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Moving Rock
3rd PlaceMoving Rock

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Duotones II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Death Valley, CA
Date: Feb 18, 2006
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Landscape, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 21, 2006

Moving Rocks at The Racetrack

Place: 3 out of 631
Avg (all users): 7.1485
Avg (commenters): 8.0816
Avg (participants): 7.2033
Avg (non-participants): 7.0661
Views since voting: 12543
Views during voting: 544
Votes: 303
Comments: 82
Favorites: 48 (view)

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03/06/2006 02:01:11 PM
Originally posted by DreamPhoto:

I love this photo...absolutley amazing!!
10 all the way
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03/06/2006 01:59:45 PM
I love this photo...absolutley amazing!!

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03/05/2006 12:50:57 AM
I had no clue what a moving rock was, I asked my wife and she said google it, its an amazing phenomenon. I did and it is just weird, strange and increible.

Fabulous photo, and I learned something.

Message edited by author 2006-03-05 00:51:44.
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03/04/2006 06:42:10 PM
its alive good stuff
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03/04/2006 04:29:40 PM
I can't think of many shots that are so perfectly executed. To me, this capture stands in a category all it's own. Congrats on a very worthy ribbon entry. Truly a blue in my book... :)
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03/03/2006 08:10:16 PM
awsome shot!!! Great job.

Do they have an explanation yet for that moving rock phenomenon?
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03/02/2006 09:11:06 PM
Great job! Congrats!
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03/02/2006 01:33:20 AM
I've never heard of this before. I did some looking around about it and found this:
Moving rock truth revealed

Great photo by the way and congrats on your ribbon. I hope I can get to Death Valley someday to see these for myself.

Message edited by author 2006-03-02 01:33:52.
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03/01/2006 10:50:02 PM
This photo makes me wish that the resolution of submissions in challenges could be increased - I'd like to see more details on the rock and the tracks/ground. Not your fault, definately.

very interesting photo with a well deserved win.

Message edited by author 2006-03-01 22:52:10.
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03/01/2006 02:19:00 PM
Wonderful image, well done.
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03/01/2006 01:14:44 PM
This rock looks like it has a life of its own. Great capture. Congratulations on your Yellow.
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03/01/2006 11:13:36 AM
Very well done great composition. I wish I made the trip to racetrack when I was in DV last month.
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03/01/2006 11:11:22 AM
Hey, I voted this pic high and glad to see that it made it in the top three. I also added to my favorites list, great picture. Looking forward to future ones as well.

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03/01/2006 10:23:00 AM
Wow. Thanks to everybody who took the time to make constructive comments and push me up into third place. I had a feeling all along that I was fighting for third place along with the Tiger picture and of course the other Moving Rock picture - the top two were in a league of their own.

Living on the East Coast, I find it hard to compete with the scenic photos from Iceland or the Western US. So I knew I had my shot to get something good when I visited Death Valley and was luckily able to come away with some great pics.

I was pretty surprised to see another Moving Rock picture and even more amazed that people made comments simply to tell me there was another one like mine. I actually took a bunch looking the other way like gaurawa did, but I prefered the rock in the foreground.

For those that asked how the rocks move... nobody knows. Just type in "Racetrack Moving Rocks" into Google and you'll get a bunch of theories. It's an interesting place.
03/01/2006 09:08:34 AM
Congrats Rich. Well captured!
It was a great surprise to see another moving rock in the challenge :)
I was there on the 18th, but a bit late, I might have reached after 5pm and the sun was already down...
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03/01/2006 08:43:21 AM
Many congrats on your win!! Great image!
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03/01/2006 05:46:14 AM
Congratulations! Great work!
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03/01/2006 05:18:50 AM
Congratulations on your ribbon!
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03/01/2006 05:03:21 AM
excelent composition !
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03/01/2006 04:43:22 AM
Beautiful and you really think how the stone moved!
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03/01/2006 04:40:39 AM
Congratulations. Well done.
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03/01/2006 03:48:22 AM
This is a very dramatic, yet simple shot. I am glad it ribboned. Congratulations !
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03/01/2006 03:36:12 AM
Congrats on your yellow ribbon. This is a wonderful, dramatic and well shot image.
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03/01/2006 02:59:44 AM
very nice "catch", maybe to dark mountains but overall great job
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03/01/2006 01:50:39 AM
My personal favorite of the challenge. Extremely well shot and edited. Congrats!
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03/01/2006 12:20:07 AM

