert deniro.
classic shot.
i love you. ;)
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01/11/2006 05:26:53 PM
I love his expression! I normaly like b&w to be very contrasted, but the warmth he gives this picture would have been lost if you had gone overboard. Thanks for this image and congrats on your ribbon.
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01/11/2006 02:35:59 PM
I was very much looking forward to your entry in this challenge. I knew you'd place high.

Great photo. I'd love to see your outtakes too.
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01/11/2006 02:11:41 PM
wow, that is one of the most moving street shots i've ever seen!
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01/11/2006 01:07:57 PM
i kind of hada feeling i would see you in the top 5, this seemed like your style of challenge.
Congrats on 3rd place
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01/11/2006 12:37:34 PM
Man I thought yours would beat mine for sure, for what its worth, I like your photo better than mine, Im honored to be in the winners circle with this shot.
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01/11/2006 12:34:33 PM
Good one JP! Congrats on ribbon!
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01/11/2006 12:34:28 PM
Many congratulations! Good work.
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01/11/2006 11:56:20 AM
congrats with this..love the context you have given your shot..
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01/11/2006 11:09:13 AM
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01/11/2006 10:30:33 AM
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01/11/2006 09:22:37 AM
Congrats. I really liked this image and I'm glad to see others saw it's worth as well!!!!
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01/11/2006 09:07:17 AM
i'm glad this cracked the top 3. i think it was the best.
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01/11/2006 08:00:40 AM
How was that for a head on battle? Great image. Congratulations!
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01/11/2006 07:56:01 AM
awesome !
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01/11/2006 07:32:51 AM
Originally posted by efeefe:

I like it !! this picture affects me more than the others...Just cannot recognise whether the teethless guy is smilling or ...what kind of expression is it? Also like the gloomy backgound....simply like the picture !!!!

its "toothless"; and this is a charming shot.
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01/11/2006 06:41:35 AM
Very nice..!!! Congrats!!
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01/11/2006 06:29:12 AM
He looks like Robert DeNiro!

Was this on a film set with him in character???

Lovely shot though.
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01/11/2006 03:59:56 AM
Very, very nice capture.
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01/11/2006 03:53:14 AM
Good work, congrats!
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01/11/2006 12:56:56 AM
I like it !! this picture affects me more than the others...Just cannot recognise whether the teethless guy is smilling or ...what kind of expression is it? Also like the gloomy backgound....simply like the picture !!!!
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01/11/2006 12:53:25 AM
Yo Yo JPR!! Nice Win.
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01/11/2006 12:49:45 AM
What a great character! Big congrats on your Ribbon!
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01/11/2006 12:49:43 AM
welcome back, this is kewl
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01/11/2006 12:46:16 AM
Yeah, congrats on the yellow man!!! :-)
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01/11/2006 12:34:17 AM
Congrats on the yellow! A very good and well suited image!
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01/11/2006 12:32:40 AM
Great post and great shot. Congratulations!
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01/11/2006 12:10:54 AM

Let me just say that I saw this right after midnight when the voting started, hence I'm the first commenter heheh, and now that I see it's ribboned...shoot, man, I just knew!

This is suuuucccchhh a great new york photo. I mean, that guy kinda looks like the po' newstand old man version of deniro. ;)

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01/11/2006 12:10:18 AM
Awesome, congrats!!!
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01/11/2006 12:10:12 AM
i didn't really look thru these. but I really like this one. perfect combo of character and reality
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01/11/2006 12:09:14 AM
awwww yeah, JPR dun it
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2006 11:54:36 PM
That's a ribbon if I ever saw one. Excellent subject and composition. I love that you can only see the hands of the guy on the right and the main subject has a great expression. You'll probably get some negative comments on the blown out highlights (I always do), but they add a lot to the photo in my opinion. The only criticism I have (which is more of a preference than a criticism) is that I think it would look better in B&W rather than sepia. Good luck!
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01/10/2006 09:48:15 PM
He looks like De Niro in this shot - nice city scene, good capture.
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01/10/2006 09:40:25 PM
This phot was so good. It reminds me of an image out of the depression. Even the vendors clothes seem to be out of a different age. Great nostalgia photo.
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01/10/2006 09:21:09 PM
;^) I like this guy! You've captured his character too I believe. Appears to be a hard, but happy life for him. I like the way the light bleeds into his space but there is enough on his face to make him stand out just right. Certainly a job well done! Good luck in the challenge, and should I congratulate you in advance for your next ribbon? ;^)
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01/10/2006 05:09:12 PM
I love it!
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01/10/2006 09:10:33 AM
Great photo, love the tones and mood. The newspaper guy looks like quite the character.
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01/10/2006 07:24:20 AM
Is that de Niro? Someone who enjoys his job obviously. The monochrome works well to draw you into the character
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01/10/2006 01:45:54 AM
This has is a favorite shot it tells a story about living in the city and its hard to tell when this photos was taken.. I love the sepia toning. and the caricature you captured in your subject...
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01/10/2006 01:11:35 AM
Great expression on this guy. Definately says city life to me. 9
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01/09/2006 05:02:11 PM
Very nice capture. Definitely a scene from City Life!
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01/09/2006 02:06:57 PM
wow that guy's expression and posture are both priceless. this is my favorite so far.
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01/09/2006 02:06:02 AM
Nice capture, well done :)
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01/08/2006 10:12:47 AM
i was drawn to this image, its cluttered but i think thats what makes it so great. the composition is great and the tone is perfect, this shot has a great mood- well done
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01/07/2006 09:57:26 PM
Wow I think I have seen this man in the challenge here in another shot. But great work here, I love the coloring, it is perfect.
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01/07/2006 02:28:04 PM
The more I look at this image the more I like it. There is such a twinkle in the man's eye. I wish that I could sit down and talk with him. The stories he could tell! Nice clean sharp crisp image. Love your use of sepia.
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01/06/2006 08:37:57 PM
Nice portrait; a bit yellow in color balance; would like to see more of the surrounding city environment
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01/06/2006 08:01:30 PM
Great shot. Love the look on his face and how he is surrounded/crowed by the papers he is selling.
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01/06/2006 07:40:05 PM
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01/06/2006 05:50:26 PM
love the tone and the expression on this mans face.. great job capturing city life..
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01/06/2006 03:36:51 PM
I like this character. This is at least one of these in every big city. He makes you feel like a part of the city.
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01/06/2006 02:46:31 PM
He's so hard to resist! Nice depth and level of contrast.
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01/06/2006 02:31:44 PM
Great title. Love his expression. Nice shot.
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01/06/2006 01:25:25 PM
I think I've seen this guy before!
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01/06/2006 11:59:27 AM
Looks like quite a character! This is the real city life, well done!
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01/06/2006 10:03:44 AM
oh this one is great.. selling newspapers and the photo has a newspaper feel to it as well.. great expression and mood... bumping this up to a 9.. its got so much character.
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01/06/2006 01:57:15 AM
superb catch, well done
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01/06/2006 01:54:30 AM
YESSSS! i love it!! finally, something that really portrays life in the city, not just buildings in the city!! i love his expression andi love the black and white/(sepia?). this will do very well. 10

