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_I Feel Pretty..._
_I Feel Pretty..._

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Fashion (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Pentax *ist DS
Lens: Sigma 24-135mm f/2.8-4.5 Aspherical IF for Pentax
Location: Kamloops, B.C.
Date: Feb 20, 2006
Aperture: f/8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/90 sec
Date Uploaded: Feb 20, 2006

Oh so pretty.. I feel pretty and witty and gay..

I was dared to enter this, so I am.


Hahaha.. great comments everyone. I'm glad I could bring some humor and lightheartedness to the challenge.

For those with comments on my makeup:
My 8 year old charge (not daughter, I'm only her nanny), did my makeup for me. If it's not all that professional, that's why. Still, for 8 years old, I think she did a *bang up* job of it, and I'm really proud of her. Thank you so much Bree!!

For those comments on my shaving/glitter on the shirt:

This photo wasn't taken for the challenge, it was taken for my PaD. By the time I decided to put it in the challenge, the makeup was long since gone and I wasn't going to reshoot just for those minor inconveniences.. trust me, they'd have been dealt with if it was advanced editing, but it wasn't. Picky, picky ;)

This is the first time I'd ever worn makeup, but it was fun. I doubt I'll do it again all that often... but who knows. Glad y'all enjoyed it, even if I did get a bunch of lower votes because of some people that may have been turned off by it.. luckily, those people stayed out of the comments :)

Have fun out there everyone, and a reminder to try and get out of the mold now and then and have fun on here.

Place: 41 out of 133
Avg (all users): 5.7084
Avg (commenters): 7.4364
Avg (participants): 5.3333
Avg (non-participants): 5.7862
Views since voting: 2156
Views during voting: 587
Votes: 367
Comments: 62
Favorites: 6 (view)

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05/27/2007 09:47:21 PM
arty... you've just smashed and shattered the very foundation of masculinity with this self-portrait. i will never see you in the same light again! LOL!!!! holy crap, just what were you thinking???!!!

forgive me while i go eat some laugh-depressants now :p

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05/27/2007 04:59:09 PM
I remember you now! Didn't we have the most incredible one-night-stand ever? It was an evening of romance, adventure, and carnal pleasure I'll never forget.
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03/02/2006 01:55:26 AM
you look pretty! wanna date? ;)
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03/02/2006 12:45:43 AM
this is pretty scary. its kinda like the pheonix21 guy. jk :)
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03/01/2006 03:21:21 PM
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03/01/2006 03:17:22 PM
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again
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03/01/2006 05:48:38 AM
Your prettiness was underrated :(
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/28/2006 01:16:39 AM
That's simply... terrifying. Like the lipstick shade, tho. Might want to get a bit closer on the neckline shave. And brush the glitter off the shirt.
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02/27/2006 06:21:31 PM
Very interesting. I bet you are getting a polarized voting pattern on this one. The lighting is well done as is the sharpness. I wish he'd shaved some of the straggle whiskers off his neck. For basic editing, nicely done. 8
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02/27/2006 12:48:39 AM
I like this!
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02/26/2006 11:21:31 PM
You know, if you photoshop in hair, and photoshop out the facial hair, and rounded the jawline a bit...bah, never mind. You're *still* a really ugly woman!!
(Technically, this is great - good lighting, good colors, excellent "glam" fashion look - at the same time satirical and complimentary. You get a 10.)
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02/26/2006 09:29:22 PM
Ready for the Birdcage II?
:D - great shot btw!
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02/26/2006 01:28:47 AM
This is absolutely classic!! A favourite! Gorgeous makeup....I especially like the glitter.
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02/25/2006 11:23:33 PM
LOL..... That makes me laugh real bad
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02/25/2006 07:01:33 PM
That is just wrong on SOOOOOOOOO many levels, but I love it--LOL indeed!!
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02/25/2006 06:52:34 PM
nice focus
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02/25/2006 04:22:41 PM
The quality of being beautiful but not delicate in appearance.
I am luving this one!
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02/25/2006 12:22:46 AM
Novel approach! And pretty good shot, too. Now about the makeup application...
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02/24/2006 11:08:49 PM
No wonder you feel pretty, you look pretty! LOL
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02/24/2006 09:46:06 PM
LMAO! Wow - that looks great on you! I only 2 small gripes. One of them being the little specks of white on your collar. And it looks a bit over sharpened.
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02/24/2006 07:31:48 PM
Just too weird looking for me! Makes me miss Boy George! 10!
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02/24/2006 05:17:03 PM
Like the look you captured in his eyes. Like the skin tones and highlights in the eyes. Sharp. The sparkles make the shot. 10
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02/23/2006 09:00:24 PM
Good for you, now did you take your medication?
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02/23/2006 07:04:10 PM
nice make up job :P did you do that your self?
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02/23/2006 05:08:33 PM
I really like this photo, I think it's easily one of the most interesting of the challenge. I don't know where it'll end up in the final tally, but I hope to see it do well.
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02/23/2006 04:50:10 PM
Great lighting and perfect focus and clarity. The colors are good too. 10
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02/23/2006 03:31:27 PM
I used glitter in my pic too. Love it!
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02/23/2006 02:22:18 PM
ROTFLMAO! The title, your expression...priceless! AND BRAVE!
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02/23/2006 12:07:58 PM
That's just TOO freaky! Must have been for some theatrical performance or something?
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02/23/2006 12:02:35 PM
And you look pretty too! lol
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02/23/2006 11:12:21 AM
02/23/2006 12:21:04 AM
there is something so vulnerable about this shot yet strong at the same time. excellent job
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02/22/2006 10:33:52 PM
hehe... fun entry.
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02/22/2006 10:13:19 PM
Oh-My-God. :-)...

