Hi from the Critique Club. Hope I can offer a few thoughts on this entry.
I think this picture was a good take on the challenge, even though it was shot from a vantage point which doesn't draw the viewer into the story. Something to consider next time would be a lower angle of view relative to the subjects. This would cut out some of the court and add some of the sideline interest. Very subjective so just my opinion.
Composition: This is a tough one to judge because for me, the out of focus boy in the foreground is in such a strong position that he distracts from the other subjects. You did a good job of freezing the motion on the top middle boy(except his hand) but I wonder if a slightly different crop and or angle of view might have strengthened this picture. Possibly cropping out most of the boy on the left???
Lighting: Gym lighting is tough, and I think you handled it as well as could be expected. the 1/60 shutter speed was pushing the limits in terms of sharpness, so ISO 800 might have been a better option. The low light also contributed some grain/noise to the image.
Challenge and its results: This was an interesting challenge and I'm guessing you(and everyone) learned a lot from the experience. DPC is really rough on soft focus shots, whether intentional or not so the slower shutter speed hurt you in this area. FWIW, i voted this entry a 5, mainly because it didn't have any glaring technical issues, it just didn't pull me into its story. My main advice on upping your score(and improving your technique would be to prethink your shot in terms of angle of view, shutter speed, and composition, then get ready to shoot.
Keep on shooting. If you have any questions, just PM me and I'll try to answer. Cheers! |