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Do I Have To Say The Words?
1st PlaceDo I Have To Say The Words?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Romance (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D50
Lens: Nikon AF Zoom-Nikkor 24-85mm f2.8-4.0D
Location: San Diego
Date: Jan 29, 2006
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/1250
Galleries: Emotive, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Jan 31, 2006

It’s me (on the right) and my wife Irina.
I didn’t have any good ideas for this challenge till Sunday night. I took Irina to the beach, it was quite cold and water wasn’t very worm. I made her to take off her shoes and stand still for about 30 min. I was running back and forth taking shots at different angles.

P/P: Shot in Raw
Adjusted Brightness
Color Booster
Rotate a little
Neat image

Wow, First Ribbon, I am overwhelmed!
Thanks everyone for the good comments and votes.
Special thanks to Irina for being the inspiration and subject of my picture.

Also, thanks to ltsimring, who was walking by that evening, and took a picture of me working on that shot: ”Gotcha”

Place: 1 out of 131
Avg (all users): 7.2225
Avg (commenters): 8.4839
Avg (participants): 6.6029
Avg (non-participants): 7.3607
Views since voting: 10993
Views during voting: 582
Votes: 373
Comments: 46
Favorites: 10 (view)

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04/29/2007 11:18:07 PM
Great shot---
Thanks for the comment on my tunnel shot. I appreciate it being a "newbie"
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02/10/2006 01:23:12 PM
This is just beautiful! Way to go!
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02/09/2006 03:54:53 PM
Incredibly good shot! Bravo!
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02/08/2006 09:59:57 AM
See? I told you!! Congratulations on having the clear-cut, standout winner!!! It was worth it, wasn't it ???? The cold goes away in a few minutes, but the glow of a blue ribbon lasts at least for the whole week it shines at all of us on the front page. . .and forever on your profile, right? :) Fantastic photo!
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02/08/2006 09:22:27 AM
My top pick. :) Congratulations on your first ribbon and a beautiful shot.
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02/08/2006 07:52:14 AM
congrats! well deserved!
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02/08/2006 05:30:53 AM
Wonderful capture. Well done.
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02/08/2006 04:22:21 AM
Congrats on first place, a stunning image.
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02/08/2006 04:21:47 AM
Congratulations with your blue. One of my favorites to win.
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02/08/2006 03:49:22 AM
congratulations! this image is the best of its kind that i've seen so far, both on dpc and in magazines and stuff. it's so, so warm and genuine.
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02/08/2006 01:28:40 AM
do i have to say the words? :)
congrats on your first ribbon (and blue to boot)!! that was a lucky sunset at the La Jolla beach, wasn't it? two ribbons!
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02/08/2006 12:43:16 AM
Congratulations on this very heartwarming image.
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02/08/2006 12:35:32 AM
Great medium control to give birth to this beauty. Congratulations on your BLUE!
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02/08/2006 12:12:42 AM
Congrats on the Blue for a really nice shot!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/07/2006 10:56:03 PM
That shot should be next to the word romantic in the dictionary.

Fablulous. 10
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02/07/2006 09:36:30 PM
What a backdrop. I almost wanna see this without the couple! Great photo.
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02/07/2006 09:18:41 PM
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02/07/2006 05:17:38 PM
Wonderfully done.
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02/07/2006 09:23:32 AM
Beautifully done..Hard to see how it could be improved.
Looks a winner.
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02/06/2006 09:48:06 PM
Love the sunset lighting. It gives a very romantic feel.
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02/06/2006 05:17:48 PM
Great shot!
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02/06/2006 03:34:57 PM
Simply stunning! 7
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02/06/2006 12:41:07 PM
Beautiful shot...I really like the silhouetting (would actually prefer it to be completely silhouetted through a change in levels) and the framing of the sun. Nice positioning in the frame...very good.
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02/06/2006 11:23:28 AM
This is the best one! My pick for blue! Its beautiful, with perfect lighting and composition. Absotlutely perfect in every way! 10
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02/06/2006 12:57:49 AM
My pick for the blue. This image has a lot going for it. The beautiful silloutte with a perfectly focused outline, the sun, while bright, is not over exposed (big kudos there!), the clouds and waves playing nice, a beautiful reflection with their feet interrupting the reflection just enough to make it real, composition feels "just right" to me. I'd give you a 10+ if I could. Good luck!
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02/05/2006 11:39:56 PM
Really, really great texture, outstanding color and composition. But, I'm never exactly dead-on with the other voters. I'd give it a 10.
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02/05/2006 11:20:00 PM
Very nice light & composition.
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02/05/2006 07:32:45 PM
a wonderful serene feel and great exposure, love the reflection on the wet sand!
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02/05/2006 10:25:51 AM
Sky reflecion is beautiful. Well composed, great colors.
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02/04/2006 07:11:09 PM
beautiful picture; not a lot of emotion drawn though (in me at least)
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02/04/2006 12:35:40 AM
Yes! lol
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02/03/2006 10:59:18 AM
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02/03/2006 01:00:45 AM
so here is the best pic in challenge
niceee picture just luv it!
my only and nice 10!
good luck! :D
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02/02/2006 11:51:55 PM
In my top 5. Great shot; only nitpick would be to darken up the shadows to a full silluhete.... Again, just a minor thing. It's a great shot...
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02/02/2006 08:32:39 PM
Beautiful, This is the epitome of romance. The sunset is gorgeous, and the setting is perfect.
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02/02/2006 01:24:38 PM
I was set back at first by the fact that is a "sunset shot", but on second inspection I liked it better; it is actually a nice sunset, carefully framed composition, and has two romantic looking people in it :)
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02/02/2006 11:26:20 AM
simple and good
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02/02/2006 06:36:04 AM
I love the rule of threes with this photo, and how you have the sun setting between the heads... Good use of backlighting and colour.
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02/02/2006 01:18:01 AM
it's beautiful !!
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02/01/2006 08:25:55 PM
nice concept,voted!
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02/01/2006 12:01:22 PM
Nice photo, nicely framed and a lovely sunset but I'd liked to have seen the footprints in the sand also. Almost looks like they are walking on water.
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02/01/2006 11:25:55 AM
I like the heart shape they almost form with their arms and heads. A bit too much kitsch. On the other hand, romance often is for the spectator.
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02/01/2006 10:43:59 AM
sweet sassy mo lassy HEHE very nice
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02/01/2006 10:32:41 AM
The composition is great! I love the reflection as well. I don't know if I would have liked to have seen the people facing away or not? I don't like the fact that the person on the left seems to be talking (open mouthed) but then I'm just being fussy! Overall I like it.
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02/01/2006 02:15:43 AM
My pick when I flicked over the thumbs. I had a similar idea, but you have executed it far better.
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02/01/2006 12:34:33 AM
beautiful! feels a little tight above their heads, but your exposure is perfect. nice work! 9
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