I just poped into the challenge to take a look while waiting for something to run on my main PC at work... I nearly spit my coffee across the table looking at the thumbnail, and the full image didn't disapoint.

Great stuff, thanks for the laugh Glen..
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02/22/2006 09:39:04 PM
Wow... interesting spin! The focus is sharp and clear... well lit. I like the catchlight in the eyes. A well executed photo... which, as you intended, is a bit disturbing. Title just set it off. Well done.
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02/22/2006 09:06:43 PM
Oh man, that creeped me out. Nice shot tho.
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02/22/2006 09:05:46 PM
disturbing. I give it marks for bravery.
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02/22/2006 08:35:21 PM
awwwww so sparkly and pretty.
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02/22/2006 08:11:53 PM
Dude. Seriously?
02/22/2006 06:41:51 PM
Oh so pretty...
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02/22/2006 05:47:07 PM
hahaha...I dunno about the pretty part...but the pics is pretty good.
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02/22/2006 03:13:52 PM
The more I look at this, the more it looks like it was taken backstage at a drag show. Which of course just screams 'Fashion!' to me. :) Have to say that the lighting on this is great, and the blue eyeshadow really brings out the blue in your eyes. The title is just perfect for the shot.
(Oh, and by the way, this has been critiqued as "That's just silly!" by a six-year-old photography critic. Higher praise you cannot get!)
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02/22/2006 01:58:27 PM
I feall scared... Just joking, good idea
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02/22/2006 01:30:24 PM
Anyone that will put makeup on theirself and actually post it on the internet for their art deserves a 10. And you got one from me. You are the man! err yeah I think thats right.
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02/22/2006 01:13:41 PM
Great shot! Lighting is excellent, face has the right expression and it works!!!! well done
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02/22/2006 12:32:57 PM
I just bet you do. The glitter is just over the top :) Did you put this on yourself or did your kids help? This is just too funny!
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02/22/2006 11:43:55 AM
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02/22/2006 11:11:53 AM
Why does Silence Of The Lambs spring to mind when I see this?? hehehe...Love the glitter work!
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02/22/2006 09:41:41 AM
Holy Mother Of God...this is awesome. I would love to see this ribbon. Good Luck!
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02/22/2006 09:32:16 AM
And, you are pretty, my dear.
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02/22/2006 09:26:19 AM
... as you should!!!!!
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02/22/2006 08:39:35 AM
Amazing lighting. Your skin looks flawless. 9
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02/22/2006 07:45:37 AM
Makes me smile :)
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02/22/2006 07:09:18 AM
well well well...you are a funny one Mr. Artyste! You need a lesson in blending your eyeshadow but I think you have pulled off the rest pretty darn good (maybe add some earrings next time?)
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02/22/2006 06:43:16 AM
:O a self-portrait? the horror...i hope the haters don't *drag* your score down :)

You ARE pretty.


great shot btw, G. - clearly one of the more creative inthe challenge.
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02/22/2006 02:02:31 AM
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02/22/2006 01:41:22 AM
How very artystic. ;-) Nice glamour lighting and a very fun shot for this challenge.
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02/22/2006 01:25:13 AM
Funny, you just don't look that pretty. ;-P Now go put your Mom's makeup bag back in her room! :)
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02/22/2006 12:51:18 AM
ahhhhhhhhh! my eyes, my eyes! =]
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02/22/2006 12:44:34 AM
Hahahahahahaha......excellent expression and love yer make-up. You know those colors really set off your eyes. -10-
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02/22/2006 12:41:46 AM
This is too bizarre to be ignored. And it's nicely-made to boot. The couble catchlights are terrific, the sparkles are to die for, and the lipstick shows the touch of a master. Even the 5-o'clock shadow adds dimension to this profoundly metaphorical comment on the place of the artist in these troubled times.
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02/22/2006 12:30:37 AM
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