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Enjoy the meal!
Enjoy the meal!
Boris the blade

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Recipe (Food) II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Samsung Digimax A6
Location: Dining room
Date: Jan 6, 2006
Aperture: 2,866
ISO: 141
Shutter: 1/30 sec
Galleries: Food and Drink
Date Uploaded: Jan 6, 2006

No philosophy in making this meal. Sorry can't write no more. I'm starving to death :)

Place: 106 out of 110
Avg (all users): 4.0248
Avg (commenters): 3.7368
Avg (participants): 3.8095
Avg (non-participants): 4.0769
Views since voting: 920
Views during voting: 433
Votes: 323
Comments: 19
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/17/2006 09:58:25 PM
out of focus
01/17/2006 07:52:16 PM
Wonder what this would look like with an angular point of view, rather than a view from above. This might add interest to the composition.
01/17/2006 05:11:33 PM
the lighting could be a bit better - there are lots of glares and the choice of platter and floral plate that don't match are a bit distracting as well as the object in the upper left hand corner - but it looks pretty yummy and I like your title :)
01/16/2006 04:26:48 PM
the flash makes the (chicken?) on the right unappealing....
01/15/2006 04:53:55 PM
The color of the carrots, the flowers on the bowl and the apples on the tray all seem to fight each other
01/14/2006 11:42:25 PM
Sorry, but I really can't seem to like this picture. The lighting is way off, and it really goes against your food subject; with shots of food, the lighting should make things look apetizing, not bland. Also, the "directly-above-head" composition does little to make things exciting. The room at the top of the frame, too, is a strange choice. Sorry if this is a bit harsh; better luck next time.
01/14/2006 02:03:01 PM
The lighting is a little odd, resulting in dull tones. The choice of a plain plate w/ no garnish vs the colorful soup is unfortunate. And for me the spoon should be facing the viewer to "invite" us to eat. This way makes me feel "uninvited" (That's probably just me). 5
01/13/2006 03:49:09 PM
Un interesting angle and lousy lighting. No other word fits the lighting here, sorry to be so blunt. Flat, bad reflections/hot spots on the tray, one plate and the chicken. The chicken plate has some grease spots on it that look less than attractive. the soup bowl is too full (broth on the flowers) and there is some spilled on the bowl rim. There is discoloration (a reflection of some kind i suppose) on the far elft of the image that is not on the right. the top left of the image needs cropped more as some of the table is showing. the try is not stright with the bottom of the photo. There is more of that bad reddish reflection in the spoon handle as well.

Next time try more careful prep of the props, a better angle (look at most any food ad or menu) and read up on lighting - lighting is the most important thing.
01/13/2006 11:49:54 AM
Looking directly down on the food is a good perspective. Perhaps caused by the flash, but there appears to be vignetting on the corners of the image. The object in the upper left corner is a distraction and should be eliminated. The tray should be made level, being slightly crooked distracts the viewer. Unfortunately the tray reflects light from the flash and the spoon casts a sharp shadow. A bright, but diffused light source would work well with this composition.
01/13/2006 08:05:28 AM
Can you say "Kitsch"?
01/12/2006 12:59:45 PM
the light is so unappealling. looks like unhelped overhead lighting. Too bad because I like everything else about the picture.
01/12/2006 06:07:52 AM
Sorry, it doesn't look very appetising.
01/11/2006 06:27:48 PM
Would have been better with more lighting, if there wasn't that "distraction" in the upper left corner and if the tray was parallel to the bottom.
01/11/2006 05:05:47 PM
sorry- it does nothing for me. Bland.
01/11/2006 02:32:10 PM
Poor lighting. Poor focus.
01/11/2006 09:53:26 AM
Good old home meal... The meal looks nice but the composition of the pic is not that good. You have a distracting element on the left top + some glare)probably from the flashlight). good luck
01/11/2006 09:50:20 AM
Sorry, but this does not even look appetizing. Aside from that, the tray is crooked, and you can see the flash at the bottom of the tray by the chicken (is it chicken) plate. Also, the spoon cut off and the tops of the plates and tray being cut off give it a hurried feeling.
01/11/2006 08:36:52 AM
Lighting is dull and photo looks grey. Tin tray is not attractive and takes away from the plates.
01/11/2006 12:22:58 AM
I don't know where to start with this picture. The lighting is horrible and the colors are terrible. Were you going for a brownie? 1

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