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The Signs of Sorrow come from the eyes
The Signs of Sorrow come from the eyes

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Signs (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: heimavist m.a.
Date: Jan 14, 2006
Galleries: Portraiture, Self Portrait
Date Uploaded: Jan 14, 2006

My mind was in a critical condition at the moment.. my eyes are just saying desperation!
Coverd my self with all the black clothes i could find in my little dorm-room :)Took about 20 photos and all the others where out of focus.. and yes I am trying to make my self better and I hear you when you tell me my pics ar blurry!! But this one wasn't blurry i think so i croped it then i lowerd the saturation, midtones and resized it, that's about it.

Place: 172 out of 186
Avg (all users): 4.2894
Avg (commenters): 3.7273
Avg (participants): 4.1548
Avg (non-participants): 4.3642
Views since voting: 1633
Views during voting: 332
Votes: 235
Comments: 21
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/04/2007 07:23:52 AM
Strangely, you have a bit of a smirk on your face, but when you look at the eyes there is a seriousness. Great bunch of self portraits/
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06/06/2006 01:00:46 PM
This is a good shot. I like the angle, the pose and the crop. Like your title says, it's all in the eyes!
And you have great eyes which are clearly highlighted by everything else being black.

Nice setup, nice shot.
Well done.
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05/19/2006 11:28:04 AM
This is a great image, love the crop and the lighting!
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05/06/2006 12:50:00 PM
I love the emotion in your eyes and face ,also like that only your face is out of the shadow. However I find the lighting rather flat and harsh. This would have worked great as an even more low key image. You could have increased the contrast a bit with curves. Maybe it would have been better (I'm no expert. I personally like the it's a little on the soft side, fits the mood.
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02/20/2006 11:04:17 PM
I like the angle on this. Would prefer the eyes to be looking elsewhere though. Needs a little more focus, but the lighting is really good, and the overall mood is apparent. Nice.
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01/26/2006 05:59:46 AM
Thanx so much for that :) just what i needed to hear.. And with the blurr it is probably bouth my and the cameras problem.. Trying my best keeping still :) I'll get better with time.. :)
01/25/2006 09:40:34 PM
Greetings from the on request Critique Club!

First off, excellent photo! The low score is only because you didn’t even come close to meeting the challenge. If you want to score well you kind of have to meet the challenge, usually in an obvious way. In the portrait challenge this would score a 6 or 7 from me.

What I like about the image: it conforms to the rule of thirds, very well lit, I love the eyes and the way they look off out in the darkness, and the black background accents your face perfectly.

What I don’t like; you said this one wasn’t blurry, but it’s sure not crisp either. I’m assuming this is a self portrait, in that case, it’s hard to focus because the camera sets the focus when you start the timer and not when you are in front of the camera. Thus, you need to set up a prop where you’ll be to get the focus right, or use manual focus. Or it might be the camera, do you have problems getting images in focus normally? Also, in the title you are going for sorrow, but the image doesn't say sorrow to me. You look more optimistic or in deep thought. For sorrow, try looking down.

Look at the bright side though; you have the 6th highest scoring image ever on DPC with your camera!!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/24/2006 10:51:53 PM
Very nice portrait - nice catch light in the eyes
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01/24/2006 03:06:06 PM
I love how your title is the connection here to the challenge theme.
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01/24/2006 01:29:41 PM
Nice portrait. Don't see the sorrow in those eyes, though.
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01/24/2006 12:50:06 PM
The face seems a little too soft
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01/21/2006 11:13:10 PM
Without the title, I'd not see a relationship to the challenge.
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01/20/2006 12:03:15 PM
Image is a little soft/out of focus and she looks a little green. I'm not sure about the composition, I think I'd prefer to see more of the head than the negative space in the bottom left corner.
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01/19/2006 10:03:08 AM
01/19/2006 08:10:18 AM
sorrow?? where?
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01/18/2006 06:17:09 PM
i like it
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01/18/2006 03:39:28 PM
A bit off focus
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01/18/2006 11:30:23 AM
I don't see any sorrow here to connect with so don't see how this is a 'signs' picture.
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01/18/2006 04:09:42 AM
nice idea, shame the model looks like shes smirking.
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01/18/2006 03:33:36 AM
can't see any sorrow in thes eyes
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01/18/2006 01:44:46 AM
too soft and overlit.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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