i think you should have entered it, but i also think that this would not have crossed 5.5 as final score. Let me explain why i said so:
1. the biggest problem with this picture is the left side which is empty and gives the impression of unfinished picture ( subconsciously). The voters (most of them) do not spend much time would have gone-by giving 3,4,5 to it.
2. Picture looks similar to Gaurawa 's ribbon winning entry, but in his background, the color was red and red color is more effective (or attractive) subconsciously (red is warm color, where as white is neutral). Red color do not look empty or vacuumous like white.
3. Here is an idea to make it ribbon winner if you can do it with little effort. Take laptop, and take a picture of a small child swimming in water (same as nirvana's never mind album), but that as desktop, then put this glass in front of screen, such that it looks as if the kid is swimming in glass, then put these colors in glass and then shoot. The final pic should look as if the child is glass. Think about it. If i were member i would be submitting this (may be since i do not have good camera to shoot all this).