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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: City Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM
Location: Cleveland Ohio
Date: Jan 1, 2006
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Humorous, Urban
Date Uploaded: Jan 2, 2006


Place: 92 out of 173
Avg (all users): 5.1868
Avg (commenters): 6.6667
Avg (participants): 4.8649
Avg (non-participants): 5.2690
Views since voting: 774
Views during voting: 493
Votes: 364
Comments: 18
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/05/2006 04:06:50 PM
Out of your portfolio, I like this one best - I tend to prefer b/w pictures, but in addition, it seems to have a style and a story, as other comments suggest.

I did not notice any noise (definitely no inappropriate noise) and actually I do not notice any halo even when told there is one (may be a monitor issue?).

While the central composition underlines the general impression of the statues (static, exposition-like), I would like to know how a non central alternative would look like. My only major objection is the amount of highlights and lack of contrast on the statues and the steps. The statues look almost like white silhouettes, which is probably unintended. Well, may be I'm just looking for an eye candy :-).

Keep on.
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01/13/2006 11:39:26 AM
The more I look at this photo the more I appreciate it.
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01/13/2006 07:31:23 AM
Hello Eric, from the bowels of the renowned Critique Club.

You must have been disappointed with the reception given to this image by the voters. If many of the commenters were apparently not prepared to give the meaning of your photograph any serious thought, just imagine what the level of indifference was among those who didn't even comment! Presumably, from the tone of most of the comments, they'd have wanted you to make it pretty, unambiguous and not 'distracting'; rather like a typical ribbon winner. Fortunately, you knew what you were doing.

It's a very interesting street photograph for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that your 'life' is simulated. If you study some of the really good street photographers, as presumably you have, you see that many of their best images involve paradox, irony or whimsy ... just like this image. I think yours is particularly witty because of the bicycle. It literally doubles the viewer's pleasure because it becomes a joke-within-a-joke; the people are fake, but one of them came by bicycle! Another lovely touch is the 'halo' of light above the bicyclist's head. It's like italics - it tells the viewer where in the image the emphasis lies, and differentiates him from the lesser, hopelessly inanimate statues on the other bench.

By the way, it's interesting that you did get an appreciative comment and a good score from Pawdrix ... interesting because he is one of DPC's best exponents of street photography.

It's traditional in these critiques to blather on about focus and depth of field and perspective and all that technical guff. I'll spare you that, for two reasons. First because I don't think those matters are particularly relevant to the worth of this image. And second because if you'd wanted advice about that stuff I doubt that you'd have taken this picture at all.

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2006 02:02:30 PM
I would have liked to see a little less stairs and a little more building for perspective.
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01/10/2006 12:41:32 PM
you must think it is boring where you live
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01/09/2006 09:23:41 AM
Clever image. Me like...9
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01/07/2006 10:03:58 PM
Fantastic, sometimes people do fee like statues walking through life. Nice picture.
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01/07/2006 08:33:40 AM
What an interesting technique you used. The people look like marble statues. I think that is an excellent depiction of inflexibility in our daily lives, so much so that it becomes marble like. I see this image and it motivates me to write a poem. Thankyou for sharing.
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01/07/2006 01:57:28 AM
Interesting shot. Are they pernament statues at this location? The title is very good.
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01/06/2006 07:48:18 PM
I think cropping out more of the stairs would have made this stronger.
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01/06/2006 01:17:57 PM
Perspective not that interesting to me and a lot of emphasis given to vague area of darkness at right
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01/06/2006 08:17:06 AM
Its interesting and outta box composition, sound slike negative but gives good effect.
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01/06/2006 04:19:47 AM
The addition of the bicycle transforms this into a delightful whimsy. A simple idea, or inspiration, well executed. And it's a legitimate and witty "City Life" parody as well. All in all, pretty clever and very entertaining. Well done.
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01/06/2006 12:33:38 AM
Great, stunning. This image stuck out from the crowd in this challenge (no pun intended).
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01/05/2006 09:00:58 PM
I like this, but I would have done a tighter crop on the right, to exclude the piece of trash on the steps. My eyes are drawn to that and it's distracting.
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01/04/2006 11:18:19 PM
I love the irony of this. sometimes city "life" isn't life at all.
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01/04/2006 08:31:47 PM
Composition is ok. The choice of subject matter is ok. The image quality is ok. Has potential of being really creative. -5
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01/04/2006 01:38:51 AM
this shot doesn't really excite me. i like the title though. a little too much noise.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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