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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Comfort (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE F200
Location: ummm....
Date: Feb 27, 2006
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 20 0
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Humorous, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 28, 2006

Okay, I went for the laugh. We sure appreciate the comfort of tp when we don't have it though! :D I've been on a kick taking photos of very mundane things. I like the look of this one. I know it won't be popular but I hope a few folks appreciate the humour. I tried to make it look nice, also.

In camera b&w setting, EV +1.7, upped the contrast slightly.

March 8,
Thanks to all who commented and voted generously...;D
I actually like the 'overexposed' window--I think it gives a humourous 'celestial' quality to the toilet paper and I don't think it is important to see my neighbor's house thru the window. Whenever I shoot through a window (which is fairly often since this is a favorite scenario of mine) I bracket and take several photos. Whatever I choose from there is a creative choice. I don't always go for what would be considered the best 'technical' shot.
I shot this in b&w because I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Place: 145 out of 253
Avg (all users): 4.9676
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.6667
Avg (non-participants): 5.1277
Views since voting: 979
Views during voting: 311
Votes: 216
Comments: 24
Favorites: 0

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04/10/2006 09:51:17 AM
I gave this an 8. The curtain makes for an interesting composition, and yes... it made me laugh!
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03/08/2006 06:05:30 AM
Those who have lived or traveled in countries where this item is absent or not always available know that the comfort it can provide punctually, places it way before sofas, teddy bears, booze, pets and other metaphysical contraptions depicted in this excruciatingly boring inventory of household equipment, photographer progeny and domesticated mammals we were given to review this week.

This bluntly composed image has a nice contemporary feel to it and shows with a real economy of means and no graphic emphasis several basic comfort classics of modern days living.

By far the best image in this challenge (though my judgment is notoriously untrustworthy).
If you plan to ribbon though, find alternative ways of being smart.
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03/08/2006 02:11:25 AM
Originally posted by emmylou:

Doh! This should be in the top ten!

Well... its in MY top ten!

Thanks a bunch. I'm actually pleased it did as well as it did considering it has so much that the average DPC voter seems to hate (centered subject, blown-out light, b&W). I thought it was funny for the challenge but I also like the image on it's own merit.
03/08/2006 12:32:46 AM
Doh! This should be in the top ten!

Well... its in MY top ten!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/07/2006 03:45:08 PM
Ok......it took me a minute, but I'm there. Very heart-felt light. Nice job.
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03/06/2006 06:08:56 PM
Initial response: positive

I like this photo, simple, effective, interesting. It lacks something and I just can't see what that something may be ... I'm going with 8 to start. Yes, 8 - final answer for now. I'll have to visit later.
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03/06/2006 12:37:29 PM
Im not such a big fan of black and white photos, but this could only work this way. A nice touch with the chipped paint on the window sill
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03/04/2006 01:04:01 PM
too bright
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03/04/2006 11:09:08 AM
well we all gota do it,gr8 effect with the lighting
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03/04/2006 10:27:40 AM
One of the best in the challenge. I like everything aobut this picture from the technical ( wonderful tone on tone and composition) to the feeling it evokes of being comfortable and protected on a yucky day. A 10.
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03/03/2006 09:17:56 PM
Very nice and simple .
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03/03/2006 04:07:30 PM
Personally, I'd prefer more cropped on left to bring the TP out of center more.
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03/03/2006 11:27:58 AM
Darn if that ain't the truth...a creative take on the challenge...nice and simple.
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03/03/2006 11:02:42 AM
I hope there's another one in the house.
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03/01/2006 10:45:43 PM
Great idea and worth a smile.
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03/01/2006 08:30:34 PM
Just a little too over-exposed. Love the concept!
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03/01/2006 06:27:20 PM
I am marking this one high. The choice of subject matter is so darn GOOD!
Most people don't know the comfort of this until they are caught short.
My kind of 'insightful'! ( I only wish I had thought of this)
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03/01/2006 02:09:00 PM
Is that toilet paper? I can't tell.
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03/01/2006 02:01:35 PM
Not sure where the comfort is in this photo. Window is overexposed.
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03/01/2006 01:08:24 PM
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03/01/2006 08:16:54 AM
Not sure about the use of B&W for this shot
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03/01/2006 08:15:17 AM
Ha...well, it wouldn't be very comforting WITHOUT toilet tissue. Extra point for originality and it is great in B&W.
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03/01/2006 12:37:05 AM
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03/01/2006 12:29:10 AM
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