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Contrast courtesy of The Heavens
Contrast courtesy of The Heavens

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Contrasts (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon D100
Location: At Home Santa Fe N.M.
Date: Jul 20, 2003
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 200
Shutter: 2.5
Galleries: Sky, Nature
Date Uploaded: Jul 20, 2003

Had Thunder wake me up at about 4:00 am this morning...decided I would try to capture lighting. this is the result.

Place: 7 out of 123
Avg (all users): 6.3657
Avg (commenters): 7.6429
Avg (participants): 6.3133
Avg (non-participants): 6.4510
Views since voting: 1917
Votes: 134
Comments: 20
Favorites: 3 (view)

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10/03/2003 03:54:35 PM
Did you have to clean your shorts after this shot? WOW that looks close!
Great Pic.
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07/28/2003 01:14:23 AM
Nice timing,good exposure,keep with the great job!
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07/28/2003 12:12:01 AM
Thanks to all again for the great comments and another top ten shot. I used a manual control of the shutter and did a "one two" count then released for a count of one if lighting were to occur while my finger depressed the shutter I would hold a moment longer. I figured if I did it this way I would have an open shutter 66% of the time which worked out because I managed to get about 5 good shots of lighting. My first attempt at this kind of shot.

Thanks again folks
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/27/2003 07:32:23 PM
Great lightning shot...
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07/27/2003 07:27:08 PM
Nice....right place, right time?
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07/26/2003 07:46:39 PM
Thats quite amzing, do tell what shutter speed you put this baby on!
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07/26/2003 03:09:48 PM
Great drama here! I like the inclusion of the building's roof.
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07/26/2003 12:04:19 PM
Cool capture. The lightning seems over bright at the bottom. I nearly gotta put my sun glasses on :-)
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07/26/2003 08:51:37 AM
Simply stunning capture - what incredible luck to get such positioning! Did you have to crop the image much? This is my10 for the challenge because it just has to beat all the other 'staged' shots. [10]
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07/25/2003 11:28:33 PM
You did much better than I did trying to capture lightning.
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07/25/2003 01:30:34 PM
OMG this is soooooooo cool. Of course looks like you were in major danger. I have never seen a lightning shot like this. GREAT JOB!!! 9 from me
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07/24/2003 02:48:02 AM
wow. great capture.
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07/24/2003 01:00:30 AM
I know how hard this is. I tried to get some shots last night of lightning.
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07/22/2003 11:46:04 PM
Good timing and nerves of steal to capture this shot. (I tend to hide under my bed or at least covers when thunder and lightening occur : ) ). Good contrast between the lightening and the dark house. Just curious about the blueish line over the house, is that another lightening strike or a reflection in camera.
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07/22/2003 05:19:28 PM
WHOA! Way to close!
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07/22/2003 01:46:59 PM
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07/22/2003 01:45:21 PM
Its an ancient chinese philosophy...Ty ming;) excellent shot.
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07/21/2003 04:25:55 PM
wow! this one definatly got my attention in the thumbnail gallery! that is a great shot, it looks like you were really close. (I would have crapped myself!) i would have cropped a little off the right side though
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07/21/2003 01:17:12 AM
very nice shot!
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07/21/2003 12:45:44 AM
Sweet pic
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