...hey! thats the same guy as the "Gus at The News Stand" shot!... he's quite famous here on DPC! kewl!
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01/06/2006 12:19:46 AM
I think this guy has made a couple of appearances in this challenge. Great idea, though I would have preferred B/W and a little more sharpness on your subject.
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01/05/2006 10:01:27 PM
Hey, isn't that Gus???
Quite a character. Cool composition.
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01/05/2006 07:19:46 PM
I love this shot it is so candid!
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01/05/2006 09:03:02 AM
I've seen this guy before, but now he's in his element. Good job.
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01/05/2006 05:52:37 AM
I like the idea of photographing the old time to tandem with the word "Times"
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01/05/2006 02:17:53 AM
Great shot. I love NY!
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01/04/2006 11:16:51 PM
looks like the winning shot to me
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01/04/2006 11:06:25 PM
i've seen this guy on another picture in this challenge??!
Good photo anyway
good luck
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01/04/2006 09:42:24 PM
Your choice of color values give me an old time photo feeling. I like the vendor's expression. Good shot.
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01/04/2006 08:55:45 PM
Composition is ok. The choice of subject matter is ok. Nice image quality. - 5
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01/04/2006 08:07:40 PM
- Relevant to the Challenge? Yes
- Is subject unique (vs. unoriginal or rehashed)? Yes

- Good or Bad? How can it be fixed? Very good compostition. Wouldn't change it.
- Good use of Depth of Field? Yes

- Good use of light? Yes
- Are there any over-blown highlights? The paper in the customers hand.
- Good use of shadows? Yes

Aesthetics/Artistic Appeal:
- What is my reaction or feelings? Can I get an Advil? I feel like I'm there, and could ask for the most obscure thing and that Gus would have it. I like this one better than the closeup of Gus (that I assume was dome by pawdrix).
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01/04/2006 06:37:10 PM
Nice capture of the news guy's expression. I'm not sure whether I like the cropping out of the guy reading the paper or not. I do like that sort of spontaineous cropping but in this instance I think I'd like to see some of his face.
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01/04/2006 04:18:49 PM
If this were just a little sharper, I'd give it a 10. I think it's a wonderful composition and truly expresses the challenge theme!
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01/04/2006 03:01:18 PM
Love the sepia and the character of this photo. Really captured "life"
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01/04/2006 01:21:27 PM
Its Gus!!
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01/04/2006 01:10:03 PM
Priceless character study. Sepia works nicely here. Only flaw is blown highlights of customer's hand and some of the covers, but I won't hold that against you.
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01/04/2006 12:35:15 PM
not voting atm but this really caught my eye. its captures city life more than most. I expect it do do very well
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01/04/2006 11:28:28 AM
Hey, I've seen this guy before in this challenge. :)
This environmental portrait works a bit better.
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01/04/2006 06:45:43 AM
Great captures...nice expression and it's good that you included some of the "environment" in the picture. I do think the man in the foreground on the right really distracts the eye though, his newspaper just pulls us in to it because it's the brightest part of the image. Without that you might have a winner! Good shot anyway, though. :)
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01/04/2006 02:09:58 AM
I love candids - nice shot. The sepia tones do well here.
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01/04/2006 01:38:28 AM
Awesome. Love the title and the capture!!! 9
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01/04/2006 12:41:43 AM
This is just a fantastic photograph. Congratulations on that :) 10

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