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Ka Boom
3rd PlaceKa Boom

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Unanswered Questions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-4000Z
Location: Muskegon Airport, Muskegon Michigan
Date: Jul 5, 2003
Aperture: 5.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/800
Galleries: Snapshot, Action
Date Uploaded: Jul 6, 2003

This shot was taken during a demonstration of a bombing run during an the Muskegon Air Show. The original was much more impressive, but I clipped the airplane on the bottom and could just hear the comments.

Place: 3 out of 88
Avg (all users): 6.7181
Avg (commenters): 8.1739
Avg (participants): 6.8939
Avg (non-participants): 6.5783
Views since voting: 5732
Votes: 149
Comments: 37
Favorites: 2 (view)

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07/14/2003 01:01:13 PM
Congrats. :)
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07/14/2003 09:24:56 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon!!! Good work.
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07/14/2003 05:45:43 AM
Congrats on your ribbon, very dramatic photo! :D
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07/14/2003 02:49:52 AM
Congrats on your first ribbon. I can almost feel the heat from the flames!
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07/14/2003 02:14:26 AM
wonderful pic, dodo! congratulations!
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07/14/2003 12:33:36 AM
Very dramatic and exciting shot! Congratulations on your first ribbon!
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07/14/2003 12:18:48 AM
Incredible shot! Nice and clear. Congrats!
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07/14/2003 12:11:19 AM
Great shot! Congrats on your first ribbon!
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07/14/2003 12:07:07 AM
Very nice, great timing. Congrats.
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07/14/2003 12:05:00 AM
Thanks for all your comments! My original is located in my portfolio //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=28267 Yes this was a pyro technics display and an amazing one at that

Message edited by author 2003-07-14 00:08:40.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/13/2003 10:40:38 AM
Ooof! What happened here? Nice capture.
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07/13/2003 01:47:19 AM
WHOA. WTF is this??!?!?!?! I love this shot.
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07/12/2003 05:46:24 PM
The things DPC'ers do just for a good photo :-) Okay I'll ask, what is it? Did ya blow up the neighbours house? Or is this your idea of a good barbecue? The rich colors are so vibrant, your photo has really come alive. Just the two little black marks in the sky are a little bothersome, but without spot editing them there isn't much you can do about it - 9.
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07/12/2003 01:39:30 PM
Nothing like an explosion to get attention! Nice work, especially the lighting and composition. 9
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07/11/2003 05:31:25 PM
very cool
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07/11/2003 03:40:01 PM
WOW! This is a wildly cool shot!! Mass destruction! Great color and visual impact. Who got burned? What are the two black dots in your blue sky? Just curious.... I see an odd color line just above your border on the botton (it's just one or two pixel rows)??? 10 Rob the Swash
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07/11/2003 01:12:32 PM
This is great, not sure what those 2 spots are but i`ll give you extra points for not spot editing them out (although if should be allowed for specks like this). 10
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07/10/2003 10:51:13 PM
All I can say is...cool!
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07/10/2003 11:33:47 AM
WOW .... what was happening here 10/10
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07/10/2003 05:11:45 AM
Here's one of the best photos regarding the question part. And not to make it sound like I just like the question, a well executed photo too. Great exposure on the fire.
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07/10/2003 12:07:06 AM
Definitely wondering what the heck caused this conflagration! Fantastic color. Only distractions (not that you could have done much about them) are the small pieces of debris in the top center and right center of the frame.
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07/09/2003 06:11:20 PM
Well captured detail in the flames, shame about the couple of 'spots' in the sky.
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07/09/2003 01:20:32 AM
Cool, hope you post the original when the challenge is over cause I'd like to see all of it! Good job.
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07/08/2003 11:21:29 AM
Interesting, but I would like to have a subject of some type in or above the flame. The sky seems to have some noise in the blue ski.
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07/08/2003 10:50:05 AM
Wow, don't know how you got this one, but it works! 10
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07/08/2003 09:28:58 AM
WOW! The flames look like smoldering boulders, great detail too! Smells like a winner.
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07/08/2003 08:36:21 AM
Great shot, nicely captured. Probably doesn't need that border and I think it confines the picture a bit. Nicely picks out the colours from the flames, smoke and sky, good job.
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07/07/2003 07:11:29 PM
It's those black spots up there that make me think spot editting should be allowed. if it wasn't for those this would look really awesome. nice shot.
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07/07/2003 04:41:59 PM
Yeesh! That does indeed make ya wonder what on Earth was going on here! Nicely captured -- I'll look forward to reading the details on this one.
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07/07/2003 03:49:00 PM
wow, awesome!! What the hell did that???
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07/07/2003 01:28:08 PM
Great colors, and good detail...........
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07/07/2003 01:16:08 PM
You've got to be kidding me! How on earth did you get a shot like this? Do you work on a movie set? The spots on the sky are distracting but WHO CARES!
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07/07/2003 01:10:35 PM
This is just wonderful. The color is very good. One of my highest so far.
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07/07/2003 12:55:59 PM
wow, This is cool. Was this taken on your 4th of July expeditions???
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07/07/2003 06:02:09 AM
Great shot, makes you wander what is under the flames. The two dots over the flames are a bit distracting, but not too much, and you probably couldn't do anything about it = 7
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07/07/2003 12:55:25 AM
pyrotechnics?? a 6
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07/07/2003 12:10:12 AM
This is one of the few I actually want to know the story behind...nice.
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