Greetings from the critique club :)
First of all, let me wish you welcome to DPC, I see this is your first image here. A bit of a daunting task, to enter a 600+ entry challenge at your first go and only get 1 comment so I am glad I got this to critique.
I like this image but there are a couple of things about it that could have made it soo much better. I would have voted this a 5 if I had voted, wich is average with me and I would probably have gone with a 6 or a 7 if a couple of things would have been better in this shot.
First of all, your camera settings. 1/15th of a second is a pretty slow
so it will result in motion blur and an aperture of 4.4 is pretty small for indoor concerts. I don´t know what lens you used but when I take shots at concerts, I try to bring at least one with an max aperture of 2.8 or bigger since there is normally so little light available. I would have suggested settings such as at least 1/60, an aperture of about 2.8 or bigger and possibly a higher iso, like 800. I don´t mind the motion blur of the hands, it´s just that because of the slow shutterspeed, the head of the guitarist seems very blurry. Also, a bigger aperture would have blurred out the backround more, wich I find distracting.
Regarding the post processing, the image is very flat and could use a serious boost in contrast and also sharpening and it would look heaps better.
The composition is good, except for one thing, the head of the guitar is blocking the head of the guitarist in the back and that is bothering me a bit. Although the composition is good, it´s not great either, this is shot from a normal angle and not very exciting. Like I said, it´s composed well, I just think you could do better.
It certainly meets the challenge, no doubt about that.
Frankly I don´t understand the low score, well fortunately different people have different tastes but I would have given this a 5 and I have pretty high standards, I would have thought this had gotten a 5.28, not a 4.28 but then again, If I could predict how a shot would do beforehand and be all knowing, I would have 50 blue ribbons :)
All I can say is that I like it, mostly because it´s an exciting shot, good action and an allright concert shot. Use a faster shutterspeed and bigger aperture, increase the contrast and you would have a pretty good shot on your hands next time.
Kind regards, Larus. |