Looks like you found the same rock :)
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03/01/2006 12:09:48 AM
incredible picture of an incredible place. I've been there and have experienced those winds for myself! Thanks for taking and sharing this excellent photo, and congratulations on your ribbon!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/28/2006 11:13:21 PM
Absolutely gorgeous! I think you really nailed everything about this photo, including a great BW conversion.
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02/28/2006 09:44:20 PM
That is awesome, fabulous photo...10
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02/28/2006 05:36:17 PM
Very nice! I love the focus throughout. Lots of detail in the mountains and sky. Very cool subject. Nice textures.
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02/28/2006 03:13:23 PM
Great! What a environment! Like to know the story behind that rock.
Very cool picture! 9
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02/28/2006 12:58:24 PM
Great shot, but how is this done?
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02/28/2006 12:51:11 PM
Cool Idea. I like it.
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02/28/2006 10:10:51 AM
I saw another like this in the comp. They're both great. Interesting subject and composition.
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02/27/2006 08:54:03 PM
There's another moving rocks photo in the challenge so naturally I'm comparing the 2. This one doesn't have as much impact as the other one. This seems a bit too bright at the bottom. Also, the other one has the rock further in the photo and it sort of leads you into the picture, but this does not.
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02/27/2006 07:33:00 PM
Amazing shot with such sharp and clear foreground and background, 10
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02/27/2006 07:25:04 PM
Awesome photo..... Where is that?
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02/27/2006 06:38:09 PM
moving rock forward
02/27/2006 02:53:47 PM
Odd to see two of these in the same challenge. This is a great capture and the mood is definitely strengthened by the color choices in the duotone.
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02/27/2006 10:30:17 AM
great photo!
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02/27/2006 10:03:17 AM
great DOF, contrast and composition!
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02/27/2006 06:54:40 AM
great shot...stunning...crisp and great tones
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02/27/2006 01:09:54 AM
i love it.. well worth the effort. turned out great
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02/26/2006 07:48:20 PM
Beautiful! I love the texture of the ground. It looks like a really beautiful and interesting place.
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02/26/2006 02:13:04 PM
I've seen this shot before on the web ? or one very simular. Really like it....
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02/26/2006 01:13:05 PM
Lol! very interesting capture. 7
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02/25/2006 11:25:26 PM
Very nice--so what's the story about the migrating rock? Nice tonal range.
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02/25/2006 10:20:59 AM
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02/24/2006 09:18:45 PM
Excellent composition. I like this .
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02/24/2006 09:07:08 PM
This is a really neat shot!. Love the detail and the simplicity of it. And i really like how it looks like it just goes on forever. very creative. 10
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02/24/2006 08:51:41 PM
Nice. I think I'd prefer the horizon higher in the photo though.
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02/24/2006 07:20:42 PM
Another one...
02/24/2006 01:51:00 PM
Awesome photo. Perfect composition and contrast. Your aggressive use of Levels really made this image pop quite a bit. Too bad the rock wasn't black instead of white. Definitely deserves a 10.
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02/24/2006 03:50:49 AM
So two pictures in the same valley, this one just nips it for me, due to the texture on the stone and the shadow it casts.
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02/24/2006 02:15:45 AM
I've seen this location photographed before and I'd really like to know who the hell is moving this rock! Nice shot and well done.
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02/23/2006 09:47:56 PM
Very nice. Better than the other moving rock in this competition.
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02/23/2006 09:29:28 PM
Great composition !!
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02/23/2006 08:24:10 PM
Two photos like this in the challenge? I would never have figured. Hopefully you and the other person with the same subject don't split the vote on this (so to speak).

As for the photo, I really like the contrast, perspective and detail. The transition from foreground to background is very smooth. You get a good sense of scale. The lines the rock created does a great job in carrying your eyes throughout the photo.

The only negative I have is I'm not in love with the color selection for the duotone. I think this would look better in b/w but I can certainly see why you didn't go that route for this challenge.
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02/23/2006 08:01:29 PM
Great shot. Very creative! Love the perspective, lighting et al.
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02/23/2006 06:00:54 PM
why does it feel like ive already rated this image...
02/23/2006 02:27:09 PM
Nicely done. Good colour tone.
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02/23/2006 01:30:59 PM
wow nice
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02/23/2006 01:19:28 PM
This is so striking. Very Ansel Adams-esque!
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02/23/2006 10:52:51 AM
Didn't I see one like this already?
02/23/2006 09:15:04 AM
The textures seem a bit fuzzy...ie the cracks. It seems a bit unbalanced to me. The clouds on top on the right with the rock on the bottom right. And then the dark hill on the left with empty space directly above and below. Not to say its bad just makes me eyes draw to the empty spaces. Which may have been your point. I still gave it a 7.
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02/23/2006 08:50:17 AM
I like this
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02/23/2006 04:12:37 AM
Interesting whimsical zen touch in an otherwise conventional landscape. Odd that I prefer this one with the rock, whereas its sibling I'd prefer without the rock. 7.
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02/23/2006 02:12:01 AM
Fascinating! Love the perspective and positioning of the rock. I hope you tell how the line got that way. Great composition. 10
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02/22/2006 11:44:11 PM
02/22/2006 06:58:10 PM
Now there's a photo worth owning...
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02/22/2006 05:37:43 PM
there is another very similar to this
02/22/2006 04:26:52 PM
same rock... different angle.
02/22/2006 03:57:13 PM
I am guessing you and a friend went looking for photo ops together?
02/22/2006 02:59:17 PM
great shot - excellent crisp focus - the sky really co-operated with you on this one... I really like your composition
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02/22/2006 02:57:00 PM
This is an excellent photo. I remember seeing something on TV about these rocks in Death Valley... the phenomenon is quite intriguing! Excellent work... 10
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02/22/2006 12:17:20 PM
wonderful image.
could you explain it?
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02/22/2006 11:30:00 AM
How bizarre. Nice shot.
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02/22/2006 11:18:40 AM
VERY nice. Sharp, good detail, beautifully composed, nice choice of tones.
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02/22/2006 10:54:43 AM
I thought I voted for this one already, but after looking more..its a lil different, the rock is going the other way..did u sumit twice?
I like the picture otherwise
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02/22/2006 09:38:02 AM
I remember this rock, the first one on the left side as you start walking on the racetrack. You got some great clouds and a nice side light.
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02/22/2006 08:14:07 AM
i allready saw this photo, i think. :) but still this is great.
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02/22/2006 01:26:25 AM
Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous photo! 10.
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