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Seasonal Footwear
Seasonal Footwear

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Footwear (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5600
Location: Crestline, CA
Date: Mar 12, 2006
Aperture: F/2.9
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/88
Galleries: Humorous, Water
Date Uploaded: Mar 12, 2006

Put on Flip Flops. Stick feet in freezing snow. Photograph before frostbite sets in.

Place: 180 out of 271
Avg (all users): 4.6652
Avg (commenters): 4.9000
Avg (participants): 4.2268
Avg (non-participants): 4.9779
Views since voting: 850
Views during voting: 318
Votes: 233
Comments: 11
Favorites: 0

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03/28/2006 02:49:00 AM
Greetings from the Critique Club :-)

This is your entry in the 'Footwear' challenge. You certainly met the challenge here. That is indeed footwear :-) I think this was a good idea, and commendable to go to such lengths to get a shot. The execution though, seems to come up a little short in this case.

The first thing that strikes me about the photo is in it's point of view, it appears kind of 'off the cuff', or too spontaneous. It looks like you put on flip flops, stuck your feet in freezing snow, and took a photograph before frostbite set in :-). What I mean is, it just comes across as very mundane. It's a view anyone would have if they stood and looked down at their feet. Not very stimulating. Focus seems like it could be sharper also.

So what could of been done differently? or what could be done differently in the future? Well, basically it comes down to trying to find points of view that are stimulating, that perk the attention of the viewer. Something that is not normally seen by the typical person. Shooting higher or lower than what would be 'normal'. Sharper, unordinary angles. Use of natural elements as framing, like branches, fences, windows etc. Dynamic compositions, using things like rule of thirds, minimalism, leading lines, perspective, etc. Using a tripod can help with this. You can set up your shot, and use the timer on the camera, mounted on the tripod for the shot. An alternative to a tripod, is to set up shots like this where there is an available surface to set the camera on. Some people use bean bags (of any sort, even 'beany babies') to set their camera on, on a flat surface. Then you have the freedom to position yourself (or whatever the subject) in a well thought out, strong composition. Also, a tripod, or setting the camera on a surface, and using the timer can really help to improve focus and not get any camera shake.

I also think possibly, the shot could of been stronger perhaps if the stray snow wasn't on your feet and pant legs, covering the shoes, etc. It may have made the feet and flip flops stand out more, getting the point across more solidly, and given less of an impression like this person was walking through the snow (albeit with flip flops on) and just stopped and looked down and took a shot.

A nice idea, clever and original for the challenge. Whimsical and humorous. I think it just needs a stronger presentation to garner a higher score in this case.

If you have any questions or comments or anything, please feel free to contact me.

Happy shooting,
taterbug :-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/20/2006 12:50:40 PM
My feet would be frozen!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/16/2006 06:27:32 PM
That must be cold...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/16/2006 05:14:17 PM
The snow looks like salt.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/16/2006 01:29:24 PM
wow...cold toes...wrong season!!! :-)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/15/2006 06:58:19 PM
I thought about doing Sponge-Bob flip-flops in the snow, sorry to say I'm glad I didn't. Maybe a tighter crop on the feet would have made this image more interesting to me. On the bright side I always vote an extra point for someone who thinks like me, crazy aren't I.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/15/2006 04:32:43 PM
Seasonal??? I wear flip flops 365 days a year. Although I do live in San Diego, but still.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/15/2006 02:49:33 PM
out of season you mean?? :-D
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03/15/2006 01:33:28 PM
Looks cold, nice shot
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03/15/2006 10:07:30 AM
this could be my teenager!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/15/2006 01:23:16 AM
lacks focus unfortunately
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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