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The City of Joy
The City of Joy

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: City Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Sony DSC-H1
Location: Kolkata,India.
Date: Jan 3, 2006
Aperture: F 4
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/160 sec
Galleries: Cityscape, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Jan 3, 2006

Captured at a busy road of Kolkata, "The City of Joy" where the man and the machine struggle side by side for existance.Though it seems to be inhuman,quite a number of family lives on the proffesion of rickshaw pulling.Hand pulled rickshaw still exists in few parts of China & Kolkata in India. Its getting tougher day by day for this profession to exist, due to government rules and fast technological development, but probably no other city has this prevelage of such an economic & environment friendly transport for short journeys.I preffered to submit the photo in black & white to give the effect of high contrast in the city life.

Place: 27 out of 173
Avg (all users): 6.1146
Avg (commenters): 6.3667
Avg (participants): 5.8588
Avg (non-participants): 6.1873
Views since voting: 1357
Views during voting: 543
Votes: 384
Comments: 35
Favorites: 1 (view)

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01/14/2006 11:55:41 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club

This is a great photo. Shot at an opportune moment when the rickshaw was separated from the motor vehicles, it is a great illustration of the contrasts in that unique city. Color would have been distracting; black and white was a good choice. And using high tonal contrast to mirror the high city contrast works very well. The man's face isn't essential to the message of this photo, so the heavy shadow doesn't really bother me.
01/13/2006 04:51:52 AM
i never been to calcutta but it seems this city inspires lot of people. Personaly i liked the shot, it has got emotional feeling which is difficult to get.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/10/2006 08:13:13 PM
Would have liked this photo better if it had been exposed so that the man's face were more visible, but that might have just been the lighting that was available. Like this shot in black and white!
01/10/2006 04:38:14 PM
a little dark on the man's face, but great contrast and excellent subject.
01/10/2006 03:32:48 PM
I lke the use of B&W in this shot. A little dark on the mans face but still a nice shot.
Good luck.

01/10/2006 03:03:22 PM
Well documented.
01/10/2006 01:03:53 PM
I think you captured his mood very well
01/10/2006 12:29:36 AM
An interesting image, but the highlights are blown out. Too much glare from the road and car roofs.
01/09/2006 12:12:51 PM
so kolkata man nice pic. i love the people of kolkata.
01/08/2006 07:58:43 PM
how does this man cope with all that traffic.
01/07/2006 03:10:17 PM
This is a wonderful image but far too contrasty IMO
01/06/2006 10:43:18 PM
Nice, but a bit too much contrast.
01/06/2006 04:38:47 PM
Really like the portrait of the rickshaw drive, wish it weren't so dark though and that there was mor perspective extending back and to the right
01/06/2006 04:33:33 PM
This must be Calcutta, of course. Juxtaposition of the old (traditional) and the new is always interesting. This one is a reasonably prosaic composition, but the quality of the traditional subject makes up for that. His resolute progress along the road, and his interesting hand carriage, give him a real presence here. (I'm sure it's not called a rickshaw here, but I'm afraid I don't know what it is properly called). The processing is very good, too; simple and honest, and all the more effective for that. It's also an excellent approach to the challenge topic, in that you are making a point about city life in Calcutta, and not just showing us a picture of something in a city. Nice work.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/06/2006 03:25:01 PM
an interesting shot. contrast seems a little bit high
01/06/2006 10:51:28 AM
I like the high contrast used and how you centered the main subject. Great shot!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/05/2006 11:15:35 PM
very nice, good capture!
01/05/2006 09:51:26 PM
Nice contrast, this shot stands out.
01/05/2006 03:28:01 PM
I love the contrast of B&W for this image. A little dark on the right side of the guy and carrage but it might be this monitor as I am not on my machine.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/05/2006 03:05:23 PM
what a capture, title is also very creative/ironic
good luck
01/05/2006 03:06:09 AM
The blacks are just a little to dark for me Just my 2 cents (5)
01/04/2006 09:37:52 PM
Great subject, but I'm not sure about the super-high contrast
01/04/2006 07:42:53 PM
Brilliant...the contrast between haves and have nots clearly comes thru in bw.
01/04/2006 07:15:43 PM
this is a nice image but both of your extremes are loosing a lot of detail.. it seems like a ND filter couldve done the trick..
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01/04/2006 06:38:20 PM
Nice capture. A bit too contrasty and harsh for me. There needs to be more shadow and highlight detail instead of this extreme black and white. This is especially true for the man's face---his features are nearly obliterated by shadow.
01/04/2006 05:48:41 PM
nice picture, but too contrasty
01/04/2006 05:28:26 PM
too much contrast for me on this shot ,but well executed
01/04/2006 03:42:49 PM
too much contrast
01/04/2006 03:22:22 PM
very nice
i like the black and white
01/04/2006 01:14:34 PM
Too much contrast and not enough light on the subject.
01/04/2006 08:32:19 AM
Nice image but a little too dark. A lot of detail is lost even in the lighter areas.
01/04/2006 07:36:46 AM
Interesting shot. I like the high contrast. It's great how the subject is centred & framed by the trucks, which are also a contrast in technology. I'm also a sucker for photos of exotic city life.
01/04/2006 03:39:19 AM
I'm assuming the title is sarcasm? Because the image doesn't portray "Joy" to me. I love the black and white effect, I love the composition (the person really makes the shot and covers the "Life" component of the challenge) and I like the high-contrast chosen. Best photo I've seen so far. Worthy of printing.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/04/2006 01:15:48 AM
too much contrast in my opinion, i like the black and white though and it definitely represents city life. cool title as well 7
01/04/2006 12:55:06 AM
Great photojournalistic approach. The high contrast works perfectly. Good job. 9
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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