Opened up the jpeg, adjusted levels.
Partly desaturated yellow & red hues in her arm.
Flatten, resize, USM, Save for web.
I had a really tough time shooting for this challenge. My mind was just at a blank...until I went out with a group of other photographers and I was photographing the girl seen here in the image. I suddenly grabbed the man and asked him to jump him so I could do this shot specifically for the challenge.
This building is actually leaning as you see has collapsed in many parts and I was balancing on piles of wood to get the shot. I felt their physical appearances, as well as their attire against this derelict of a building was so odd that I tried the shot.
I hope that helps.
Place: 52 out of 105 Avg (all users): 5.1772 Avg (commenters): 4.6667 Avg (participants): 4.8689 Avg (non-participants): 5.2841 Views since voting: 1384 Views during voting: 537 Votes: 237 Comments: 4 Favorites: 0
The first three parts of this critique are written based purely on examination of your photo. "Final thoughts" is written after reviewing your score, photographer's comments, and voter comments.
TECHNIQUE Technically excellent, I think. There's good detail across the full tonal range, except that bright white rectangle against the back wall, but I think that's supposed to be bright white. Good detail and textures in the wood, clothes, etc. It's all very sharp, exposure is great. Excellent technical control.
COMPOSITION I'm not sure I understand the idea or purpose of your shot. The title, "don't push it" doesn't really rink a bell with me? An old building, hence "pushing" the walls could make them fall down?? Is the best I can think of. An "odd couple?" Hmmm. From a strictly compositional standpoint, the vertical joists are leaning to the left due to the perspective effect. That's disconcerting to the eye, but it also may add a little to the feel of this old structure on the verge of falling down. I particularly like the splash of sky and tree that's visible through the window. That bit of added color really sets off the starkness of the old, weathered interior. I think a closer crop on their faces might have made for a clearer statement in composition. There's plenty of wood at the top and foreground floor at the bottom that probably could have been sacrificed in the interest of tightening on the faces. There's plenty of building still available for context behind and directly in front of them. Just a suggestion. Whenever humans are present, faces are pretty crucial, unless pose and body language is speaking loudly (which doesn't appear to be the case here).
EMOTIONAL IMPACT Hmmm, it's really just a shot of a man and woman posing rather pensively in an old building. It does make me wonder what they're doing, and any photo that raises questions in the mind of the viewer is making a connection, right? The problem is, for me it is much more of an intellectual question than it is an emotional one. Overall, I doubt that it has the initial visual appeal to hold voters' attention for more than a few seconds. Just a thought, maybe if he was trying to knock the wall down and she was on the other side trying to hold it up? (tension, emotion, and "odd" couple - at odds??).
FINAL THOUGHTS Wow, only three comments, and no real obvious connection to the voters, eh? Your score of 5.17 surely reflects this blase' attitude, but I think you earned some points because you really nailed it technically. I wish you would have shared some of your thoughts and intentions in the photographer's comment. What were you aiming for? What "feel" were you hoping to evoke in voters' minds?? I find these comments invaluable after I spend time trying to grapple with a critique photo.
A nice capture... perhaps a bit of a stretch to meet the challenge but perhaps not. The commp is really good and you've got great tones... well done... :)