::: Critique Club ::: ladyhawk22
First Impression - the most important one: Nice expression on the face of the child, though I wish there were a bit more going on in the scene.
Composition: In terms of composition, I think that many people may have expected the Singled Out subject to be in the foreground, as opposed to behind the "crowd". I think that it works ok in this shot. To me, the shot seems a little cramped. I like the framing of the child's face, but I think I wish there were more going on in the scene...I'm not sure what I would add to it though :-)
Subject: The expression on the child's face is very good. You can really see the concentration and nearly see daydream images as well. I think that for this challenge, a young child was certainly a good choice.
Technical (Colour, focus, and light): Colors in this shot look good and true to life. Focus looks pretty good as well as the light. Be careful to make sure that your vertical lines are as straight as possible (that's something a lot of voters really notice!)
To grow its vote?: I think that some voters may have wished for a little more going on in the scene. Obviously the child is the subject and the point of the focus, but a little more activity in the areas of shallow depth of field might be nice.
Summary: Great expression on the face! Which is one of the harder things to capture...so rare to get those moments of true expression :-) Technical aspects of the photo look pretty good, with the small exception of the slanted vertical line. |